Nikon Z 17-28mm f/2.8 lens review

[Music] Good evening welcome to another lens Review thing everyone and on the menu Today the Nikon z17 to 28 millimeter F 2.8 it's an ultra wide angle zoom lens For their full-frame moveless Z Mount Cameras although of course it'll work on A smaller sensor DX Zed Mount cameras Too where its Zoom range won't be quite So interesting though this lens has only A narrow Zoom range but that bright Aperture of f 2.8 makes it easier to Shoot with indoors or in any other dark Conditions or even for getting more out Of focus backgrounds which can look Dramatic on Ultra wide angle Optics F2 Bond 8 can be useful for getting more Light and for video work too its price Seems to fluctuate a little but it's Around a thousand US dollars or about a Thousand pounds here in the UK that's Quite a lot of money but it's certainly Less than Nikon's premium F 2.8 zoom Lenses so this is intended to be the More affordable option the mid-range Option but they can often take you by Surprise I'd like to thank Nikon UK for Learning me this lens for a couple of Weeks for evaluation although as usual This is a totally independent review Let's look at its build quality first Nikon's mid-range lenses are generally Plasticky but well assembled and this is No exception it may not feel like it's

Carved out of granite But the lens feels Solid and it's based on a metal lens Mount with a weather ceiling gasket its Dust and splash resistant but for the Best protection you should also put a UV Or neutral filter on the front towards The rear there is a control ring which Can be set to change the manual figures Or other functions it turns very Smoothly and to the manual focus Response is excellent very precise as You can see here the lens suffers from Only a little Focus breathing it's a bit Worse when you're zoomed in rather than Zoomed out The auto Vegas motor is very impressive Here fast silent and accurate as you can See with no problems tracking subjects At the front of the lens we have the Rubberized Zoom ring which turns Wonderfully smoothly really enjoyable to Use the front filter sizes 67 Millimeters and The Lens comes with a Little plastic Hood it does not feature Image stabilization overall the build Quality here is really very nice and at Only 450 grams or about a pound it's Lightweight too Okay let's move on and look at image Quality now I'll be testing it on a Nikon z7 camera with its 45 megapixel Full frame sensor and Camera Corrections Are turned on for this test we'll start At 17 a millimeter and F 2.8 where the

Middle of the image is razor sharp with Very good contrast let's look in the Corners as we look in their Direction The lens stays really sharp it's only Right in the edges that we see some Blurriness so that's pretty good stop Down to F4 for a little increase in Brightness and contrast there the lens Stays this sharp down to about f11 where Softness makes itself known due to Diffraction and F16 looks a little worse Again let's zoom in now to 28 millimeter At F 2.8 again the middle of the image Looks fantastic now though the corner Image quality shows more weakness Looking noticeably softer with lower Contrast stop down to F4 though for more Brightness and a little more sharpness And and those Corners reach their vest At F 5.6 with just a touch of extra Sharpness and contrast and they look Quite good now again the image stays the Sharp down to f11 well there you go a Bit of a shame about those Corners at 28 Millimeter and bright apertures but Really the most important thing is that The lens is sharp across the image frame At its widest angles which it is alright Let's turn off those in-camera Collections and take a look at Distortion and vignetting they are what You might expect for an ultra wide angle Zoom lens of this kind at 17 a Millimeter some moderate Barrel

Distortion with a mustache type Substructure is there but it's nothing Too serious more problematic is that Vignetting at F 2.8 stop down to F4 or 5.6 for somewhat brighter corners but They don't get any brighter than this Let's zoom into 28 millimeter now that Distortion has now flipped into a fairly Strong pin cushion pattern again with Strong vignetting at 2.8 those Corners Brighten just a little at F4 but don't Get any brighter after that so despite The lens's limited Zoom range you will Definitely need to keep those Corrections turned on okay let's see About to close up image quality now it Can get pretty close to your subject Here as close as 19 centimeters Unfortunately at F 2.8 close-up image Quality is really soft when you're Zoomed into 28 millimeter it's better at F4 and at F 5.6 it's finally lovely and Sharp again so if you are shooting up Close stop down let's see how well the Lens works against bright light at wider Angles you'll get some soft translucent Flaring which will only really be Noticeable in critical scenes if you Zoom in it gets a lot more noticeable so Just an average performance here and While we're working in the dark let's Take a look at coma levels at 17 Millimeter and F 2.8 there's Well There's almost no coma smearing at all

On white Points of Light which is a nice Performance stop down to F4 and anything That was there is now gone let's zoom Out and look for sun Stars they begin to Emerge at f8 you can see them in the Image Corners here stop down to f11 or F16 and they get a little stronger but They're never spectacular let's take a Look at the lenses bokeh now it's not That great to be honest sometimes Looking soft but often looking a bit Busy it's never a serious problem though And finally related to toboca comes Longitudinal chromatic aberration even At F 2.8 it's not too high and at F4 It's gone and that's it overall this is The definition of a mid-range full frame Lens in my book very good sharpness with No nasty Optical surprises although it's Not quite up to the standard of Nikon's More expensive options and lightweight Plastic build quality but in a lens body That works perfectly fine the most Interesting thing about it is that Decently bright aperture of f 2.8 and Perhaps the most disappointing is that Rather narrow Zoom range still while It's not the best Ultra wide angle Zoom Lantern world it's certainly good and It's not bad for any for money so it Does still come recommended [Music] Well what do you think of that one it's A little alarming to me in some ways

That mid-range lenses nowadays cost a Thousand dollars then again 10 years or So ago there were nowhere near as good As they are now I hear that this Nikon Lenses suspiciously like the Tamron 17 To 28 millimeter F 2.8 but I've never Tested it so I couldn't say anyway Thanks for watching everyone I hope you Found that review helpful and thanks to My patreon supporters who helped so much To keep these tests going check it out In the description below as patreon Supporters get all kinds of extra bonus Content ciao for now everyone [Music] Thank you

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