Viltrox EPIC 75mm T2 1.33X Anamorphic is Incredible!

Sometimes lenses surprise you and that Is what happened with this incredible New lens from viltrox this is Single-handedly the most challenging Most difficult lens I've ever had to use But also perhaps one of the greatest Light capturing devices I've ever Handled on this channel this is the Brand new 75 millimeter T2 1.33x Anamorphic from viltrox and it is part Of their epic Series so there's three of These full-frame anamorphic lenses They're white they're very heavy they're Very large they're not super affordable Either Let's check them out all I have is the 75 millimeter for this review which is Fine and I'm happy I got the telephoto Although it is not as versatile as the 35 millimeter or perhaps the 50 Millimeter it will show more character I Think we will see it comes in a large Pelican style case inside there is a Nice setup with a foam cut out for Everything a little screwdriver tool at The top mounting bracket with two screws And an allen key user manuals and a Warranty card and some Mount rings with A back focus adjuster scale the lens Itself is a giant heavy impressive chunk Of metal and glass it weighs a whopping 1920 grams which is over four pounds and You have to ask yourself why is it so Big it's only 1.33 X and I think viltrox

Focused on making these lenses Optical Performers at the expense of size and Weight inside there are 18 elements in 13 groups which is a lot for a prime Starting at the rear this is what a PL Mount looks like this is a mount that Was introduced in 1982 by Ari and it is The standard for Cinema lenses it's a Very strong four friction point metal Setup designed for Cinema lenses that Are incredibly heavy such as this one Although you can also get this lens in Sony E but I think I would personally Get it in PL just because it's stronger I don't see any weather sealing gaskets But the front element has a waterproof Coating on it there are no electronic Connections these are all manual lenses And as we move on to the body the Aperture ring is very nice d-clicked Very smooth and heavy but well damped It's labeled on both sides so you'll Know what t-stop you are at no matter How complex your camera rig setup I like These silver gearings with the standard M 0.8 gear pitch the color is unique Viltrox is calling it a gun gray gold And yeah I'd say that's pretty accurate In front of that is the Focus ring which Is also geared very heavy smooth but Again heavy to rotate you get about 270 Degrees of rotation and it's labeled With a focus scale in feet on both sides And here are all of the lens specs

Viltrox logo anamorphic 75 T 2.0 1.33 X Prime cine and full frame this is also Mirrored on the other side of the lens As well around the front this is an Interesting front lens element it's Circular it's not huge and it has an Oval element in the middle no writing or Nonsense here this is a 95 millimeter Lens diameter so you can mount your map Box directly to this lens and get Filming and I have to say this part here This is by far the nicest feeling lens That I've ever handled on this channel And I've handled a lot of Sony G Masters A lot of high-end lenses but nothing has Come close to not only the tolerances And and the weight and the heft of this But kind of just the overall refined Look all the finishes on this everything Here indicates that this lens really is Intended for professionals I feel like It's too good for cameras that I have on This channel and yes you can compare This anamorphic lens to something like The Great Joy or something like the Suri Line of anamorphic lenses but that would Be like comparing my son's artwork to a Rembrandt yes They're both pieces of art but not in The same way for my purposes I'm going To use this huge epic lens on the Smallest full-frame camera body that Sony offer as well that is up until the New zve1 and that is my Sony a7c and

Here it is with a little adapter Connecting the two together which on its Own costs about 140 U.S it looks crazy And to say it makes for a front heavy Setup is an understatement this is one Of those lenses where you mount the Camera to the lens not the other way Around but again this lens is really Designed for something like the re or Perhaps a Sony fx6 or larger something Like a bigger cinema camera but let's See what happens when you mount it on The a7c and you just go out and shoot Some video with it Ready Set Go [Music] Thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] So everything that you just saw was Straight out of the camera ungraded Uncorrected no messing with the colors No messing with anything and this is Coming from an 8-bit color budget this Is now three or four year old full-frame Camera it's a unique look but what I Like most about this lens is that it's a

Cinematic lens that happens to be an Anamorphic not an anamorphic lens that Happens to be cinematic the fact that it Is an anamorphic doesn't steal the show And the attention it's a sharp lens in The center in the corners wherever your Focus is it's sharp if you stop down to T 2.8 or T4 it's clinically sharp Excellent colors in contrast wide open It's just Punchy brilliant colors very Minimal Distortion there's nothing to Worry about with vignetting or Barrel Distortion and chromatic aberration it's Like this lens belongs to a world in Which that doesn't exist I couldn't Imagine how much more watchable the Office would be if they shot it on these Lenses instead of whatever they used in The brightest light to dark transitions There is no apparent chromatic Aberration to worry about the flare is Beautifully rendered it's subtle with Most lights you really need a bright Bright source of light to get it to Streak across the entire frame and when It does it's not a complete Wipeout of Your frame it's still tasteful there is Some ghost Flair or reflective flare and There's some rainbow effects at certain Angles but compared to other anamorphic Lenses this is nothing then you move on To bouquet and it's just so smooth and So well done oval's not very long but Nice ovals fill the background for a

Look that feels more expensive it feels Special the lens just plays with lights And the outcome is a visual Symphony This is an extremely challenging lens to Use it's very heavy and you have to be Careful not to put too much strain on Your camera's Mount because with this Weight it could become an issue the Focus ring has a very long throw and Again it's quite heavy the nailing focus Is tough at 75 millimeter on a tiny Screen or through a viewfinder but when You do you forget about all of that the 1.33 X squeeze is just perfect you De-squeeze and you get a 2.39 to 1 Aspect ratio with a 16×9 sensor so you Don't throw away anything with excess Cropping you get to keep the full Resolution you get natural black bars on The top and the bottom it's ideal for Creating stuff for the internet it gives That little Edge that little look that You don't see with other lenses in terms Of focus breathing there is really Nothing to report with this lens now is It perfect no I already mentioned the Size and the weight this is really not a Lens that's intended for casual shooters Or hobbyists like me it's really geared Towards more professional work you Really have to rig it out completely to Use it properly so that means a big in Most cases heavy camera setup and really When you add this to any camera setup it

Becomes a heavy camera setup I can't see Myself ever trying to balance this on a Gimbal it just won't work it comes in This white color which I'm a big fan of But for more professional shooting Situations if you're on a movie set you Probably want this in Black to minimize Reflections And it's about three thousand dollars U.S a little bit under three thousand Dollars which is uh not a lot of money In terms of an anamorphic lens not a lot Of money in terms of a cinema anamorphic Lens but it is a lot of money if you're Just looking to casually shoot with a Manual lens it's special it feels Special in the hand and the results I Think look pretty incredible but let me Know what your thoughts are down in the Comments section if you guys are Interested in reading more about this Lens and about the whole series of Epic Lenses I think there are more to come as Well I'll leave links down in the Description so check those out you can Check out prices and see how much a kid At three of these I think it's like Eight thousand dollars which is A lot of money but uh they are truly Epic lenses so thank you guys so much For watching stay tuned for more have a Nice day bye

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