7Artisans 50mm f/1.4 Tilt Shift lens review

7Artisans 50mm f/1.4 Tilt Shift lens review

Greetings again everyone and now it's Time for something new here is the 7 Artisan 50 mm f1.4 tilt shift lens a Totally manual lens for Sony E Fiji X And micro 43s mirrorless cameras some Websites Market as being…

A camera lens that can see BEHIND you...!

A camera lens that can see BEHIND you…!

[Music] One way to get your creative juices Flowing is to try a new camera lens and The $150 7and 4 mm fishe could really Get you looking at things with A New Perspective it's for mirorless camera Systems with…

7Artisans AF 50mm f/1.8 (Full-frame) lens review

7Artisans AF 50mm f/1.8 (Full-frame) lens review

Greetings again everyone seven Artisans Are a lens manufacturer with a track History of making various very low Budget Optics often manual focus well Today they're trying to break them mold A little by releasing a higher quality Autofocus lens…

7Artisans 9mm f/5.6 lens review

7Artisans 9mm f/5.6 lens review

Howdy again everyone and today I've got A treat for any wide angle lens Enthusiasts out there in fact it's the Widest angle rectilinear that is not Fisheye full frame lens that I've ever Tested and boy is this thing…

When is f/1.05 better than f/0.95?

When is f/1.05 better than f/0.95?

When is f 1.05 better than f0.95 to get A beautiful shallow depth of field in Your images You Really Want A nice Bright aperture the lower that f-stop Number the better and a bright aperture Lets in loads of…