7Artisans 9mm f/5.6 lens review

Howdy again everyone and today I've got A treat for any wide angle lens Enthusiasts out there in fact it's the Widest angle rectilinear that is not Fisheye full frame lens that I've ever Tested and boy is this thing crazy the New seven Artisans nine millimeter F 5.6 Is jaw-droppingly wide almost ridiculous It could be used for a number of Purposes landscape photography could be One option although it might really be a Bit too wide for that ideally I think This thing is for architecture Photography and shooting indoors it's Rather dark maximum outer of f 5.6 Though means it'll be difficult to use For astrophotography work its price is In the description below let me know if I forget to put it in and the lens will Be available for Sony e-mount Nikon Z Canon RF and L Mount cameras I'd like to Thank 79 Sands very much for sending me A copy of this lens for evaluation Although as usual this is a totally Under dependent review the lens itself Is small and very tough and solid to Hold in your hand at 450 grams or just Over a pound it definitely has a little Weight to it it's a totally manual lens Manual actor and manual focus although At such a wide angle manual focus is Really no problem at all especially when Working at a maximum aperture of only F 5.6 everything's just in focus and the

Manual focus ring turns smoothly and Precisely as you can see here the lens Displays a very small amount of focus Breathing video makers will never be Doing these kind of focus pulls anyway In front of the Vegas ring comes a Metallic aperture ring with gentle Clicks that's it really just an aperture Ring Works nicely enough The Lens comes With a small built-in metal hood and Also has a front slip-on lens cap the Lens is not weather sealed and Unsurprisingly considering it's Unbelievably wide angle it cannot use Front filters unfortunately there's no Room for any kind of rear filters either That's everything it's a simple lens That works really well so let's take a Look at image quality unsurprisingly Considering the lens is ridiculously Wide angle my test chart is not going to Work so well here so here's a big hedge Instead I'm testing on a Sony a7r III Camera here with its 42 megapixel full Frame sensor in camera Corrections are Not available here at F 5.6 the lens is Brilliantly sharp in the middle of your Images with good contrast and here's Some further good news the corners look Great too although darker than the Middle due to vignetting stop down to f8 For just a touch of extra sharpness but No more brightness stop The Lens down as Far as F16 and you'll see some softness

Begin to emerge though due to the effect Of diffraction and F22 looks pretty hazy Now still a really pleasing performance There I wasn't expecting image quality Quite as sharp as this it's harder to See without my test charge but it looks Like color fringing is very low also Okay let's take a look at Distortion and Vignetting the lens shows a moderate Amount of barrels Distortion here Nothing that will create any serious Problems in everyday shooting at F 5.6 We see darker corners and they remain as Dark down to f8 or f11 because that Vignetting doesn't go away I'd say this Does not appear to be Optical vignetting Due to lens design but rather natural Vignetting caused by the cosine fourth Law of Illumination fall off on Extreme Wide-angle lenses so really there's Nothing seven art Sands could have done About this as you you just have to Correct it yourself Okay let's look at close-up image Quality now and this lens can only get To as close as 20 centimeters to your Subject that's not very close but at Least image quality remains as sharp as Ever there let's see how the lens works Against bright light now there's a fair Bit of flaring here as you can see but It's not too opaque stop down to f8 and A lot of it goes away and while we're Working in the dark let's take a look at

Coma levels bright points of light in The image Corners don't really show much Smearing at all here stop down to f8 to See some big sun Stars emerging which Get a bit better defined at f11 but Don't get any bigger than this so it's a Good lens for Sunstar fans Finally Boca well actually that's rather An irrelevant question on a lens this Wide even at her 5.6 here's the most out Of focus you can get those backgrounds Still look smooth enough though overall Well you might have noticed that this is One of the shortest lens reviews I've Ever put together and that's because This lens is really so very simple Thankfully the sharpness is there and on Such a wide angle optic sharpness is the Biggest priority other nice bonuses are Decent contrast low coma levels Reasonable Distortion correction and Monstrous Sun Stars you'll want to Correct the lenses rather strong Vignetting but that's the only fly in The ointment really so the lens has to Come highly recommended [Music] Thanks for watching everyone boy these Inexpensive wide-angle lenses are Getting better and better if you find These reviews helpful and find yourself Watching them often then check out my Patreon page my patreon supporters are Out of this world and make a huge

Difference to me keeping this show on The road Link in the description below And ciao for now everyone

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