Viltrox AF 20mm f/2.8 lens review

Howdy again everyone the VCH lens Company offers some of the best value Autofocus lenses on the market today and This new optic from them is I think the Lowest budget they've ever put out the Af20 mm f2.8 and at a price of only $160 this has to be the least expensive 20 mm full-frame lens around almost $100 Less than the also competitively priced Tamron 20 mm f2.8 potentially this fil Tru thing could be a serious bargain as I mentioned it's an autofocus fullframe Lens and it's coming out on Sunny e Nikon Zed and Fuji X Mount and I'd like To thank Phil TRS very much for sending Me a copy of this lens for evaluation Although as usual this is a totally Independent review I think 20 mm on full Frame is becoming the new 24 mm and that Is a wonderful thing in my opinion 20 mm Lenses are getting far more common now And one or two manufacturers have even Designed new zoom lenses starting at 20 Mm instead of 24 a trend which I'm sure Will continue and there are good reasons For this the extra whiteness of 20 mm is Helpful for video makers especially if They have to deal with cropped footage Or are shooting with digital Stabilization it's also easier to make Lenses wider on mirorless cameras than It was for digital asrs and also cameras Are getting so high resolution nowadays That with a wider angle lens you can

Still crop into your image effectively For a tighter angle while still having The wider image to play with and finally I just love that 20 mm focal length it's An ultra wide angle but without being so Wide that it's difficult to compose your Image if you're shooting on an apsc Camera then this thing will be the Equivalent of about 30 mm much less Interesting but still useful I'll be Testing this thing out on full frame Today that's clearly what it's intended For the lens's construction is dead Simple but it doesn't feel though Quality although it weighs under 200 g It does feel solid enough in your hand It's based on a metal lens mount with a USBC port for firmware update but There's no weather sealing here then Comes the lens's only control point a Plastic Focus ring which turns extremely Smoothly the lens's manual focus Response was a little slow but worked Precisely enough and here you can see That the lens suffers from a moderate Amount of focus breathing at this price Point that's what you expect to see Really the lens's autofocus Motor Works Accurately with an almost Silent weing Sound in single shot autofocus mode it's A little slow but if you switch to Autofocus continuous mode it picks up The pace very nicely the lens has a Small 52 mm filter thread I found that

You have to use very thin filters with It if you want to avoid problems with Physical vignetting even my little Mari Fit and slim polarizing filter caused a Touch of corner shading here The Lens Comes with a small plastic hood and While it does not feature image Stabilization it cooperated with my Cameras in body stabilization well Overall considering the lens's Rock Bottom price the build quality here is Absolutely fine so let's take a look at Image quality I'll be testing it today On a Sony a7r 3 camera with its 42 megap Fullframe sensor in camera Corrections Are turned on in the middle of the image At f2.8 we see great sharpness and Contrast although I'll tell you now stop Down to F4 and that sharpness becomes Perfect let's stay at f2.8 though and Look into the corners okay the image is Definitely a fair bit softer here but Still for such a wide angle on a Full-frame camera this picture quality Is still quite usable stop down to F4 For a little more brightness and Contrast in those corners but sto down To f5.6 for sharpness to become very Good there and at f8 it looks excellent The lens tastes this sharp down to F-16 Where we see the effects of defraction Softening the image just a little still For such a lowbudget lens this is a good Performance it's quite sharp at f2.8 and

Very sharp from corner to corner at f5.6 And for $160 that's more than reasonable Okay let's turn off in camera correction And take a look at Distortion and Vignette again on full frame we are Definitely seeing a bit of a weird Warping mustache pattern of distortion Here although I've seen worse vignetting Though at f2.8 is very heavy at F4 and F5.6 that corner darkness is pushed into The edges but still it's pretty bad and Doesn't get any better if you stop down Further the lens can focus down to 19 CM Pretty close although it lacks the half Macro ability of the competing Tamron NE That I mentioned at the beginning anyway The close-up image quality remains Reasonably sharp at f2.8 but sto down to F4 and it becomes very sharp again let's See how the lens works against Bright Lights we see mild glaring around the Light source here a fairly unobtrusive Purple flare and a stronger white flare When bright lights are at the edge of The image so using the lens's hood might Be helpful here while we're working in The dark let's take a look at coma Levels bright points of light in the Image Corners see a little smearing at F2.8 but not as much as I'd been Expecting and at F4 it's gone let's zoom Out then and look for sun stars at f8 They really begin to emerge and at f11 And F-16 they're pretty strong nice

Finally let's take a look at the quality Of this lens's bker you have to get Pretty close to your subject to see Background separation with this lens Even on a full-frame camera those outof Focus backgrounds look fairly smooth Here perhaps not the softest in the World but I certainly didn't notice any Particular issues overall this new V Tru Lens may not be perfect but for $160 It's certainly fantastic value for money Stop down the aperture a bit for best Results and watch out for that Vignetting especially if you're using a Filter other than that I don't really Have much hesitation recommending this Lens to any wideangle Enthusiast who Happens to be on a low Budget Thanks for watching everyone G I could Test 20 mm lenses all day I love those Things and I also love and appreciate All my supporters over on patreon they Make a big difference to me keeping this Channel going and I also like making all Kinds of exclusive bonus content for Them including special videos and Early Access check it out in the description Below and ciao for now everyone

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