Canon's best pancake lens

Canon’s best pancake lens

Some of my absolute favorite camera Lenses in the world today are pancake Lenses especially ones with autofocus And this has to be the best one I've Ever tested the new Canon rf28 mm f2.8 Is just about the sharpest…

Funleader XSLIM-M 28mm f/2.8 Pancake lens review

Funleader XSLIM-M 28mm f/2.8 Pancake lens review

Greetings again everyone and today I'll Be checking out what is surely the Coolest looking little lens I've ever Seen in my life the fun leader X slim M 28 millimeter F 2.8 pancake lens it's Also one of the…

Canon RF 28mm f/2.8 STM pancake lens review

Canon RF 28mm f/2.8 STM pancake lens review

Howdy again everyone and today I'm Pretty excited to check out Canon's First Pancake lens for their new Mirrorless RF Mount camera system the RF 28 millimeter F 2.8 STM it's a full Frame lens at an affordable price of…

Nikon Z 26mm f/2.8 lens review

Nikon Z 26mm f/2.8 lens review

[Music] Greetings everyone as my patreon Supporters will know from my recent Video for them I absolutely love pancake Lenses so it's great to see Nikon's First proper full-frame pancake option For their new Zed Mount mirrorless Camera system the…

Re-review for 2023: Canon EF-S 24mm f/2.8 USM on an EOS R7

Re-review for 2023: Canon EF-S 24mm f/2.8 USM on an EOS R7

[Music] Greetings again everyone now the most Popular camera lens review I've ever Made got knowing well over a million Views is that of a little Canon pancake Lens for their old aps-c digital SLR Cameras the Canon EFS 24…

Astrhori 18mm f/8 Pancake Shift lens review

Astrhori 18mm f/8 Pancake Shift lens review

[Music] Howdy again everyone and Chinese company Astra hori also known as Rockstar are Continuing to make a bit of a name for Themselves by releasing interesting and Unusual manual focus lenses today an 18 Millimeter f8 Ultra wide angle…

Most beautiful pancake lens in the world

Most beautiful pancake lens in the world

[Music] This has to be the best looking camera Lens that's ever made it into my testing Laboratory the fun leader bright and Star 28 mm f2.8 pancake is a new lens For like a mount cameras with a tiny…