Canon R7 Tutorial – Complete Beginners Guide

This is the only video that you need to Turn your Canon R7 into an amazing Camera so in this video I'm going to Show you the best settings for photos And videos and how to set up your Autofocus stabilization and low light in The right way and as always I'll leave Links down below for the best pricing on All the gear that we talk about today so First up let's go for the body and Design of the Canon R7 chances are most Of you guys already know what's what on This camera but you might learn Something new so first up we have the on And off button now one tricky thing About this is when it's off it's Obviously off but when it's on it's Actually only in photo mode and in order To get the best possible video you have To flip over to this camera icon with The two legs and now you're in video Mode in this mode you cannot take photos And over here you have the shutter Button and then a separate button with a Red dot for video and then you also have An ISO button here once you hit this You'll easily be able to change your ISO And next to that you have the mode dial Now there's a lot of different settings And switches on this modal but the main One we need to worry about is M this Puts your camera in full man manual and This is how you're going to get the most Control over your camera and this is

Also how you're going to get the best Video and photo settings so over here You have the scroll wheel to scrub Through different menu settings and then You also have a joystick for changing Your autofocus points and down here you Have the info button now this will Change how much information is displayed On your screen if you hit it once you'll Get a whole bunch of things around that Kind of makes your screen a little too Overcrowded I personally prefer to just Have it with um just the aperture Shutter and I at the bottom and this way My screen isn't overcrowded either now Another thing you can do is also access Your quick menu you have two ways one You can hit the Q button right here on This touch screen so if you hit queue This other menu will come up that's also Touch enable so you can change all of Your major settings or you can press This middle button right here and this Will bring up the same quick menu this Is really useful for changing your Settings on the Fly and also because the Touchcreen on the back is fully enabled It just makes your life a whole lot Easier and another really cool thing Thing about this screen on the back is Is that it also has touch autofocus if You touch anywhere on the screen it will Immediately snap Focus to that subject Right now I'm just looking at the desk

So it's not doing anything but we will Talk about autofocus later in this video And I quickly want to go over the in and Outports on this camera because there's Quite a lot up here you have the Microphone down here you have the Headphones and it's important not to Flip those two things around if you take This cover back you'll actually see an HDMI port and a USB type c Port now this Is really important because you want to Make sure you protect these ports at all Time just in case you have something Plugged in and you actually bring the Screen back it will hit these ports so It's important to make sure you protect These ports so next up let's show you How to set up your camera for the best Possible image quality for this you want To go to the back of the camera and you Want to hit the menu button and you also Want to make sure you're also in the on Position for your ONN switch this way You're in photo mode once you're in your Major menu on the very first page you'll See image quality once you go into it You'll see raw and jpeg at the bottom Now these two formats are really Different and they're really meant for Different types of Shooters if you're Someone that's just casually shooting Your life you just want to get great Photos you don't want to be bothered With editing them or anything like that

You want to make sure you're shooting in Jpeg because this is also going to give You the best colors when shooting in raw Mode you're going to get a lot more data In your image you're going to be really Be able to edit these images to anything You like but the colors are also Different they're a little less Saturated they're a little more muted And you don't have quite as much of like The Canon look that everybody wants from The camera so for this if you take this Button on the top and you scroll left to Right you'll be able to change your raw But if you hit the d-pad on the bottom You'll be able to go through your jpeg Menu now when it comes to picking your Raw in jpeg quality for jpeg you always Want to pick the L with the little half Circle next to it that's going to give You the best jpeg quality but for raw it Actually depends if you have a powerful Computer and you don't you don't Anticipate worrying about if your Computer's is going to be able to handle These images raw is the best but if you Don't have the most powerful computer And you also want to save a little bit Of space on your card compress raw is Also good you're really not going to Lose anything in terms of image quality But the file will be smaller it's Compressed and your computer has to do More work to uncompress it when you're

Editing and underneath that you'll also See dual pixel raw now this is a Proprietary thing that Canon has where It lets you change your autofocus just By a little bit after you've already Shot the image but it requires a Different editing software and I Personally don't even use it so I don't Recommend other people use it either It's kind of a hassle underneath that You'll see still image aspect ratio this Is going tool what aspect ratio your Images are shot in 3×2 is going to let You see the entire sensor 4×3 is going To give you a bit more of a square 16 By9 is what this video is it's the Horizontal landscape video and one by One is just Square some people might Want to shoot in this if they want to uh Post on Instagram but the really cool Thing is even after you take an image Let's just take this image in square and Then I go over to my preview you'll see That the image still has all the stuff On the side it just shows you a square Preview now if you're shooting in jpeg It will just be a square JPEG but if You're shooting in Rong you'll still be Able to see the sides and over onto the Second menu now this has some really Important settings on it you'll see ISO Speed setting you want to click into That and you'll see ISO speed at 12,800 This is going to change whatever your

ISO speed currently is on your camera But you want to go down here and change Your ISO speed range the lowerer iso is On most cameras the cleaner it is the r S is good between 800600 3200 6,400 12,800 so what I actually want to do is I want to minimize this to not go higher Than 6400 and this way I'm not Accidentally shooting on ISO that I Don't want to now back onto the main Menu on page two you'll also see HDR PQ Now this is a setting that I recommend People turn on if they want a flatter Image if they want to be able to maybe Just edit their jpegs and you want want Like just a little bit more room to play Around with but for the most part you Get a little bit more dynamic range but It kind of washes out your image in my Opinion and I don't recommend most Casual Shooters use it but for pros this Might be actually really helpful but in Case you're someone that's working with Really tricky lighting or maybe Nighttime shoots and you want HDR right Below that is HDR mode you can click Into it and you'll turn it to Auto or You or on and you can pick how many Stops Under and Over it will take Different photos and then combine them Together into one solid HDR photo and Underneath that you'll also see Continuous HDR where you can either pick One shot or every shot this way maybe

You just want one shot in HDR maybe you Want every shot in HDR now moving over To page four of this menu you'll see an Option called picture style you want to Click into that and this is really Important for casual Shooters within This you'll see a bunch of different Picture profiles with different levels Of saturation contrast whatnot and you Basically want to try and pick the one That suits your shooting scenario the Best standard just looks great you can Also set it to Auto and it will decide For itself I personally just shoot in Portrait or landscape whenever I'm Shooting the other ones I don't really Like the saturation on them those two I Think are the best but this is going to Dramatically change the level of Saturation and color in your photos and If you're a casual shooter that does not Plan to edit them using the right Picture profile is really important Another thing you can do is if you pick A picture profile that you like you Press the info button it will actually Let you adjust the profile the way you Want it and within this profile you you Can adjust the strength of the sharpness The finess of detail contrast saturation Color tone so this way you can kind of Make your own picture profile if you Want to and if you actually hit the menu Button again there's also three

Different userdefined picture profiles That you can also set up and moving over To page five you'll see something called High ISO speed NR that's noise reduction Once you click into it you'll see two Options low standard and then High I Actually recommend leaving this Completely off mainly because the Canon R7 does a really good job with noise Already and if you're someone that wants To edit your photos later you might as Well just do it in Lightroom in Photoshop but if you're someone that's Consistently getting noisy images go Into noise reduction and set it to Standard or High play around with both I Personally just like to leave it off now Moving over to page six there's a bunch Of really Advanced options in here but The one that I want to point out is raw Burst Mode now chances are if you're a Casual shooter you probably just want to Shoot jpegs but you might want to shoot Really fast in raw mode because it has An interesting feature for it now let's Move on to the really important stuff on Page seven you'll see something called Drive mode now this is going to Define How fast and how many photos per second Your camera is taking so once you click Into drive mode you'll see a bunch of Different settings now in single Shooting one photo highspeed continuous This is as fast as it can go highspeed

Continuous it's going a little bit Slower I think it's about 10 frames per Second low continuous you're at about 5 Frames per second but if you want the Most amount of photos high speed Continuous plus is the way to go and Just in case you want to set up your Camera and have the camera take photos Of you also scroll over to self timer Now this has a couple of different Options but one self timer Mo uh 10 Second SL remote this you hit hit your Remote or the shutter button on the Camera and will take 10 seconds before It takes a photo or you can set a self Timer for 2 seconds or you can come over Here and actually set a self-timer Continuous and you can choose how many Photos in a row it will take before it's Stops shooting also if you want to Change the drive mode as in how fast Your camera shoots without having to go Back into the menus every single time if You go to the back of the camera hit the Q button and bring up your quick menu Down here in the bottom left you'll Actually see your drive mode option and Down here you can actually change your Drive mode much faster than going into Your menus now if you want to get the Most power out of the Canon R7 in photo Mode another really important setting on The same page is shutter mode now in Shutter mode you can actually pick

Mechanic mechical first curtain Electronic or electronic now in Electronic mode you can actually go from 15 frames per second all the way to 30 Frames per second electronic mode does Have this one small issue where in that Mode you get a little bit of Jell-O and Wobbling or mechanical shutter mode it Will not have that effect but you Literally double the speed of your Camera so it's worth shooting in this Mode for this specific scenario now if You're going to be taking fast photos You also want to make sure your Autofocus is working properly otherwise You're going to take super fast photos But none of it will be usable so let's Show you how to set up your autofocus Properly now there's two ways to do this One go into your menu and scroll all the Way to the second menu option which says AF on it and within this you'll see a Bunch of different options now AF Operation one shot if you click into This or Servo Servo will pretty much Keep your autofocus adjusting as your Scene and subject change one shot just Holds the autofocus takes a photo and Then changes it again once you push the Shutter button again I recommend keeping It on ser Servo and below that you'll See autofocus area now with autofocus Area if you're picking the whole area Autofocus it's looking at your entire

Sensor area but if you go over to spot AF this is just picking one small spot On your screen and with one point AF This is kind of doing the same but it's Just one very very small spot then There's expanded autofocus area and then There's also um flexible Zone one two And three and I'll show you how to do More with those in just a second but for Most people I recommend just keeping it On whole area or spot autofocus and Underneath that you'll also see subject Tracking once you go into subject Tracking and you have it on make sure It's on and then underneath that you'll See an option for subject to detect and Once you click into that you can choose People animals or Vehicles this will Basically set up your autofocus so that It's only focusing on people it's only Focusing on animals or vehicles and this Way it's just going to make your Autofocus system overall more reliable And it's going to do more of what you Want it to do for most people I just Recommend picking the option that you Have underneath that you'll also see eye Detection this is really important Everything that you're going to be Shooting has eyes animals people so with Eye detection it'll basically focus on People's eyes if you're shooting people You don't want it to focus on their Shirt or maybe their hair you want it to

Always be on their face so eye detection Is really important to turn on now Here's a really interesting option Switching track subjects now here's the Interesting thing if you set this to two Or maybe even one what this will Essentially do is that if you have Multiple subjects in the frame and You're shooting video or photos will Basically try to switch between the Subjects I actually leaving this at one And this way it's not hopping between Subjects too much now if you really want To fine-tune how your autofocus works if You go to the second page in the Autofocus menu you'll see Servo AF with A bunch of different things now you have To make sure you set your autofocus to Servo for this to work but it will give You different shooting scenarios for Different types of moving subjects Subjects that that accelerate or move Really quickly subjects that enter the The frame and leave the frame really Quickly so for this you want to read Through this menu and pick the right Subject DET Tech mode for you and at the Bottom you'll also see you can change The tracking sensitivity and how quickly Your autofocus accelerates and Decelerates and this is really important For people that are shooting a lot of Intense Action Now similar to drive mode If you don't want to have to go into

Your menu to change your autofocus every Single time simply go to the back of Your camera hit the quick menu button And you'll see your quick menu settings Pop up at the top left corner you'll see Your autofocus once you're in there Click left or right to change your Autofocus settings and within that You'll actually see spot one point Expanded area uh expand area around Flexible zones and then of course wide Now I want to quickly show you guys how To adjust your flexible Zone autofocus So once you've picked the flexible Zone Autofocus you want to hit this button Right here and this will actually allow You to change your autofocus area by Hitting the left or right keypads and This way you can set up your own Autofocus area that's best suits your Shooting style also another thing to Mention is that the autofocus modes work Pretty much the same way in video mode As well so you can apply all of this to Video now if you're struggling with Shaky photos or video here's a really Easy way to fix that in your same menu Go to page eight and click on is image Stabilization mode click into that and You'll see that right now the modes are Off if you click is mode on for the First option this will turn is mode on For photos if you click it on for the Second option that has a little camera

Next to it this is for video and you Want to make sure if you're shooting Still photos still photo is always on And another thing you can do to make Sure your images aren't crooked is right Below that there's an option called auto Level because the camera actually has um I guess image dampeners or uh movement Dampeners on the sensor will actually Make sure that once this is enabled if Your photo is just a little bit crooked It will actually automatically Straighten it out nothing ruins an image Like a crooked image so this is a really Easy thing to just turn on in your Camera and you're going to get better Looking photos just cuz they're not Crooked now when it comes to video one Really simple mistake that a lot of People make is that they actually go to Page 10 on their first on their camera Menu and they see a bunch of video Options and these are going to change How your video is shot but this is only If you hit the movie record button in Photo mode this does not carry over to Your actual video record mode in order To get the video for the best settings And all that good stuff you want to flip Over to video record mode on this top Button here go into menus and you'll Notice your menus are completely Different the first thing you want to do Is you want to go to movie record size

And you'll see a bunch of different Options now each of these is important For a different shooting scenario if You're someone that doesn't want to have A lot of data on their card full HD is a Great way to go 4K crop basically crops Into your sensor so you get a tighter Shot but it's still in 4k just in case You ever need a like a little bit more Reach with your shot this is a good mode To to go with because it's a 32 megap Sensor it's not going to completely Destroy your video quality and there's Also regular 4K now this is kind of Interesting how this camera does 4K in Just regular 4K not 4K fine you have Different options and this just gives You a standard 4K video file and you can Record this in 23 29 and 60 frames per Second and you also have different Compression types like ipb and then ipb Compress we'll talk about that Compression in a second but if you want To get the best 4K quality you actually Want to go over to 4K fine and you'll Notice you cannot record in 4k 60 with This in this mode what it actually does Is it takes the entire 32 megapixel Image sensor area squeezes it down to 4K So your 4K video really has the detail And Clarity of 7K and if you don't need Slow motion this is the ideal way to Shoot video with this camera but you can Only shoot this in 24 and 30 frames per

Second and you might be asking yourself What's the best frame rate for shooting My video well it depends if you click Down in this menu you'll see 23 29 and 60 23 is your cinematic standard frame Rate mode this is the slowest your Camera can shoot while maintaining the Illusion of video because video is just Still images back to back to back 30 Frames per second is what most YouTubers Use it's what most media and TV uses it Has less motion blur and the video Overall just looks smoother so if you're Doing something professional this might Be a better thing to use but if you're Shooting cinematic content you still Want want to go with 23 frames per Second and if you're someone that likes Slow motion this actually has more than One slow motion in this camera but if You like slow motion you simply go over To 60 frames per second and this way you Can record two times slow motion now one Thing to note is that it does not slow It down for you in camera that's a Different mode but 60 frames per second Is really your bread and butter slow Motion but you will have to take this Video and slow it down later on either In your phone or an editing software and You'll also notice there's a compression Option at the bottom ipb and ipb Compressed ipb is kind of like the pro Suumer level codec or video file type

They're pretty much nonprofessionals use If you want to save a little bit of room On your card you can go with ipb Compressed and the other benefit of this Is in my scenario and I have a really Good computer whenever I try to look at Ipb files on my computer without an Editing software it won't let me just Open it up with like imov with the QuickTime Player or like Windows Media Player but ipb light will open up Without having to use a third party Software so ipb light is probably the Codec you want to use if you're just a Professional dad just a professional Regular person that's just shooting for Fun and you never want to touch an Editing software now if you're someone That does love slow motion but you want The video slowed down for you in camera You simply go to the first page and Click on high frame rate mode turn that On and once you go back into movie Record size you'll see that it's now Full HD it's not 4K it's only full HD Which is 1920 x 1080 and underneath that You now have the option of 120 frames Per second which is five times slow Motion and with that you still have the Ipb and ipb compressed if you're going To be shooting in this mode I actually Recommend shooting an ipb because slow Motion requires so much more data you Want a codec that also has more data in

It and you also want to make sure you Turn High frame rate off when you don't Want slow motion otherwise all of your Footage will be in slow motion now Moving on to the second page of the Video menu you'll see an option called Hdrp Q mode I actually recommend turning This on specifically for video Shooters Because in this mode you now get 10 bit Color where regular video mode is only 8 Bit color so you get more p uh more Color information and while it does make Your image look a little bit flatter I Think in some ways it can actually make It more look more cinematic and of Course it gives you more control over Your image and you'll also notice Highlight tone priority is turn on by Default because this mode gives you more Information in your highlights now Another way to to get really good video Quality out of this camera is actually Turning off hdrp Q mode going over to The next menu and you have Canon log Settings now once you turn this on it Gets a little bit complicated but we're Going to walk through it first thing you Want to do is you want to turn view Assist on because otherwise you're going To get a very flat image in your camera Screen and it's not a very inspiring Image to look at you can't really gauge Whether your shot is good or not you Want to make sure view assist is turned

On there's also something called Characteristics I recommend keeping this Completely off if you're going to Shooting and log you want to make sure You don't bake in any settings and this Way you have the most amount of uh Flexibility with your image afterwards You can always add things like sharpness Saturation later on but you can take Them out and underneath this you also Have color space and you actually have Three different color spaces now which Color space you pick and is really going To depend on what's right for you Bt79 this is really for HDR TVs 709 is Pretty much the standard like you're Going to get really good colors bt20 2020 is only if you have an HDR workflow And Cinema gamut is actually what I Shoot in this gives you the most Cinematic colors the colors are very Different in cinema gamut mode compared To regular photo mode but I really like The colors in this and this is the one I Recommend most serious Shooters shoo in But if you're someone that just wants More dynamic range for maybe a corporate Video 709 is probably your best option And just like Photo mode you also have Picture Styles in video mode that you Can pick to get the right colors or the Best colors once again portrait and Landscape in my opinion look the best And just like um in photo mode you can

Also hit the info button go into every Single one of these modes and adjust Them for your liking and if you want to Make sure your video is as crisp as Possible go over to page four and Actually turn noise reduction completely Off this way you're not applying any Kind of noise reduction in camera noise Reduction usually makes your image look A little bit softer so by having this Completely off it actually gives you More control over your image because you Can always take noise noise out but you Can't really get rid of that softness And if you are someone that's shooting At high eyes CS I recommend shooting in Full stops of ISO from 800600 3200 6,400 and 12,800 you will Get very clean results and if you want To make sure you're shooting on the Right iso settings you want to go all The way to the right to this camera icon Page and over here you'll see exposure Level increments and underneath that you See ISO speed setting increments you Want to make sure this is on one stop This way it's not going to go between 800 and 1600 it's just going to go from 800 to 1600 and this way you'll make Sure you're always shooting in the right Isos and on top of that one last trick That I want to give you guys is also if You go all the way back a video menu and You go over here and there's HDMI

Display just in case you plan on using a Monitor or an external recorder with Your uh with your camera you can choose For it to show you settings on the back Screen and then give you a clean monitor Or you can have it show you all of your Settings just right on the monitor it's Going to depend on what settings you Want if you're someone that's using an Adamus Shogun like I am to do external Recording the way that I did for these Menus I recommend shooting on the first Option this way it'll give you your Menus and your settings on back of the Screen but your HDMI out will be Completely clean and you can record that For a really high quality video and if You guys follow the settings in this Video you will get the best possible Photo and video quality and before I go If you want to check out the Canon R7 I'll leave links in the description down Below and also there's a link to a free Video training on how to get better Photos and videos within an hour so if You want to get better with your camera Make sure to check out that video and I Will see you guys in the next video Peace