Canon EOS R6 Mark II Final Review

Welcome back deep review TV viewers to The baron winter side roads of southern Alberta I'm Chris Nichols and today We're doing our final look at the Canon EOS R6 Mark II so of course we have done An initial review that was in a Beautiful California landscape but now Here we're back home the labs in Seattle Have done a lot of the lab testing here On the files as well and we just want to Give our final Impressions on how this Now full production R6 Mark II operates Hey everybody sorry to break up the Video in such a jarring fashion it's Future Chris here talking to you back in The past with a very important Announcement when we're out shooting This video on this shitty day with all This light getting photos unfortunately The SD card that took all those pictures Corrupted and we lost everything maybe Fortunately though because we got out to The mountains later on retook some shots They're way better they're just not Going to line up with that issue a full Day that we're actually shooting on so In the end it all worked out but if you Want to show your sympathy subscribe to The channel right now because it's Clinically proven to actually make our SD cards last longer alright that's it Back to the video enjoy now as I just Mentioned we did already shoot this Camera down in California and actually

The emphasis on that press event was Really to shoot Sports and action and Frankly the Canon EOS R6 Mark II at that Time was basically production I mean Very very close so I would certainly Check out that video If you really want To cover a lot of the features and Functionality but the autofocus Performed very effectively we've since Done some more testing especially in low Light that's something we didn't Necessarily get a chance to do much in California so I really want to talk About that of course it's been the Holiday seasons and Jordan shot the Canon EOS R6 Mark II full out of his Holiday stuff and we're talking low Light of course artificial light and he Was actually using a really wide Aperture shallow depth of field lens the 50 millimeter 1.2 because of course the Light there is pretty dark so we've got Lots of kids unpredictable movement Multiple faces in the frame and what We're very impressed with on the sr6 Mark II's Auto focusing is first off the Face that you choose it's very sticky it Does not leave to other faces that's Great as far as accuracy goes especially With that thinned depth of field there's A little bit of back focusing or front Focusing in some situations but for the Most part the hit rate is on the eye It's excellent even with kids running

Around so very impressive results even In low light situations I would even put This against like a Sony a74 and their Real-time tracking maybe even some cases Slightly ahead of it overall Sports and Action just the fact that you can shoot 40 frames per second in electronic Shutter mode and still get autofocus Tracking as well that was very Impressive and very accurate when we Tested it so we've got a brand new 24 Megapixel sensor in the R6 Mark II what We found now after looking a lot of the Files over this time is it's basically Very similar to what you're going to Find with contemporary cameras other 24 Megapixel full-frame cameras are going To have very similar results here in Mechanical shutter mode of course Canon's jpegs are always nice color easy To work with so those are all positives Now the EOS R6 Mark II in mechanical Shutter mode can shoot 12 frames per Second as a burst rate with full Tracking autofocus that is very Impressive handles most sporting situa Relations and so frankly you're probably Going to stay in that mode for most of Your shooting now the sr6 Mark II does Not have a stack sensor and what that's Going to actually do is cause an image Quality loss when we drop down Electronic shutter mode in fact that Image quality loss is present in stack

Sensors as well but if you look at the Canon EOS R3 also a 24 megapixel but Stacked sensor when that goes to Electronic shutter mode the image Quality loss is minimal and it's very Usable on the sr6 Mark II there is going To be a loss of dynamic range when you Go from your mechanical shutter to your Electronic shutter and it's roughly About two stops noisier Shadows when you Shoot electronic shutter mode now in low Contrast scenes or scenes where you just Don't worry about it you're gonna be Fine but if you want to boost those Shadows if you want to push that dynamic Range just remember in electronic Shutter mode it's going to be noisier Now that all being said I still feel Like there's lots of situations where I Would use the 40 frame per second Electronic shutter mode here's the thing You don't always need to worry about Dynamic range in all situations and you Know there's a lot of cameras out there That feature these really fast Burst Rates electronic shutter mode but with Heavy compromises like brutal rolling Shutter or you know basically autofocus Locking up but the Canon sr6 Mark II the Autofocus still fully tracks even up to 40 frames per second and beyond that the Rolling shutter results even though it's Not a stack chip are actually quite good They're just under 60th of a second now

What this means is you can shoot Sports In action in electronic shutter mode and You're not going to get rough diagonals And brutal rolling shutter results maybe Golf swings and really Extreme Action You might have problems but there's a Lot of sporting events where it works Very well and that 40 frame per second Can be a very useful technique when you Want to get that specific decisive Moment so other than situations where Yeah you might get some flicker with Artificial lighting or really extreme Movement might cause some rolling Shutter issues I would absolutely use That 40 frame per second electronic Shutter mode very happily it's not a Gimmick it's very usable otherwise You'll find the mechanical shutter mode Will take care of most of your Situations and then there's no image Quality or rolling shutter loss to worry About so that's it for photos why don't We talk to Jordan now about any Differences we found now with video in The latest camera all right it's Jordan Here to talk about the video performance Of the R6 Mark II and if you've seen our Previous video that's where we walked Through a bunch of the features I want To talk about how they actually perform Let's start with the image quality on This I was actually very impressed to See that we're getting detailed over

Sampled 4K whether you go from 24 frames All the way up to 60 frames per second Usually in this class of cameras we see A real image quality penalty whether It's a crop or we move over to line Skipping when recording 4K 60 but we're Seeing similar detail levels all the way Through now there was a 4K 60 mode with A very minor crop in the original R6 but It was really held back by actually Really bad rolling shutter performance 30 milliseconds here we're getting Nearly half that rate it is dramatically Improved so overall it's just much Better video quality than what we saw Before and if you're looking to shoot 4K 60 it's Best in Class now I've been Giving Canon a hard time about their Video autofocus performance for a long Time in that it just always seems to Want to jump to an object in the Foreground or an object of the Background while you're recording and if Something comes in between you and the Camera you would often see it drift off Into a foreground subject background Subject so now they've given you a new Mode and that is that it will only focus On subjects that it detects and it can Detect subjects like humans Birds Vehicles any of those the focus is not Going to drift off when the subject Leaves the frame this is also going to Look really cinematic if someone does

Just walk off the frame you're not going To see the focus suddenly snap to the Background on it but if you're shooting A person presenting to camera this makes The video autofocus just a lot more Confident you don't have to babysit it Constantly tapping on your subject to Keep the focus on them this actually Makes it a pretty good performing camera As long as you're focusing on subjects The camera can detect for inanimate Objects like this example here here Where we're telling it to focus on a Camera you will still find it drifting Off and finding other subjects so just Be aware of that primarily shooting Humans though this is much improved so Especially now that I'm using the Subject detection only for autofocus That makes the R6 Mark II a very capable Video camera now when we did our initial Review of the R6 Mark II its primary Competition was the Sony a74 and I Certainly prefer the R6 too as a video Camera you've got that much reduced Rolling shutter no crop in 4k 60 Although I would still say the Sony has Slightly stickier autofocus but since That has come out Panasonic has released The S5 II and this is a very compelling Package I think Panasonic have the best Video assist tools and features things Like open gate recording waveforms and Their Achilles heel has always been

Autofocus but now the S5 Mark II is Actually a very competent autofocus Performer so if you're primarily looking For a video camera I think the s52 makes More sense especially at its lower price But if you're planning to tackle you Know fast moving photographic subjects But still want a video camera that's Quite capable r62 makes a ton of sense You know when I first played with the Canon EOS R6 Mark II I was very Impressed but we were really using it in A Sports Action situation which I think It actually does a fantastic job for the Closest competition with the sr6 Mark II Is going to be the Sony a74 and I think I would probably still go a Sony a74 for Regular photography I like the higher Resolution of the sensor you know the Autofocusing is still excellent the Camera handles just fine you know with The Canon though I prefer the body I Like the handle I like the grip I like The menus I like the auto focusing Interface better I like the lenses that Canon offers but I still think Sony has A distinct Advantage having all that Extra third-party lens support but I Still think overall if I was going to Choose a camera for Sports in action it Would be the sr6 Mark II if that was my Main emphasis if I was going to choose It more for General photography maybe The Sony a74 gives you more advantages

But I could honestly happily use either One and really enjoy the experience but Thanks for joining us today for the Video leave your comments below and let Us know what you think subscribe to the Channel Instagram Twitter it or do all That but otherwise from drawing myself Thanks for joining us we'll see you soon With another episode of dpv TV [Music]

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