Meike 25mm f/0.95 APS-C lens review

[Music] Howdy again everyone and today I'm Checking out a pretty extreme camera Lens from Chinese manufacturer maker Which is for aps-c memberless cameras The mega 25 millimeter F 0.95 its price Is 370 US dollars or just over 300 Pounds here in the UK and I'd like to Thank Mega for sending me a copy of this Lens for testing although as usual this Is a totally independent review it's Available for Fuji X Nikon Z Canon EFM Canon RF micro four thirds and Sony E-mount cameras and the Sony version is What I'll be testing today alongside Competing company lowers 25 millimeter F 0.95 lens this is the widest angle lens Available on apse cameras with such an Incredibly bright aperture meaning that The resulting lens can get you quite Wide angle photos yet still with clearly Out of focus backgrounds nice it's about The equivalent of a full frame 30 eight Millimeter F 1.4 lens although obviously The light intensity of f 0.95 is greater Helping you to shoot in very dark Situations however you must bear in mind That this lens is manual figures only When shooting at F 0.95 that will really Slow you down although you do get used To manually fixing it after some factors The lens itself is long and tubular in Shape not the most aesthetically Pleasing thing I've ever seen made of

Metal it weighs a somewhat Hefty 600 Grams you'll really be able to tell that This thing is on top of your camera it's Based on a metal lens mount with no Weather sealing the lens is dominated by A large metallic manual focus ring while It turns nice and smoothly I do wish it Did have a bit more Precision for Shooting at the widest apertures as you Can see here the lens only suffers from A little Focus breathing when focusing In and out In front of the focus ring there's a Manual aperture ring which turns Completely smoothly not my favorite Thing in the world the aperture's tops Are also very unevenly spaced with huge Gaps at wider apertures but only a few Millimeters between f8 and F16 the lens Has a 62 millimeter filter size and Comes with a slip-on lens cap which I Found to slip off the front of the lens A little too easily overall the lens's Build quality is pretty basic here and I Wasn't a huge fan of the design of its Control Rings well let's move on and Look at image quality now I'll be Testing it on a Sony a5100 with its 24 Megapixel aps-e sensor note and Camera Corrections are available with this lens At F 0.95 there is some sharpness to be Seen in the middle but it's clouded over By ghosting and very low contrast Unfortunately if the middle looked bad

The corners looked terrible with a ton Of uneven and soft resolution stop down To F 1.4 for a little more brightness in The corners but no more detail back in The middle a lot of that ghostinger has Gone but contrast is still quite weak However stop down to F2 for a Spectacular picture quality in the Middle the corners huh still pretty Dreadful unfortunately it's top down to F4 for an improvement in the corners and Uh 5.6 and f8 we finally see Corner Sharpness the lens stays the sharp down To F16 where a little softness is Creeping in again due to diffraction Overall though there's simply no Dressing up this lenses rather awful Performance here it's essentially Unusable at F 0.95 and you'll have to Really stop down for any kind of Sharpness to emerge outside of the Middle of the image okay let's take a Look at Distortion and vignetting now More bad news here across the middle of The field the lenses Distortion looks Fine until the image is suddenly pulled Backwards at you in the corners Vignetting out to have 0.95 is very Intrusive even if he's top down to F2 or F 2.8 there's some sharp corner Darkness To be seen here next close-up image Quality the lens can face down to 25 Centimeters which is great but Unfortunately you can barely even see

Anything when focusing that closely at f 0.95 f 1.4 and F2 see improvements but It's only at F 2.8 that sharpness Returns again Ouch all right let's look at how the Lens performs against bright light while I've seen worse than this before it's Still not a pretty picture there are Lots of problems with flowering patterns Here that can get pretty intrusive in Your pictures while we're working in a Dark let's take a look at coma levels Somewhat unsurposingly they are not good We see plenty of smearing here on right Point to light in the corners of your Images they aren't just as bad at F 1.4 Reduced at f2 and at F 2.8 those points Of lights look very clean finally let's Zoom out and look for sunstars Unfortunately if if he stopped down to F11 there's nothing much to see here Let's take a look at the quality of this Lens is bokeh now on a hole those Autofocus backgrounds look okay but at F 0.95 specular highlights have the Strongest cat's eye shape to them I've Pretty much ever seen so that can make Your images look pretty weird sometimes And finally related to Boca comes Longitudinal chromatic aberration at F 0.95 Well we can barely see anything due To that terrible close-up image quality Here's F 1.4 and now F2 where you can See that color finishing on Barker

Highlights actually doesn't seem to be Too much of an issue with this lens Overall well this lenses performance was Somewhere between poor and whatever Comes below poor Optical problems lays Scattered left right and center and it Wasn't a pleasure for me to Wade through The resulting detritus a swing and a Miss unfortunately this time I'd avoid This lens on aps-c cameras but Considering that the worst issues were Confined to the image Corners it might Perform a little better on a micro four Thirds camera system with its smaller Crop Foreign I wish Christmas took place at different Times of the year across the UK so I Could always go and get pretty sample Pictures if you found this review Helpful or any of my other reviews and You want to see them keep coming then Check out my patreon page down below Where supporters can find all kinds of Exclusive bonus content ciao for now Everybody

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