Viltrox AF 75mm f/1.2 XF lens review

[Music] Hi it's me and let's get stuck right Into a lens that's super exciting well To me anyway the brand new viltrox AF 75 Millimeter F 1.2 XF it's an auto Vegas Portrait lens which is currently just For Fuji x-mount cameras although it Wouldn't surprise me at all if it Eventually makes its way onto other camo Mounts and its retail price of only 549 US Dollars makes it potentially a Bargain if it's any good and I really Hope this thing does have decent image Quality because any 75 millimeter F 1.2 Lens even on an aps-c camera will offer You images with stunningly out of focus Backgrounds absolutely perfect for Portrait subject and Event Photography a Lens like this is a lot of fun to use Whenever you find an interesting enough Subject I'd like to thank Phil trox for Sending me an early copy of this lens For evaluation although as usual this is A totally independent review The lenses Build quality is excellent viltroxine at The top of their game here the lens is Tough and metallic and a little heavy With a really nice finish to it even Down to small things like the writing on A barrel being engraved properly into The body the lens mount is made of metal With a thick weather ceiling gasket Around the edge as well as a USBC port For firmware update which is always

Reassuring next comes an aperture Control ring on viltrox lenses this Often turns completely smoothly but this Time it has nice positive clicks to it Every third of an f-stop which is much More tactile and you're much less likely To accidentally change aperture there The click to get it into automatic mode Is much firmer making it harder to Accidentally move past the F-16 Point Next comes a very large metallic manual Focus ring which turns incredibly Smoothly although the Focus motor Responds a little jerkley to it being Turned in common with a lot of VG lenses In my experience the lens shows fairly Substantial focused breathing as you can See here which will be a little Annoying For video makers The autofocus Motor Works silently and Quickly although as you can see here it Does tend to take a moment to fully lock Onto your focus Point whatever it is so Shooting fast or erratically moving Subjects might be a little tricky for You the Lens comes with a fairly deep Lens Hood made of plastic the front Filter size is 77 millimeters wide and It does not feature image stabilization But overall this is premium build Quality and functionality from start to Finish the lens is well thought out and Enjoy to use although I do wish that Autofocus motor were just a little more

Confident alright let's take a look at Image quality at the time of making this Review I was borrowing one of Fuji's 14 Megapixel xh2 cameras and I thought why Not let's give the lens a challenge Fuji's usual in-camera Corrections are On here at F 1.2 we see absolutely Spectacular image quality in the Middle With excellent sharpness and contrast How about the image corners well they Are a touch softer but frankly virtually As good this is really impressive it's Top down to F 2.8 for more brightness And slightly cleaner image in those Corners and stop down to F 5.6 for a Little more sharpness again stop down to F11 though and the image gets softer due To diffraction although the camera is Automatically ramping up the sharpening To try and cope at F16 the image quality Is quite rough overall though it's a Brilliant performance on such a demand And camera sensor and certainly anyone Shooting on a 24 or 26 megapixel camera Will be blown away a 550 F 1.2 autofocus Lens shouldn't really be performing like This plenty of sharpness and contrast All around what a blessing for portrait Photographers alright let's avoid Fuji's In-camera Corrections by shooting in raw And to take a look at Distortion and Vignetting the further good news here is That the lenses image isn't really Distorted in any way at all vignetting

At F 1.2 is really heavy though Unsurprisingly stopped down to F2 or F 2.8 though and those Corners quickly Brighten up so it's a good performance Here also in my tests this lens could Only shoot as closely as about 90 Centimeters to your subject not Especially close really but the good News is that even at F 1.2 close-up Image quality is almost as sharp as at Normal distances and at f2 the lens is Back to being razor sharp again Let's see how the lens works against Bright Lights now it's a bit of a mixed Bag here frankly as we are treated to a Modest amount of flaring and quite a bit Of glaring when lights are on the edge Of the image although using the lenses Included Hood should help to prevent This what also helps is to stop The Lens Down to F2 also as I've done here which Does really assist with the contrast Let's take a look at the quality of this Lenses bokeh on the most part it's very Nice and smooth as usual for a modern Short telephoto optic although you can Occasionally see just a slight jumbling To backgrounds in the middle distance And finally related toboga comes Longitudinal chromatic aberration which Can be a problem for portrait lenses Thankfully even at F 1.2 any kind of Colorful fringy Unblocker highlights is Very low stop down to F2 and it's just

About gone overall well for 550 this Lens is clearly bargain of the century It doesn't quite have the same level of Refined total Perfection as say Fuji's New XF 56 millimeter F 1.2 portrait lens Which I tested a couple of weeks ago but It's nearly there and also this viltrox Lens is about half the price and can Actually get you considerably more out Of focus backgrounds in your images if That's what you want this is another Viltrox lens that really took me by Surprise by its quality and is sure to Be in great demand when it comes out I Can highly recommend it without a Moment's hesitation [Music] Thanks for watching everyone and I hope You enjoyed this review I love putting Them together although they do take a Lot of work and time if you'd like to Support this channel then I make all Kinds of exclusive bonus content for my Supporters over on patreon check it out In the description below

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