Re-review for 2023: Canon EF-S 10-18mm IS STM on an EOS R7

[Music] Hello again everyone at the time of me Writing these words there aren't really Any native Ultra wide angle lenses for Canon's new aps-c mirrorless RF Mount Cameras although it's likely that Canon Will eventually re-release their Knight 11 to 22 millimeter EFM lens for RFS Mount so I thought it might be fun to Retest some of their well-regarded EFS Ultra wide angle Legacy lenses using an Adapter to see how well they work on a Very high resolution EOS R7 camera and So we arrive at exhibit a the Canon EFS 10 to 18 millimeter F 4.5 to 5.6 is STM When it came out back in 2014 it Astonished everyone with its very low Price and very good image quality Opening up the world of ultra wide angle Photography even to those Canon Shooters On a low budget which was a beautiful Thing in my opinion it also came out Just in time for me to return turn to South Korea after a few years away to Make a documentary about the exciting Christian Church out there Link in the Description below for anyone interested The lenses Zoom range of 10 to 18 Millimeter is the full frame equivalent Of about 16 to 29 millimeter which isn't A very long Zoom range really but at Least it still goes nice and wide the Aperture brightness of f 4.5 to 5.6 is Pretty dark making it a difficult lens

For shooting in dark situations Especially video work although of course That dark maximum out here will have Reduced the size and weight and cost of The lens probably the most interesting Thing about this lens now is that it's Still such great value at only 300 US Dollars new and over on eBay you can Find plenty of second-hand copies for About half of that price its image Stabilization is a nice little feature Too especially of course if your camera Doesn't have it built in here's some Footage at 18 millimeter without Stabilization and here it is turned on As you can see it helps you quite a lot Most noticeably of course when you're Zoomed in The build quality of this lens is Plasticky even down to the lens mount With no weather ceiling and to the rear There's a useful Auto manual focus Switch as well as a switch for the image Stabilization then comes a rubberized Zoom ring which turns smoothly and Evenly and on this copy of the lens Without any stickiness to it useful for Video Rag and in front of that comes a Little plastic manual focus ring which Turns very smoothly and lightly it's Electronically coupled to the Focus Motor and works very responsively to Being turned the lens exhibits only a Little Focus breathing when you're

Zoomed all the way in and changing Focus Zoom out and it's a little more Noticeable but still not an issue really The lenses STM autofocus motor is quick Silent and accurate although frankly I Don't imagine that being the autofocus Motor on an ultra wide angle dark Aperture lens is really all that to Taxing the Lens comes with the usual Front and rear caps although you'll have To buy a lens good separately if you Want one of those it has a filter valid Size of 67 millimeters which is very Useful although you'll want to mount any Quite thin filters onto it in case of Vignetting any image Corners my EOS R7 Camera had no issues with this lens with In-camera corrections or anything like That it all worked straight out of the Gate overall the build quality of this Lens is low budget and plasticky but Actually absolutely fine and its Electronics work great all right let's Take a look at image quality now how Will the lens cope being mounted on a 32.5 megapixel EOS R7 camera let's take A look in camera Corrections are turned On for this test at 10 millimeter and F 4.5 sharpness is excellent in the middle Of the image and contrast is very good Too over inner Corners image quality Remains quite decent not super sharp by Any means but really not bad at all Image quality stays this good done under

F 5.6 and even f8 stopped down to f11 or F16 and the lens just gets softer due to Diffraction okay let's Zoom all the way In to 18 millimeter now at F 5.6 the Central sharpness continues to be Excellent Corner image quality is sharp But a bit ghostly with somewhat low Contrast stop down to f8 or f11 for much Better contrast but not really any more Sharpness overall it's a really solid Performance from this cheap little aps-c Camera lens it's Corner image quality is Never super sharp but it's perfectly Decent and Central image quality is out Of this world it's a fair bit sharper Than its older brother the 10 to 22 Millimeter F 3.5 to 4.5 then I tested a Little while ago okay let's turn off any Camera Corrections and look at Vignetting and Distortion it's good news Here too really probably because the Rather narrow Zoom range at 10 Millimeter we see surprisingly Little Barrel Distortion nice vignetting at F 4.5 is pretty strong though stop down to F 5.6 or f8 for those Corners to Brighten up a bit zoom into 18 Millimeter for only negligible balance Distortion to appear but again dark Corners at the brightest aperture it's Only at f11 that those Corners brighten Up still a good show here the only Corrections you'll really need to do are For peripheral illumination let's see

About close-up image quality now the Lens is impressive minimum Focus Distance of only 20 centimeters can get You really close to smaller subjects at F 516 close-up image quality is pretty Ghostly but not too soft stop down to f8 For contrast to make a return although The lens is never quite as sharp Close-up as it is at normal distances Okay let's see how the lens works Against Bright Lights now it's not a Great performance there's some rather Bitty flaring to be seen here get into There at wider angles which remains as You zoom in so it's just a so-so Performance here while we're working in A dark let's take a look at coma levels F 4.5 is hardly a very bright aperture To be starting from but I'm still glad To say that virtually no coma smearing Can be seen here let's zoom out and look For sun Stars well forget about it Basically only when you're stopped down To F22 do even small Sun stars begin to Appear finally Boca it's really hard to Get out of focus backgrounds with this Lens due to its Ultra wide angle nature And very dark aperture when you do get Them by getting very close to your Subject those backgrounds look just okay Overall well if you don't mind it's dark Maximum after and rather limited Zoom Range then adapting this lens onto your Aps-c EOS R mirrorless camera is

Actually a great option for Stills Photographers or video makers who want To save a little money the lens is sharp With no real Optical problems and is Great Value whether you're buying it new Or second hand although it's not a Perfect lens it's great value for money Make sure it comes highly recommended Okay well special Thanks goes to my Mother-in-law for loaning me this lens For a couple of weeks for testing as Usual though it's a totally independent Review well let me know if you're Getting sick of these EOS R7 reviews by The way I'm loving putting them together Though any excuse to use that lovely Camera and put those old lenses through Their Paces anyway if you watch these Reviews regularly and want to be a part Of keeping them going here then check Out my patreon page my support is there Make a huge difference to me keeping This channel going and they get all Kinds of exclusive bonus content thrown Into the mix also check it out in the Description below and ciao for now

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