7Artisans 15mm f/4 lens review with samples

[Music] Greetings everyone yet another package Has winged its way to me from the great Land of China and so today I'll be Testing the living daylight out of the Seven Artisans 15 millimeter F4 it's Another in a long line of low budget Ultra wide angle manual focus lenses for Full-frame mirrorless cameras although This one promises to actually have Decent image quality at the cost of a Darker than usual maximum aperture of Only F4 still if the image quality is There that's potentially good enough for Landscape and street photography work And the fact it has a 77 millimeter Filter thread for front filters is very Helpful for those purposes too the lens Will be released on L Mount Sony e-mount Canon RF Mount and Nikon Z Mount cameras Full frame or abs-c I don't know the Exact price yet but I'll put it down in The description for you it'll be low Budget I'd like to thank seven art Sands For sending me a copy of this lens for Evaluation although as usual this is a Totally independent review I'll be Looking at both its strengths and its Weaknesses a 15 millimeter lens is a Useful thing to have in your kit bag Especially if it's small inexpensive and Good quality as it can complement a Normal zoom lens to get you some extreme Pictures of wider Fields And if 15

Millimeter is a bit too wide on a Full-frame camera you can always crop Into the image in editing well if your Camera is high enough resolution that is And if the lens is sharp enough this Lens isn't all that small but it's Certainly affordable and we'll find out More about its image quality soon build Quality first though it's a little bit Of A Cut Above the average for an Inexpensive manual focus Chinese lens Here it's very solid and made of metal But with no discernible weather sealing It looks good though with a nice smooth Painted finish the aperture ring has no Nice little clicks to it every f-stop And those tops are evenly spaced out all Of which makes me happy the focus ring In front of it turns incredibly smoothly And with plenty of precision for Manually focusing at such a wide angle And as you can see here the lens Exhibits almost no breathing as you Focus in and out The Lens comes with a narrow removable Metal lens hood and as I mentioned Before an incredibly useful front filter Thread of a 77 millimeter I love using Polarizing filters for Ultra wide angle Pictures overall I liked the build Quality of this lens a lot nothing to Complain about for fully manual lens Here let's take a look at image quality Then I'll be testing it today on a full

Frame camera my 42 megapixel Sony a7r III in camera Corrections are not Available with this lens at F4 in the Middle of the image straight away we see Razor sharpness and excellent contrast That's not a big deal for a wide angle Lens though the problems normally come In the image corners but surprisingly They are not bad it's only right on the Very edges that we see any blurriness The rest of the image frame is packed With detail that's pretty impressive for Such a low budget lens stop down to F 5.6 for a touch more sharpness and Contrast f 8 looks even better and f11 Looks just a tiny bit better again Here's F16 but F22 looks softer due to The effect of diffraction overall though I've tested a number of low budget Manual focus Ultra wide angle lenses Like this and this is easily the best One it's actually pretty sharp and I'm Really impressed by its very low color Fringing too seriously 15 years ago a Lens of this quality would have cost you One and a half thousand pounds so these Results are great Okay let's move on and see about Distortion and vignetting now there's Some more good news here in that the Lens as you can see is well corrected For Distortion which will be Particularly useful for anyone who can't Be bothered to correct it in editing the

Corners are pretty dark at F4 though Stop down to F 5.6 or f8 and they Brighten up but they never get as bright As the middle of the image when it comes To close-up image quality well the Lenses minimum Focus distance is a very Long 43 centimeters so you can Completely forget about taking pictures Of well almost any subject smaller than A full body shot of a human being big Shame anyway the good news though is That the lens is just as sharp as at Normal distances thankfully let's see How the lens works against Bright Lights Now at F4 we see some major issues a Huge amount of broad flaring and low Contrast are clearly visible Unfortunately however stop down to f516 As I do here for a major Improvement so That's worth remembering when shooting On a sunny day let's take a look at coma Levels now even at F4 brighter points of Light in the image Corners look very Well defined so it's not an issue on This lens well let's zoom out and look For sun stars now just stop down to F 5.6 and they become apparent and at f8 Or particular Lee f11 they look nice and Strong normally I'd look at bokeh at This point in the review but due to the Long minimum Focus distance outer Vegas Backgrounds are not really available on This lens so let's jump to my conclusion And at a broadly positive one for a lens

So affordable I'm really pleased by its Sharpness good build quality and as Someone who likes landscape work I love It 77 millimeter filter thread seriously Useful I do have to really criticize its Poor work against bright light and its Very long minimum focused instance Surely seven Artisans could have made That design a bit better even if the Close-up image quality wasn't as sharp It would have been at least nice to have The option to shoot closely but overall The lens is very capable in all kinds of Ways and very good value so it certainly Comes recommended Blah blah blah thanks for watching blah Blah blah patreon blah blah blah Link in The description below and a big thank You to everyone who is supporting me Over on patreon as you're making a big Difference to me keeping the show on the Road here ciao for now everyone

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