Yaber K2S 4K Smart Projector Review | 7000+Apps

[Music] Foreign T and I'm here today to give you a Review of something a little bit Different and that is a projector from The company yabber this is their newest Kind of highest end projector it is Called the k2s pro I had a look at yammers products and the Customer feedback to them when the Company reached out to me months ago and I saw that there had very very high Reviews on Amazon there was a lot of Just positivity about the brand in General although I had no experience With them myself I've always been Interested in projectors for Photographers for the simple reason that I think one of the best ways for Photographers to make sales particularly In a setting where they're displaying Maybe some portraits or at a wedding uh To kind of kind of expand on that Application is for people to actually See the work to see beautiful photos Displayed and obviously trying to show People photos just on the back of a Camera is very very limited of course These days there is a whole lot of other Applications for a projector and frankly When I said yes to doing this projector I thought it was more of a compact Device than what it actually is this is Obviously more of a full-size projector

And so while it does still have some Applications as I'll get to in just a Moment for photographers in in general I Found that the real strength of this was As a media device particularly because This is by far the most fully featured When it comes to being a smart projector Than what I've seen to this point I Because of my work in business and in Church things like that I've worked with A lot of projectors over the years But I've never seen one that is quite so Well integrated as what this particular One is it's a smart projector with more Than seven thousand apps available for It including all the modern streaming Services it's Amazon Alexa compatible And it's very very easy to screen Screencast via NFC there's a place to Tap right here Apple play Chromecast all The typical ways for doing a screencast To a projector or you know TV type Device so some of the basic specs here To look over quickly as far as the Brightness it is rated at 800 ANSI rated Lumens and so that is bright it's not Exceptionally bright like for a Professional setting you know I Typically am looking at for in a church Site type setting I want projectors that Are at least 2 000 lumens if not Brighter and so it's not as bright as That but for more of a home application Portable application 800 lumens is

Bright enough bright enough for most Applications even outdoor movie at night At dusk you know where it's not quite Fully dark and then after dark it's Plenty bright no problem there it's Native resolution is full HD or 1080p That's at 60 hertz but it does support 4K and so you can scale up to a 4K type Resolution projection range you can Shoot from as close as small of a screen As 40 inches up to 200 inches and so That's at a distance of four and a half Feet up to 22.4 feet so obviously if You're going to get a full 200 inch Projection you're going to need to have Some room to do that over 22 feet and so A more typical application Um you know for example the screen I'm Using is at 100 inch 100 inches that's More of about a 10 to 12 foot type range Which is more manageable for actually Doing indoors Sound is actually fairly good for a Projector which are not known as media Devices when it comes to the audio side Of things however the audio here is Provided by the company JBL and it has Two 10 watt JBL speakers one on each Side and actually has pretty decent Sound for a projector and the other Thing that's interesting about it is That it can actually be used also as a Bluetooth speaker you can connect to it Via Bluetooth and just stream music

Through its speakers as well with the Actual lamp turned off and so you're not Burning any of your hours off the lamp So another interesting application Now kind of the heart of this is that it Has a built-in TV dongle with over 700 Native apps it come it came already Installed here however it is a separate Device that is but is integrated into The chassis of the projector itself it Comes with its own remote as well more On that in just a moment one thing that I'm really happy about is that this is a Wi-Fi six device and so that means that It can not only handle faster internet Speeds but at lower latency really Important for a streaming type device And that comes into impact also when it Comes to the range and where you're Placing it and how well it's going to Work for streaming it's also very quiet And particularly if you go to the quiet Mode it's just 28 decibels which is the Sound they say of a very quiet library So it is very very quiet and even in Normal operation there's very little Sound to hear it's not going to be Enough to distract you at all It obviously can play files directly From USB there's both USBC and USB a Ports on this and and so you can display Uh play through that a wide variety of Different formats including MP4 MKV WMV 3gp vob tptsda team mov

Flvtrp 4K h.264 h.265 Etc etc so a lot of different formats Which means that for those of you that Have you know maybe media that's been Ripped into various formats it is quite Flexible in terms of the playback on That which is useful now on the ports Here on the back side we have a range of The typical ports that includes HDMI We've got a USB a USBC and then also We've got a headphone monitoring Jack Along with an AV output and so you Actually have two different uh audio Outputs there which obviously is going To be handy and useful for that Application so those are the raw specs But how does the thing actually work Well I'll tell you very quickly the Different applications that I used it For I used it just setting up for indoor Viewing to see how it worked as a media Device setup indoors maybe as a you know To give someone a larger screen I also Used it as a kind of a backyard movie Night it was set up outside the house And I will note on that that even though I was outside the house it picked up the Wi-Fi signal without problem there was No lag in streaming streaming was pretty Much instantaneous and without any kind Of hiccups as far as that so I was Actually really really pleased with the Wi-Fi quality for this as a streaming Device I also used it in more of a

Wedding reception location to display Wedding video and so and one of the Things that stood out to me here is that Because it has really great keystoning And auto keystoning I was actually able To kind of position the projector off a Little bit more to the side where it was Out of the flow of traffic and it could Still display over to a screen and so we Could have the wedding video displaying There in the background while the Reception was going on and it was a Really positive addition to that Particular application also just as a Quick way to show photos you know either From a wedding or a portrait shoot but To get them up to a sizable screen where Not just people can see them better but Also more people can see them at a time And it worked really really well for That application as well though I will Note on that application it's not as Portable as some smaller projector that You could bring along for you know that Simple purpose I don't know if that Alone it's the best application for it But it certainly worked fine for that as Well So let's talk about some things that are Great before I talk about some things That are not so great over my time of Testing so what's great about it is that It is very very easy to set up it's very Uh Plug and Play there's a lot going on

Obviously with the streaming device a Variety of different Services you're Going to interact with but it basically Just plays pretty much like a Google Play Type device and that you're able to Set up streaming services and apps that Can be installed right to the projector Itself and so it works if you've ever You know set up something on a phone or A tablet that is Android based then You're going to be very very familiar With this process it was also very Intuitive in terms of been able to Interact with my phone and so I didn't Have to try to do everything just from a Remote which you know which could be a Little bit of a tedious process and so Anyway I was really really impressed by That I was able to very quickly stream I Tested about three or four different Devices and I was very quickly able to Sync up and to stream from them to the Projector which tells me it's going to Be a very very useful device for that Application where it's not going to be Difficult to hook up a new device and to Get very quickly up to displaying it and Frankly if it doesn't work like that Then people are going to each tire of Using something unless you're using it In the same you know situation again and Again and again the fact that it is plug And play and easy to use means that it's More user user friendly for a lot of

People And that's I think part of the reason Why the Amazon ratings have been so Positive is that people with a varying Range of technical ability are able to Actually use the projector and to stream To it without issue I also uh was quite Impressed with the quality of both the Autofocus and then also the auto Keystone correction and so if you move It around it instantly will pick up on That it will quickly cycle through an Autofocus and an auto keystoning and I Found through manual work I was not Really able to hardly improve over what It did and so it actually works it's Very user friendly it's not something You have to worry about and so it just Means that you don't have to be perfect In your viewing angle the camera will Correct for that quite effectively now I Will note on that note that you're Always going to get your largest picture At your shortest distance by being as Square on as possible when it's not Having to correct for keystoning you Actually get more image area and so best Application is if you can shoot directly At it but if you can't do that note that You you do have great Keystone Capabilities on that I also found that For the various applications that I Tested it was bright enough for all of Those applications and that included

Covering that 100 inch screen and so it Wasn't like some of these devices that I've used to where it's just they never Really felt bright enough this is not Overpoweringly bright but it does feel Bright enough for its intended purposes I also felt like the picture quality and The colors looked good you do have Ability to tweak all of those things but Out of the box it also looked quite good And as noted it has an easy learning Curve it basically things just work on There and are fairly self-explanatory And so that was useful one other thing That I did notice is that obviously Anything you have time you have a fan It's going to suck in some dust it was Very easy to open up a back housing and To extract a filter you can clean that Filter and then reinstall it and put That housing back on and so it was I Think cleverly designed for long long Term use and kind of keeping up on that So what's not so great about it the one Thing that really kind of stood out to Me that I missed is that it didn't come With the case and so I've actually been Looking for an appropriate case I Ordered a hard case off Amazon and I Think that sometimes happens on Amazon That the actual Measurements listed on the website for The case were not correct and so as a Byproduct on paper on screen it should

Have fit but when I actually got the Case it didn't fit and so I'm still Actually actively searching for a case Or a bag to put this in to store it in I Did note if you're sitting right next to It say for that outdoor movie night I Had to move my chair back initially I Was sitting right next to it and it did Push out some heat for these side Vents And so you might want to note that that If you're really really close to it it Does kind of blow out some heat there If you try to use Bluetooth speakers Which was my hope for application for Simplicity and having as little wires as Possible there's some definite lag Between the audio and the video and my Brief time going through the menus and Trying to correct the problem I didn't Find a way to correct for that lag Through some kind of menu setting so Unfortunately I don't find that Bluetooth speakers are a an effective Way to use this because of that sync Issue if that doesn't bug you then no Problem but it definitely bugs me Uh is noted it's not as compact as what I thought it might be now that's just Really my misconception I could have Looked at the measurements online and Quickly picked up on that and so this is A fairly typical you know projector size It's also fairly thick now the upside to That is that the sound quality as noted

Is really not all that bad now I don't Want to oversell it it sounds good for a Projector however you will on Bassy Notes you'll get some rattle in the Housing you know it's not a high-end Audio device but for a projector audio Is quite good and I think that that is At least in part why we have a little Bit more girth to it in terms of that But it's it's not a tiny device it comes With two remotes which frankly is one Remote too many and so there's Technically a remote for the projector And then there is a remote for the TV Dongle that is embedded inside now what I did find that for the most part I Actually could do all of the navigation With the one remote I haven't really Come into a situation yet even if I'm Navigating in you know the the play Environment and with streaming apps this Remote seemed to continue to work okay So I think that this is one that could Probably go away and be stored and not Used maybe I'll run into some scenario That I haven't yet where I actually need That remote but frankly it seems to me That they could have done just fine with One remote and maybe just made it a Little better a little Fuller featured Type remote and that would have been Very useful one thing that some people Have pointed out which is absolutely True and highly annoying is that even on

These two remotes the position of home And back is reversed between the two of Them and so on the dongle remote home is The center button underneath this you Know directional pad on the the actual Projector remote the center one is the Back button and then the with the the Home button to the left and on this case The back button is to the left so that's Obviously a little bit of an annoying Thing that should have been corrected And again I think they should have just Had one remote to cover everything Otherwise someone's gonna end up losing One or both of those so so anyway The other thing that I would have liked To have seen changed is that we have a Protection cap to go over the uh the Front lens here to kind of keep dust off Of it but it is you just you just kind Of you know use a little bit of pressure To remove it but there's nothing to keep This connected to it and I can see this Getting lost fairly quickly I actually Would prefer uh you know more of an auto Type Iris that's integrated into that to Where it can just cover over the top of That when you're storing it and not Wanting to use it it'd just be a better Application than this separate device At the end of the day however there is a Lot of value for money here this is a Device that does a lot of things really Really well and also has very good

Picture quality to it and it is very Reasonably priced right now you can get It for about 400 US Dollars on Amazon.com or here in Canada it's 509 Canadian which relatively is actually an Even better value for Canadians and so That's a very good value for money for a Device like this that is so well Integrated when it comes to the smart Aspects of it and so it is it's a great Media device and if you're looking for Something like that for your various Applications uh you know I have Obviously some limited complaints there But overall I've actually really enjoyed Using the Auber k2s Pro projector and so If you're looking for a smart projector For media applications this is Definitely worth checking out it's great Value for money I'm Dustin Abbott and if You look in the description down below I Do have links where you can check that Out further please like And subscribe if You haven't already thanks for watching Have a great day and let the light in [Music]

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