Camera Frame Rates Explained for Photography

Day from the camera store how fast is Fast enough when it comes to frame Rate these days we have so many option When it comes to shooting cameras that Have fast frame rates I mean way back in The day we could only shoot fastest we Could wind film now modern day cameras Are capable of 30 60 120 even 195 frames Per second so what difference does it Make when it comes to photographing very Fleeting moments Well turns out a lot if I'm shooting 6 frames per second the Chance of captur what I want on a very Fleeting subject like paintball you're Going to have a lot of spray and prey And hope for a good shot from time to Time step it up to a 60 Fram per second Camera and your chances are much better At capturing that very fleeting moment Cameras like the Canon R3 with 195 Frames per second give you the best Chance for capturing that perfect frame Now of course there is a lot more to Learn about frame rates we have a whole Video dedicated to it here it's been David the camera store we'll catch you Again Soon

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