AllPowers S2000 Pro Power Station Review | 2400W Output + 30A RV Plug

[Music] Foreign Hi I'm Dustin Abbott and I'm here today To give you my review of the all powers S2000 Pro then also their 400 watt solar Panel my review here today at this point I've spent time with quite a number of Different brands in their solar Generators or portable power stations However you want to refer to them and so At this this point I have a pretty good Sense of I think what people are looking For certainly what I'm looking for and This is a unit that has some strengths And a few weaknesses that I'll try to Highlight as a part of this review the Strengths of this include a large 1500 Watt hour capacity that gives you 2400 Watts of continuous AC output or up to 4 000 watts of surge power it does have The UPS function that allows you to have An uninterrupted power supply and make Sure that things like a computer or some Other kind of sensitive device you don't Have to worry about a power outage Causing damage to it it has very rapid Recharge up to 1500 watts of input via AC power it has no external AC power Brick and so allows you to plug right Into it and it even has a 30 amp RV plug At the front now weaknesses include Slightly clunky controls and a few Charging quirks that will detail as a Part of the review let's start however

By looking at the basic specs here Obviously the larger you go in terms of The power capacity of these batteries The heavier they become so this in this Case I would call this unit use it's Perfectly movable but it's not what I Would call light and obviously how fire Going to move it is going to depend on You know how desperate you are number One and also how strong you are but it Weighs in at 14 and a half kilograms or About 32 pounds and so that's not Lightweight but neither is it immovable And certainly compared to equivalent Generators in terms of the power output It is moderately sized in terms of that Overall footprint it is 37 and a half by 24 and a half by 25 in centimeters or Right under 15 inches by 9.6 inches is By 9.8 and so not huge as you can see But not small either as noted it has a 1500 watt hour capacity and gives up to 2400 watts of continuous pure sine wave Power and up to 4 000 Watts Peak though That's a little harder to test because As we're going to see this power is a Lot of things within that standard that You have already at the 2400 watts of Output it has four standard AC plugs Here across the front these are all 110 Volts and obviously you can do a Combined up to 2400 Watts there it also Has the 130 amp plug that's also 110 Volt by the way but RV type plug and

That comes in handy for a couple of Things that I'll detail in just a moment It has 40 USBC or excuse me USB a ports In the front and so those have a couple Of different delivery standards up to The higher output ones will give you 5 Volts 2.4 amp output of power there are Two USB C port reports with a power Delivery standard these are 5 volt 20 Amp output ports that will give you up To 100 Watts at the power delivery Standard it has one car output covered Up here which is a 13 volt 10 amp output So a lot of different ways to power a Variety of devices obviously and then it Also has the AC input which is in the Back and it's just a standard plug in There's no external power brick as noted And it has one Anderson solar input that Allows you to charge via solar at up to 650 watts of input which is actually Quite high for a unit like this which is Going to come to the strengths here that We'll talk about in just a moment and That is how rapidly you can recharge This particular device which is very Important for a lot of reasons finally One thing I'll note that is missing here That some competitors have and that is There is no Wireless charge option so You're not going to be able to just set Your phone or something similar on the Front and do inductive power delivery Through that so some of the strengths is

That it can suck electrons really really Fast a whole lot faster than some Competitors up to 1500 watts via AC Input and just to give you how an idea Of how fast that is that means you can Recharge this whole thing to completion And only about an hour and a half via That 1500 watt input that's really Really fast and there are certain Situations where if you have a narrow Window where you need to get it Recharged for one reason or another that Could be incredibly important and it's An area where I've been let down by some Other power stations in the past in one Instance for example I had an inspector Coming and I was using a unit like this For a power backup on a job site and I Needed to have a certain standard form For the you know the fire safety and as A byproduct because we had already ran a Test earlier to see how long it could Run things it took so long to recharge That I didn't have enough power to Actually run the test when the inspector Was there which caused me some problems A unit like this you wouldn't have a Problem because you can recharge it Really really fast I live in Ontario Canada this is not exactly the solar Capital of the world and so for me even On a good sunny day it's more like four To five hours of charging that's with This 400 amp panel that's if you

Actually had 600 watts of input going in You probably could hit that three hour Standard but just using the the all Powers 400 watt panel and then this it Takes me you know like I said probably Around five hours to accomplish that Which is still quite good all things Considered now on the note of the solar Panel itself I actually really really Like this now understand that it is big As you can see here the footprint is Large it's not too bad when it is folded Up which I'll detail in just a moment But what I like about this is that in Most cases other brands that I have Reviewed they're relying on multiple Solar panels to accomplish this So while this is big and it is heavy it Is nearly 50 pounds to carry it that's 21.4 kilograms so yeah that's Hefty However because it has a good handle and It folds up in a nice sturdy package It's actually not terrible to move at Least to me but what I like is that You're not having to work with carrying Out multiple panels and then wiring them You know into parallel or series to run Power back and so you can get all of it Out of here so it just makes for a Really straightforward setup so as you Can see there are five taller panels That are part of this each one of these Has a kickstand and so as you can see It's just a matter of folding it back

Like this and then when you get to the End there is a couple of straps that Just come in and plug in like that and That keeps it stable and so you actually Only end up with one of the kickstands That are velcro attached that exposed in The back you have a really large pouch Here but because you have a really Sturdy carry handle while that's not Light it is manageable so there's Something to consider there so a quick Demonstration nation of the most Effective way to actually set this up an Array considering that it is kind of big And clunky you start with this right Here and so if you start with the first Kickstand out and then as you move Towards the second kickstand go ahead And set that out and so once you've Established two of them here and make Sure that they're actually setting in Place and so supporting that way as each One as you bring it out and fold it over Just set it like this So on and so forth and so that way It allows you to array it all out at the Same time without having any kind of Issue there so a couple of notes on the Actual solar panel itself first of all It is has very good power efficiency 22 Percent uh Power efficiency and so even On you know kind of the weather around Here that I've seen I've seen lots of Days where I'm getting 340 350 Watts out

Of it it also is relatively inexpensive For a 400 watt panel which is obviously Going to be a lot of people's favorite Part now going back to the actual unit Itself here the big advantage of a Larger unit like this is that if you're Using it for example in a power outage Or even while camping or you know for an RV this can power a lot of things in Fact about 99 of household appliances Fall under this um you know 2400 watt Output minimum so I tested a variety of Common items including a toaster which Was Zero problem had no issue with that I did a 1100 watt blender Ninja blender Zero problems with that and then what Has been kind of The Benchmark actually Have an electric tea kettle which has About a 1500 watt demand which is heavy Enough that a lot of a lot of these uh Power Stations don't run it I had zero Problems empowering it from the all Powers S2000 Pro Now the other thing about this that's Somewhat unique is the fact that it does Have this 30 amp RV plug and you say so What's the use of that well for one Thing if you happen to drive an EV an Electric vehicle having one of these um Around might actually be really useful Because you can actually recharge off That 30 amp because you can plug into That you actually could it and Potentially recharge something like a

Tesla for example if you have run out of Power and it might give you enough to be Able to limp into an actual Power Station to charge it you can get Anywhere between 12 and 14 kilometers of Of driving out of that you know around Eight miles or so which you know might Be enough to get you to a power station So I mean that's one application that Could be very handy the other thing is Is that there are a lot of people that Actually might want to use this for an RV there are a number of RV parks that Won't allow you allow you to run a Generator after dark well obviously this Has almost no noise associated with it So it would allow you to still plug into It and keep some things running Overnight during a time when a typical Gas power generator might not work for You and so that's another option there In terms of the actual battery structure Here a couple of positives there that is We have 2500 plus Cycles before you Reach about an 80 percent Um you know or can only charge to 80 Percent and to give you an idea of how Long that is it's about 10 years Charging it you know one power cycle per Day and so this is going to last you for A long time most people's use is not That heavy one charge per day so this is Something that theoretically could last You for a really really long time

Without having to worry about the Batteries breaking down it also has a Very effective power or battery Management system a BMS system inside And that's just going to keep you from Doing stupid things like you know Getting yourself shocked but also doing Wrong wiring things or operating things When they're wet and they're dangerous It just is very effective at keeping all Of those things out and we'll give you Some information on the LCD in the front It also has app control and monitoring Now this is Bluetooth not Wi-Fi so it's More you have to be in the proximity of The unit you can't monitor it from you Know your home while it's on another Site for example but if you're within Bluetooth range you can remotely monitor It you can turn it on and off things Like that you can see how much more Battery life you have Etc all of those Things So let's talk about some of the things That I didn't love just practical things Over about five or six weeks of testing At this point I found that turning on The AC power that's the middle uh button There is kind of quirky in that while The DC power will come off come on with Just kind of a one slightly long uh Touch the AC power requires like a long Press of about three seconds and you Know and that seemed like a rule a long

Time and so if you only hit two seconds And nothing comes on it can be a little Bit frustrating the other thing that's Frustrated for me is that one of the Things that I like to charge I actually Have the Milwaukee M18 fuel lawnmower And so it actually has two very large 12 Amp hour batteries that are a part of That and so um as a byproduct of that I Have a rapid charger for Milwaukee that Can suck electrons really fast but what I find is that with that rapid charger Which has its own built-in fan and then This has its built-in cooling system Is that for whatever reason there's a Quirk in between that to if I'm running That even once the batteries are fully Charged it will continue to draw quite a Bit of current because for whatever Reason the fans keep running on the Milwaukee fast charger in a way that They don't when I'm just plugged into Normal AC power so it continues to draw And if I'm not careful if I you know Have just gone away and left the house For example it will continue to drain The battery down all the way till zero So that can be very frustrating there so Something to watch out for when you're Outside charging I do find that the Display washes out fairly easily in Direct sunlight which makes it kind of Hard to evaluate what your state of Charge is in that case you might be

Better off to use the app and just Monitor it in that way where you can Look at your phone screen rather than Trying to look at this I also found that I would see sometimes some inconsistent Power delivery results at the lower Percentages to where the you know the Battery life doesn't sometimes it will Just go to zero much quicker than what I Expect and so it's not always entirely Reliable to uh to evaluate on that Particularly if you're using something That is higher draw to where it doesn't Seem to keep up on monitoring it quite As well as what I would like I also Found that typically these kind of units Have been pretty bulletproof and tar in Terms of charging things like my cameras Or tablets and things like that Obviously I do a lot of tech reviews so I charge a lot of different devices Typically with these things I don't have To worry about the power delivery Standard but I actually find that with This I have to make sure to choose the Right between the two USBC power Delivery plugs they don't output power In the exact same way and so I find I Have to switch between them depending on The device itself and that's something That I thought was behind me with these So it's a little Quirk that I don't Enjoy all that much Also you might want to know that this is

Not a weatherproof device it's not rain Proof they do include a rain cover to go Over it but the unit itself is not you Know weather resistant it's not IP rated The panels are but this is not and so as A byproduct you may have to be a little Bit more careful about an outdoor Application if you're in inclement Weather the other thing that's just kind Of a design flaw here is that if you're Using the 30 amp plug here it can Actually cover over the the port where You're going to have your your solar Panel power coming in and so you might Run into a situation where you can't use Both of those things at the same time Which is just a design flaw there so a Few quirks to be aware of price point Here we're about between 16 and 1700 US Dollars or 2300 Canadian though I will Note that there are often coupon Promotions that will dramatically lower That price including right now for the First few weeks after this review Through the end of August you can use The code Dustin in Abbott to get 25 Percent off and so obviously that Significantly lowers the price making This very very competitive so my Conclusion is this some of the fine Details are not as smoothly implemented As some competitors but this also packs In a lot of the important things that They don't always get right it does some

Things really really well like receiving And outputting power which is kind of The you know the main deal here with These kind of units so I consider this To be a worthy option particularly if You can get it on sale kind of the main Ingredients are well covered here and Just there's a little bit of quirks in Some of the overall handling but once You figure those out I think you can Live with it I'm Dustin Abbott and I Hope that this has helped you out and Helped you to make an informed buying Decision if you're considering the all Powers S2000 Pro unit or their 400 watt Solar panels I will link to some buying Options in the description down below if You want to purchase one for yourself if You haven't already please like And Subscribe thanks for watching have a Great day and let the light in [Music]

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