Unveiling the Panasonic Lumix G9 II: First Impressions

[Music] Hey it's David nevlin from the camera Store and today we're taking a look at The Panasonic G9 II [Music] Today we're going to be talking about Panasonic's latest micro four thirds Camera the Panasonic Lumix g92 and at The same time they've also released two New lenses we also have an updated Version of the one to 400 and the very Good 35 to 100 2.8 we are going to get Into those lenses in a future review but Today we're going to focus on all the New features on the Panasonic Lumix g90 You first get your hands on the G9 two It feels remarkably like the Panasonic S5 II and that's a good thing they are Basically The Identical body between These two and that's really nice if you Are in the Panasonic ecosystem and are Switching between the micro four thirds And the full frame the cameras feel I'd Function almost identical if you take a Look at the controls here Panasonic Isn't known to make the sexiest looking Cameras but they are very functional Every button is labeled and even little Things like the iso button has a little Nub on the top here that I can easily Feel with my finger that I know I'm on The iso and not the exposure Compensation or white balance on either Side of it I do like the fact they put a

Microphone Jack and a headphone jack in Here of course but a full-size HDMI port We also have a USB C which is good for Data transfer as well as power delivery But the other side on the hand grip Section we do have dual uh S2 card slots Great for redundancy there turn our Attention to the back of the camera here We do have an articulating screen on the Back it's a three inch screen with 1.84 Million dots of resolution we also have A really nice viewfinder here it's 3.69 Million dots but it features up to 120 Hertz refresh rate which is really good If I'm shooting any kind of movement or Sports reaction with this viewfinder Also on the back of the camera we do Have an eight-way controller here as Well as the control dial which is also Another controller lots of ways to input Your information into the camera and Navigate the menu system now this camera Is fully weather sealed and Panasonic it Is says has improved Freeze Proof now in A few months time we'll be able to test That out for sure and see just how Freeze Proof it is but till then I mean I'm no worried about using this camera In rain or anything like that I'm very Confident that this camera can certainly Handle that I don't have the camera in My hands right now because Dave saw Something that caught his eye and he Took that sample away but I will mention

That we're also having the opportunity To shoot on a Panasonic Lumix G9 II so You're gonna have to let us know what You think of it what you think of the Video footage now often we're actually Shooting on a Panasonic gh6 that's been Our kit camera for a long time so Drew Is very familiar with this ecosystem so We're going to talk to him about video a Little bit later on but I want to get Into the sensor and the processor and Some of the new photo abilities that we Have so first of all this is a micro Four thirds sensor so it's a tiny sensor But it has 25 megapixels and a lot of Capability so this is really becoming Competitive with the OM systems om1 and I think it is a compelling option Especially for people that want Something that's mirrorless truly Lightweight and small and you're able to Pack around a ton of glass in a very Small package we do have the 100 to 400 Millimeter lens which basically on the Long end gives you an 800 millimeter Equivalent you can pair that with a Teleconverter as well that's the new Ability of this combination and I think That having a micro four third system is Still a really great option for people That want to have the high technical Ability and then some other really cool Features I think the big headline feature here in

Terms of the processor and everything is The face detection autofocus that is on The sensor now all the other G Series Cameras had contrast detect based DFD or Death by defocus systems Panasonic of Course did the absolute best that they Could with that system but having phase Detection I mean it's undeniable how Good it is and then having the ability To track humans animals motorcycles Other vehicles things like that is Phenomenal I mean we've seen it with all The other camera brands and once you go Face detect you never go back and we'd Love it and it's great for video too Which Drew is going to talk about a Little bit later but you also have some Really awesome modes for shooting fast Action so if you want to shoot with AFS You can shoot up to a whopping 75 frames Per second with a three second of Shooting buffer speed which is crazy you Can also shoot 60 frames per second if You want to continue with continuous Autofocus or if you shoot a mechanical You can shoot 10 frames per second so Lots of great options there and if you Want to get that pre-burse option Panasonic has brought it back it is in The g92 a lot of people were asking for It so you can shoot one and a half Seconds pre-burst before you actually Hit the shutter and it will actually Record your frames for you so this gives

You the opportunity to get micro moments You know a burger taking off in Flight Let's also talk about that Ibis the In-body image stabilization is eight Stops in the camera up to 60 millimeters So this is impressive again for being Able to do handheld shots and speaking Of handhelds we now have a handheld High-res mode this is something we saw In the Olympus or om systems cameras the Other cool thing is that we have some Neat photo mode so I was very excited if You don't know Panasonic and Leica Actually have a great relationship and So now there's this really cool Leica Monochrome mode so you get kind of that Look that you would have from a Leica Camera but it's built into a profile for Panasonic we also have some other Real-time Luts that you can use for your Photography or video and it's nice that It has it right in the camera you can See it so if you're not someone that Wants to do a lot of post-production or Grading for your video you have this Option as well Evelyn how come you look Way more hardcore than I do because I am A hardcore than you Dave I mean lifelong Girl Guide right here I mean I did uh Did bring my polka dot umbrella for the Van my backup Umbrella Just excellent it Is a nice umbrella yeah I'm always like Worried about holding umbrellas in like The lightning and thunder but you know

We'll see how it goes we'll see if I'm Still here at the end We actually are going to bring Drew on Camera and we're going to talk about Some video features because this is Where things also get really interesting With micro for thirds all right Drew Thanks for joining me on camera here and Uh my focus on umbrella as the rain Really starts to come down I I don't Remember this part of my contract uh I Think I think I'm gonna ask her when Negotiate a little bit so hopefully this Will be a quick section but Panasonic Has a fantastic video site of their Cameras tell me more about this camera Well I wish it was going to be a quick Section but it's funny in the Presentation they were like oh yeah this Is our more still-centric option uh but We're still going to give you pretty Much every Major Video feature that you Could possibly ask for Under the Sun uh But don't worry this is the still Centric don't worry open gate so really Nice for vertical video content creators You've got 6K which is something Everyone was like oh why didn't we have This in a previous version we've got 4K 120 we've got 4K 60 422 10 bit we've got 300 frames per second 1080p in a Dedicated s and Q mode plus three custom Control dials that are all programmable For video specs as well real-time

Library like there's a shorter list of Things this doesn't have than the list Of things this does have so compared to The gh6 which we've been using all the Time now how does this one improve on Top of the gh6 I mean the big ones Autofocus oh They're true but the correct answer that We were looking for is it doesn't have a Fan good luck next time buddy having Usable autofocus while we're doing video Everyone talked about the Panasonic Pulse uh which is you know Sonic wobble Right what Panasonic wobble Um and this we've been using autofocus For the entire shoot so tracking full Face and eye I've been trying to make it Fail honestly and it's been Rock Solid Through it I haven't seen any sort of uh Real hunting or anything like that for This entire shoot feel free to go back Through and check it if you want but Yeah the autofocus is the biggest one For me to say it's a they're more still Centric thing and still put a full-size HDMI in there tells me that they're Really taking this as a serious sort of Video camera as well yeah I would Honestly call this like a Content Creators tool we've said that before but Honestly it does feel like they were Tooling this with content creators in Mind so yeah full size HDMI out but no B Raw which is a bit of a interesting one

They've got SSD recording uh direct off Of the USBC and so some of the formats Are locked behind that SSD recording out Of the USBC so Apple prores being the Key one you can't actually do 4K Apple Prores without an SSD hooked into this So there are some limitations on this System but not nearly enough for me to Be like oh yeah this is Quint's essentially just a Stills camera Like this is a really potent video tool As well Well Dave it's been quite the Quite the doable hybrid camera and what Panasonic has got going for them is a Very functional camera that delivers a Ton of options to work with I can travel Anywhere I want to go and I got a very Confident tool and so I think for Someone that wants to pack late go Traveling micro four thirds is still a Very good system to get into I mean keep In mind I mean with the original G9 was Really good cameras a big step up and Then they've improved it with firmware But this is a whole new camera this is a Big step up from everything but of Course we want to know what do you guys Think what are your thoughts on this g92 Camera does it check all your boxes are You into micro four thirds let us know In the comments below is there a certain Feature set that you're very impressed With this new camera make sure you

Follow us on Instagram and if you're new To the Channel Please Subscribe hit that Notification Bell and we'll catch you Again very soon Yeah they really what can you tell me About the G9 Uh oh wait wait wait for the god of Zeus Here yeah yeah oh yeah this is See even the weather's like yeah Panasonic brings the Thunder Hey thanks for sticking around and Watching our most recent episode on the Panasonic g92 if you want to check out More of our recent content click up here And if you're a Canadian you want to Shop local check out thecamerastore.com Down here

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