The 7artisans 24mm F1.4 is Cheap, But...

The 7artisans 24mm F1.4 is Cheap, But…

Seven Artisans produces a lot of great And inexpensive lenses this one however Is simply inexpensive and I was debating Whether or not to do this review but I Thought about it and this is a lens that Could come…

A New Entry-Level APSC Benchmark: 7artisans 27mm F2.8 AF

A New Entry-Level APSC Benchmark: 7artisans 27mm F2.8 AF

Seven Artisans is back at it again with Their second autofocusing lens this time It's a 27 mm f2.8 designed for Sony E-mount apsc cameras and this is coming On basically the V Tru 27 mm which I Just recently…

The Best Value Lens of 2023: Viltrox 20mm F2.8

The Best Value Lens of 2023: Viltrox 20mm F2.8

VTR knows how to make a great lens and Really over the last couple of years They have become a formidable opponent In the third-party lens Choice selection Market that we have for Sony emount just Recently I reviewed their…

Zhiyun Fiveray M20C: Pocketable RGB Lights

Zhiyun Fiveray M20C: Pocketable RGB Lights

GW is always a fun time when it comes to Releasing brand new products now they're Most known for their gimbals because They seem to innovate and create fancy New quirks and features every single Gimbal iteration but lately they've…

Sony 16-25mm F2.8 G Review

Sony 16-25mm F2.8 G Review

Well now we know why the previous lens Was a 24 to 50 mm because they probably Knew this thing was coming out this is The allnew 16 to 25 mm f2.8 it's a g Lens brand new from Sony…

Sirui Night Walker 16mm + 75mm T1.2 Lenses

Sirui Night Walker 16mm + 75mm T1.2 Lenses

In July of last year I did a review of The Sur Trifecta it was the 24 the 35 And the 55 all T 1.2 apsc cine manual Lenses now today they are expanding that Lineup with these two new…

Can't Get WIDER Than This! 7artisans 9mm F5.6 for Sony Full Frame

Can’t Get WIDER Than This! 7artisans 9mm F5.6 for Sony Full Frame

9 mm on an apsc camera is exceptionally Wide it's equivalent to 13.5 mm on a Full-frame camera but fullframe lenses Can actually get much wider than this I Think this is probably one of the widest If not the…

Viltrox 27mm F1.2: A Superb APSC Lens!

Viltrox 27mm F1.2: A Superb APSC Lens!

The vro 27 mm f1.2 for Sony e-mount is Here and this is an exciting lens Because it's apsc it's F1.2 it gives you that almost 35 mm Field of view on a full frame but it's Really more closer…

FeiyuTech Scorp 2 and Mini 2 with "AI"

FeiyuTech Scorp 2 and Mini 2 with “AI”

A lot of you probably already know my Favorite gimbal of all time is this Futch scorp Pro it's massive it's made Out of mostly metal it's extreme Overkill for the small cameras and Lenses that I use on it…

Astrhori 25mm F2.8 2x-5x Super Macro Review

Astrhori 25mm F2.8 2x-5x Super Macro Review

In the macro photography World 1X Magnification is considered very good And what that means is practically if You have a sensor I drew it out here and You're taking a photo of a ladybug the Ladybug will be exactly…