7Artisans 50mm f/1.4 Tilt Shift lens review

Greetings again everyone and now it's Time for something new here is the 7 Artisan 50 mm f1.4 tilt shift lens a Totally manual lens for Sony E Fiji X And micro 43s mirrorless cameras some Websites Market as being an apsc camera Lens I have no idea why though as I Fully tested it on full frame and it was Absolutely fine this is in fact a Full-frame camera lens professional tilt Chi lenses normally cost an absolute for Tune but this one comes in at only $226 which is potentially an absolute Bargain if it's any good I'd like to Thank s artisans for sending me one for Testing although as usual this is a Totally independent review many of you Will already know what a tilt shift lens Is by now but here's a quick recap just In case the shift function on this lens Enables you to slightly correct your Perspective for architecture photography Or any other kind of Photography where Keeping straight line straight is Important you can also rotate this lens So that it shifts from left to right or Any angle in between and another neat Trick is that the shift function can be Used to make easily stitchable Panorama Images just shift the lens all the way To the left take a shot and then to the Right take another shot and make sure to Keep the exposure the Same by shooting In manual mode stitch them together and

Editing for a high resolution Panorama Neat so the shift function can be useful For architecture or landscape for Photography however it's much more Effective at wider angles than this and Doesn't really make a big difference at 50 mm the lens's Tilt function is a lot More interesting though it allows you to Literally tilt the front element of the Lens this has the effect of adjusting Your plane of focus for example here I'm Tilting the lens from left to right Adjusting the focal plane leading to Some areas being more or less out of Focus again this can be useful when Shooting at an angle against your Subject making it potentially fantastic For more artistic photography as well as Useful for product photography for Example getting all my pre-recorded mini Discs in Focus here so the tilt shift Functionality of the lens is interesting And occasionally helpful and the Tilt Function especially fun and another Bonus for this lens is its extremely Bite maximum aperture of f1.4 for Getting deeply out to focus backgrounds And for getting shots in Darker Situations the lens itself is small and Good looking it doesn't have quite the Same perfectly tight controls of an Expensive professional tilt shift lens But you can get it to work quite Precisely nonetheless it's made of metal

And very tough although there's no sign Of any serious weather ceiling the lens Is totally manual manual figus manual Aperture manual everything although all Tilt shift lenses and a lot of serious Macro lens users shoot without Auto Figus anyway the Tilt function has a Tightening screw and a turning dial for Relatively easy control the shift Function only has five settings to it Though so that's a lot more basic but Like I said before shifting doesn't have A very big effect on a 50 mm lens anyway The lens's focus and aperture rings turn Smoothly with just the right amount of Weight and the iris mechanism has 12 Aperture blades as you can see here the Lens suffers from a moderate amount of Focus breathing zooming in a little as You focus more closely to your subject The front filter size of the lens is 46 Mm It doesn't come with a hood but it does Come with a metallic lens cap that's Cruise onto the front something I really Hate it takes ages to get on and off as A result overall the build quality of This lens is absolutely fine for the Money you're paying although of course It won't have exactly the same Precision Controls as a professional tilt shift Optic anyway image quality I'll start by Testing it on a fullframe camera my 42 Map Sony a7r 3 no end camera Corrections

Are available with this lens these Images are taken with the lens in normal Position and not shifted at f1.4 we see Great sharpness in the middle of the Picture but contrast is low and purple Fringing is huge unfortunately Corner Image quality is as you'd expect for an F1.4 optic at this price point soft and Dark although impressively we don't see Much chromatic aberration here stop down To F2 for a little more brightness in The corners but back in the middle we See a big Improvement although a little Purple fringing is still visible at f2.8 Though we see perfection in the middle The image Corners see a big Improvement In contrast here although resolution is Still pretty soft at F4 things look much Sharper though stop down to f5.6 and That's as sharp as the lens get a very Impressive image here actually for such A lowbudget optic the lens Tays this Sharp down to F6 where the effect of Defraction cause a little softening okay Let's shift the lens to it maximum Setting now and see how that affects Image quality I can tell you now though That there's virtually no difference in Image quality at all f1.4 looks the same Sharp in the Middle with purple finging And softer in all four corners stop down To f2.8 though and the lens looks way Sharper in all four corners and as you Can see back in the middle honestly the

Lens performs just as well when shifted Virtually as when used normally which is Fantastic to see so overall for the Price you're paying it's a decent enough Performance the lens responds very well To being stopped down although I really Do wish the contrast and Clarity were a Bit better at F1.4 well as I mentioned before the lens Is advertised as being for apsc cameras Even though it's clearly a full-frame Optic Let's test it on a 24 map apsc Camera then at f1.4 sharpness is still Surprisingly okay in the middle but Unsurprisingly the issue with purple Fringing is emphasized over inner Corners low contrast is mostly washing Out the whole image here stop down to F2 For a little more contrast in those Corners and back in the middle way more Contrast although a little purple Fringing remains however stop down to F2.8 and image quality becomes perfect In the middle Corner image quality is Also suddenly become quite good now at F4 and f5.6 the image becomes Fantastically sharp from corner to Corner again the lens stays this sharp Down to about f11 or F16 where Defraction Rob OBS offs of some Sharpness so on apsc the lens really Struggles at wide apertures but becomes Excellent when stopped down to just f2.8 Or a little darker all right let's go

Back to full frame and see about viting And Distortion with the lens set to its Normal position we see moderate Barrel Distortion and quite dark Corners at F1.4 at f2 the corners brighten a little But at f2.8 they brighten a lot all Right let's shift the lens all the way Down can see about image quality now the Shifted Distortion pattern looks very Similar to before in the furthest Corners at the bottom we can see that Vignetting is a fair bit worse as you'd Expect we are right at the edge of the Lens's image Circle there stopping down To F2 helps but it's at f2.8 or F4 that Those Corners now become nice and bright I honestly don't know why anyone would Call this a lens just for apsc cameras Its image circle is clearly more than Good enough for full frame anyway let's See about about closeup image quality Now the minimum Focus distance is 50 cm And at f1.4 the image is looking really Quite soft things aren't much better at F2 although at f2.8 we see a lot more Sharpness now let's see how the lens Performs against bright light and yes we Can see a number of serious problems Here at F 1.4 plenty of flaring patterns And Broad glaring stop down to f2.8 and Contrast is greatly increased but Flaring is still there to be seen While we're working in the dark let's Take a look for coma and sunstars at

F1.4 as you can see coma smearing on bri Points of light is simply massive Stopping down to F2 only sees a small Improvement things are much better at F2.8 though and at F4 that coma is Essentially replaced with sunstars let's Reposition the camera and look a bit More for sunstars here they are again at F4 they become stronger at f8 but even If he's top down to F16 they don't get Any stronger than that let's see about The quality of this lens's bcka now it's Pretty standard for an inexpensive 50 mm Lens here a little busy in places with Some outlining on specular highlights And of course a cats high shape tobbles In the image Corners nothing seriously Offensive though and finally related to Boger comes longitudinal chromatic Aberration at f1.4 it's clearly there And also at f2 stopped down to f2.8 Though and it's beginning to clear up And at F4 for it's pretty much gone all Right then overall the 7R sand 50 mm F1.4 tilt shift lens optically shares a Lot of the normal problems an Inexpensive f1.4 lens might have but the Good news is that the lens is at least Gr from about f2.8 the tilt shift Functionality works perfectly fine and Adds a bit to the package too the lens's Standout feature though is probably its Price at only $226 it's a complete bargain and a lot

Of fun to use so I can quite happily Recommend it for the very low price You're paying Here thanks for watching everyone and if You find these reviews helpful then do Check out my patreon page where Supporters get all kinds of exclusive Bonus content and of course a warm fuzzy Feeling inside for helping these reviews To keep trucking on God bless everyone

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