Hollyland Mars M1 4K Monitor and Transmitter Review

Foreign [Music] Hello welcome to let the light in TV I'm Craig Christopherson and today I'm here With actually a couple different things For you that work in harmony together But let's go through the order of things First I want to introduce you to the Mars 4K transmitter and receiver this is The transmitter here you can tell that Because it has The Red Badge I don't Have uh actually the receiver here with Me today we'll get into that a little Bit later but the receiver looks the Exact same and has a blue badge now Build quality and features this is made Of aluminum die cast metal feels really Good premium quality like it's going to Last and that it's durable now feature Wise Holy Land is saying that this has a 450 Foot line of sight range at 0.06 seconds Latency now little caveat to that this Is a 4K transmitter it is possible of of Doing lower resolution such as you know Just HD 1080p type resolutions but this Claim of 0.06 seconds of latency is for 1080p at 60 frames per second So not actually for their 4K signal just Want you to know that we'll get into Um you know delay test and I'll show you Examples of that a little bit later but Just want you to know 0.06 seconds of Latency is for 1080p signal now its data

Rate is set to default at 12 megabytes Per second but it can range from 8 to 20 Megabytes per second depending on region And a variety of things Signal wise here are its uh full Capacity limitations 3G SDI and its HDMI Can go all the way up to 4K at 30 frames Per second and again as I did already Mention it also supports HD formats so It can do 1080p at for example 20 frames Or 30 or 60 frames and those can be a Progressive or interlaced whatever you So desire now the Mars The Holy Land Sorry 4K Features smart Channel Scanning so what Does this mean well holy land is in my Opinion very strong at kind of plug and Play type products where you power it on And it just works and so what smart Channel Scanning does is it's going to Scan the area that you're in the signals The frequencies that are running around And it's going to choose the best Channel the best frequency for you to Transmit on and this is something that Holy Land is great at doing just turn it On and making it instantly usable so Smart Channel Scanning it also has Multiple power options and yes I tested They are hot swappable so your power Options are for example an npf style Battery like I have on the back right Now there is a DC input on the side Right here and that can go from 6 volts

To 16 volts and then finally on the Other side here we have a USB C port So this 4K transmitter can connect with Up to two receivers so again the Receivers look the exact same they just Have a blue badge so this one can Connect to two receivers it can connect With up to four mobile devices whether That's a phone or tablet it doesn't Matter just four mobile devices running The Holley view app Then your final option is it can connect With one transmitter and two mobile Devices so those are your options the Antennas on this are very very small They're bullet style and they are Detachable So I believe if you wanted to swap them With something else you could go ahead And do that but I like the bullet style Antennas it helps keep size and Weighting down it has one mounting Option quarter inch threaded hole Although it does come with an attachment It's going to be two screws they go into Here and that will give you another Quarter inch thread if you wanted to Mount it in a different way so just the One natively but it does come in the box With another little attachment that can Give you another mounting option as well That's a quarter inch threaded hole now Both receivers and trim transmitters They weigh at 223 grams and they're 115

Millimeters tall If we go ahead and turn this on we see That it has a color LCD screen nice Little touch there uh the button it can The button is located right below the Screen it can move in four directions it Will click in four directions it's only Used though in the up and down Um directions and if you hold it down That is either going to be selection or If you hold it down for long enough it Will bring up the menu system the menu System very easy to navigate you know What you're doing Simple to figure out you have scene mode So that's going to switch between HQ Balanced and speed you have your fan Settings you can just put it on quiet or Normal and then you have different Settings like pairing it up to a Receiver and returning back to the main Menu and this is located as you can see On the side Of the device not the front or the back Which I think can be kind of nice since If you haven't mounted one way you can Just peek at the side rather than having To cram your neck all the way around so A little bit of speeding up your Information gathering there I have left This running For multiple hours it did not feel like It overheated by any means and also the Cooling fan remained extremely quiet

Where it wasn't noticeable at all Okay so all of that's great but what About its actual function what about When it actually transmits a signal is There any signal loss so I ran a couple Of tests I had for example my phone out With a mobile app and I connected to That and I also had a monitor which We'll get into in a second And neither of them had any signal drops So it sends a nice strong signal there Were no signal drops as far as distance Tests go reminder the claim is that this Can go 450 feet line of sight range so I Had my phone out with the Holley view App on it And I got to about 40 meters that's 130 Feet not that Great of a distance but decent and there Was again no signal loss but not a huge Distance certainly fine for indoors Outdoors may arise a couple Complications but you just have to if You lose a signal you just walk back Into range and it reconnects no problem With a receiver and we'll get into more About this in just a minute hold on but With a receiver I was able to receive The signal For quite a while I was able to receive It for 250 meters which is 820 feet You you did hear that right 820 feet Almost double

Of their claim in fact I could have kept Going but I ran out of road to walk Farther down I walked down the entire Road and I had to turn right or left Which doesn't really get me farther just Gets me wider so I did a little bit of That and it still didn't drop 820 feet And it still didn't drop and I mean I Was holding it for example the Transmitter was behind my body this as I Was walking forward was in front of my Body so it wasn't exactly line of sight And it still never dropped the signal I Had to zoom in four times on the monitor Just to see where I was at at that point Very impressive you would think you know Companies maybe boost their claims a Little bit but Holly Land in this Instance has actually almost half to Their claim they said 450 I made it to 820. Very respectable sending a 4K signal Over that distance so that's extremely Impressive so are there any cons About this transmitter Um perhaps the signal delay will be a Little bit too much I'll throw up some Examples right now with signal delay Perhaps signal delay could be a little Bit too much if you are using it for Example to pull Focus but in terms of Simply monitoring uh or sending signal It does an absolutely excellent job it's Strong and far beyond reaches what Holy

Land claims is capable so honestly In terms of cons I don't really have Particularly anything to say for my use And my tests for follow Focus again it May just be a little bit too much that Depends how picky you are though so Overall Wonderful wonderful review I don't Really have anything negative to say About this transmit 4K signal at a Whopping 820 feet I also used it inside As you can see right here I use it Inside our new building and what I did Is I walked to the front uh I had my Camera and transmitter at the back of The auditorium I walked to the front I Went around back behind the wall into The offices and I never lost signal so Also for indoor use moving in between Rooms It works just fine now if you are Looking to purchase the Mars or the Holy Land 4K sorry it's going to be 349 US Dollars that's for the transmitter only But if you want the transmitter and Receiver then the total is going to be 700 US dollars What if You wanted something a little bit more What if you needed a monitor for Instance what if you needed a Transmitter and receiver and you're Looking at buying you know this big kind Of package

What if that is you you don't have any Of those things you don't have a video Monitor you don't have a transmitter you Don't have a receiver You don't have anything and you're Looking to get some of those things what Is the answer for you I present to you Ladies and gentlemen the Mars M1 monitor Made by Holy Land it is a monitor it is A receiver and it is a transmitter for 549 US dollars you could have all of Those three functions In one little device so Let's go over this It has HDMI and SDI inputs only an HDMI Output though 5.5 inch LCD touch screen the resolution Of your screen is going to be 1920 by 1090 and the brightness is 1000 nits Which on the day like today you can't Necessarily see it because my blinds are Down but the sun is out it's partly Cloudy and in a partly cloudy scenario On a bright Winter's day snow reflecting It was certainly bright enough for for My needs and what I tested it out in It's got professional color calibration Multi-level color temperature Adjustments are available on this and Each screen is set up with 6 500 Kelvin As the default it runs on the rec 709 Color gamut and it has a 4K 30 frames Per second input and loop out Now the build of the monitor it feels

Quite sturdy it feels almost like it has A case built on to the outside it's like We have the screen right here and all of This it's I don't want to say like it's Rubberized but it's it's grippy and it Feels certainly durable like it could Take a drop even though of course you Don't want to drop it but it feels very Durable Great great feel like it has a case on The outside is what I would I would say It weighs 380 grams it has a couple of Different mounting options we have on The bottom here a quarter inch threaded Hole and if we turn it on the side Another quarter inch threaded hole it Doesn't come with any additional Mounting units that is up for you To supply yourself with Now how do you power this device well I Have an npf style battery on the back Here we also have a DC in and that's 7 Volts to 16 volts and we also have a dco So you can power other units through Here and your DC out is 8.4 Volts Now the biggest thing about this monitor Here Is the ability to cut down on clutter Right like I said this is a monitor this Is a transmitter and this is a receiver I tried to look up for example Ever options that cover all of these Things and I wasn't able to find

Anything as far as I know this may be The only video monitor receiver and Transmitter out there if I'm wrong Please correct me I don't want to Misinform you but as far as what I could Find this is the only monitor Transmitter and receiver all in one you Are able to do it all in one so you know Before And again I'm not bashing this You would have a transmitter receiver to Monitor that's three separate devices Now you can bring it all down To just one device now what are these Statistics on it do the statistics Differ in any way from for example the Holy Land 4K transmitter that we just Went with No it doesn't a little bit but generally No so the range of the transmission and Reception capabilities in here 450 feet At 0.08 seconds 0.08 seconds and what you Can do is you can have up to four Monitor monitoring devices so for Example that's you know Your phone your iPad four different Devices running the app or you could Actually send the signal to two more of These screens Now in my testing I sent this you what You do is you power this on power Buttons right back here power it on you Can pick transmitter or receiver

Capabilities whenever you go into the Menu Whenever I tested it as a transmitter Also whenever I tested out as a receiver It was the same now whenever I tested as The transmitter and I used my phone to Monitor I was able to get the exact same Result with the actual 4K transmitter so With my phone I was able to go 40 meters Or 130 feet Now as a transmitter receiver it's able To go they say 450 feet at 0.08 seconds What I found again is it was able to go All the way To 820 feet so again almost double of what Holly Land claims still at 4K 30 FPS now I will let you in here on this little Bit of information Whenever I used the 4K I could feel that The signal had less latency in it Whenever I switched over to the M1 Monitor here I could feel just a little Bit more lag and I will say if you are Going to rely on this To be your transmitter and monitor and Receiver and monitor and you are trying To follow Focus I think this is going to Be too baggy I don't think this is going To be your option right so this is why Our 4K transmitter and receiver still Have a place because of that quicker Transmission rate but if Holly Land Could get a quicker transmission rate

Inside of this Are they unbeatable do transmitters Become outdated Right like just a standalone Transmitters does everybody start going Down this route where it's a monitor and A transmitter receiver I mean certainly You know this isn't going to be great For everyone but I think they could Almost really take over the market With this With a couple more improvements Let's carry on before I get carried away Here So the Mars M1 monitor it can be used in Conjunction with the Mars Pro and the Mars 4K as I did today I was using the Mars 4K as a transmitter and I used the Monitor as my receiver so I had both Receiver and monitor all built into one Thing this also features smart Channel Scanning But as a monitor how does it function Right we've talked about as a Transmitter and as a receiver how does It function and we find that a function Is quite impressively except for that You know maybe a little bit too much a Bit of latency depending on your usage Of it but as a monitor how does it Function sure it has you know Transmitter receiver capabilities But what does it have for features Well you can import 3D lot files for

Example it has color temperature Adjustment it has four times Zoom Unfortunately though and I will say Disappointingly it does not have uh Pinch to zoom it doesn't have pinch to Zoom on the Holley view app you can Pinch to zoom but on the monitor you Could not pinch to zoom which I was a Little bit disappointed in uh hopefully They would maybe update that on maybe a Firmware update or something like that But I would like to see that come to the M1 monitor a pinch to zoom feature It has Focus assist exposure assist Waveform displays it also has recording And Playback functions so you can have Up to three minutes of recording time Now the recorded videos they cannot be Exported and they will be deleted as Soon as you start either another Recording or you power the device off But a handy little feature to have on There as far as differences between the Monitor itself And the features in there versus The Holy Land app there's not a whole lot of Difference other than having Scopes and The nine grid the monitor itself doesn't Offer a huge amount more of features Than the Holley view app of course Disregarding the transmitter receiver Functions right that's huge but we're Talking about features as far as Monitoring

As I already said the app can pinch to Zoom this can't I'd like to see a little Bit more customizability come into The monitor features the ability to and Again maybe not everyone would want this I will clarify that maybe not everyone Will want that little more Customizability it could just clutter up The menus you would say if you were able To adjust the thickness of of your nine Grid lines and another thing is you Can't have different waveforms up at the Same time you can only have one type of Waveform you can you can't have a scope And waveform up at the same time I think That's a little bit disappointing I like To see that resolved but you may not Agree with me why do you need all those Waveforms and Scopes up at the same time You may say Fair play I say fair play so conclusion This is Really quite an impressive product to Have video monitoring transmission and Receiving all within the case of one Thing that's really cool that's really Cool and I think that's something to get Really excited about because again you Can cut down on clutter you can cut down On things the cost is fantastic right Coming in at 550 American dollars I Think there's a lot to get excited about But do you take the jump right now right Do you ditch all of your transmitters

And receivers and monitors and say I'm Going all in on this one I think that depends to be honest I'm Really excited about it I don't really Have hardly anything negative to say About it other than you know some Customizability features I'd like to see Some maybe more Pro features on the Monitor if as far as monitoring uh goes But I think whether you take that jump Right now Depends on what you're doing it totally Depends on what you're doing if you want To focus pull and that's the only thing You're going to have I think you're Going to get a little bit frustrated but If you're looking to Monitor and to have You know a monitor like you can just Carry this around a set right I mean you Could mount it but you can just carry This around if you're a gaffer grip Lighter whatever you want to do you can Just carry this around set it down do Your adjustments have this the whole Time to be able to carry that around Even in regards to uh sports right to Have that as a monitor you're covering a Whole field Live production concerts You've got great distances that that is Able to cover at 4K capabilities that's Really strong but do you take the jump Again totally depends on what you're Going to do if you're going to do Um

Focus pulling I think it's a little bit Too laggy for you but If you're just interested in Transmitting receiving and video Monitoring and you're not going to be Pushing kind of latency to its limits Then yeah I think I would take the jump Um you're getting three functions in one Again you can Team Up multiple monitors Together you can have one transmitter Two receivers all the exact same product Of this monitor I think that's something to get really Excited about and perhaps something A video operator video production worker Might want to see under their Christmas Tree Who knows the links to buy these things Are down below I will leave you with That links to buy them are down below uh Holiday season is coming up so if you Want to get a gift then you can check Out the D A merchandise link to that Down below link to Dustin's average Channel is down below as well other than That I hope you have a wonderful day Take care and remember to let the light In Thank you [Music]

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