What the S5 II means for the future of Panasonic cameras

Welcome back to previous TV viewers it Is Chris Nichols here it's Jordan Drake Here and I'm holding a Panasonic S5 too Because our launch video for the initial Review of this camera just came out on YouTube if you haven't seen it yet Please do check that out yeah I also Want to mention we've got a second s52 That's filming us right now with Autofocus in the 6K open gate mode and I'm not going to be doing a lot of Zooming I'm just going to be cropping in Post so you can see how you can actually Take advantage of that extra resolution Now what are we doing here today well The fact of the matter is this just came Out and you know while the iron's hot we Thought we would strike with a video Talking about really the big change here Which is Phase detect autofocus Sunday At Panasonic has just implemented how is That going to affect the company now Moving forward yeah and we were just Doing a predictions video when we were In Japan where we knew about this camera And had some predictions for Panasonic Where we couldn't talk about phase Detect autofocus now that it's out there We can actually discuss what we think This means for all of the future Panasonic lines so Jordan I think the Biggest change that we're going to see Right off the bat is actually depends on Its reputation as a camera manufacturer

Because the fact is there aren't many Companies left that are avoiding phase Detect autofocus all the big players are Using phase detect or Advanced hybrid Technology focusing systems and they Work really effectively and honestly Panasonic was getting really bad rap People didn't like the Jitters of course People just didn't have any confidence Shooting their cameras it was really Starting to hurt their brand especially When it came to photography but video as Well yeah I mean whenever we'd post a Video about Panasonic most of the Comments would be like Panasonic has bad Autofocus I don't care their autofocus Sucks I mean that's kind of what they've Become known for unfortunately where now I mean what else are they going to be Known for now that they have phase Detect it's like really good video Features a better thing to be known for Well for sure and it makes a lot of Sense because we I think you'll have to Understand you were primarily using Panasonic cameras for years but in Manual focus mode 100 of the time you Know that was your workflow but there Are advantage to being able to do Movement and have the camera track Properly and there was a lot of times Where you were starting to shoot Sony's And canons for the videos really just to Open up that aspect despite the fact

That you actually preferred all the Assist tools and the video capabilities That the Panasonic cameras you know Always gave you yeah I mean now I've Shot a couple episodes on the S5 too and Yeah I'm trading it just like any of my Other Panasonic bodies I've got the Waveform I like the v-log profile I love Working with I just have the option now If I want to to click that autofocus Switch and suddenly I could have Chris Moving towards the camera without like Setting marks or anything like that I Mean it really is the best of both Worlds okay so Panasonic comes out with The S5 too it's probably uh one of the Best video cameras for the price point Punches well above its cost when it Comes to video capabilities but what About their hiring cameras moving Forward about something like your Favorite the s1h yeah I think an s2h is Gonna happen the s1h was probably the Most popular body in the S Series and They could really go two ways I could See what I hope they don't do is just Bring over some of the features from the Gh6 like the punch in Focus the four Channel audio and use that same 24 Megapixel sensor with now phase detect Auto that'd be a very minor upgrade yeah Not a lot of r d to do that but I think It would be pretty underwhelming I Really want to see for the premium

You're paying for that series of cameras A faster scanning sensor like you know It wasn't even something like what Sony Uses in the A9 like a 24 megapixel but Very fast sensor right because that's Going to unlock you know we no longer Have to crop in 4k 60 maybe even get 4k 120. we're going to have less wobble in The shots and it's going to help the Auto focus system but still maintain That excellent full-frame image quality And low light performance that they're Known for yeah and that video Centric Body with time code and all that good Stuff CF Express so we can do high data Rates Okay so let's talk about photo Centric Cameras now and this is where honestly I'm a little bit skeptical I just don't Know what Panasonic's going to do Because yes going forward you would Assume they'd put phase detect into any New body they make and I feel like you Know the S1 the s1r I mean those were Great bodies they were large and bulky But they were great ergonomics great Features you know multi-shot high-res Modes image quality was never the issue They did that well people didn't buy Them because they didn't have phased Attack hybrid Auto focusing systems and So going forward if they're gonna do That now with these camera are they even Gonna bother to put all that effort and

Attention into that it would take a lot Of work yeah I mean I'm curious because I know they started with the S5 too Because they look at your market and They're like we're competing against you Know z62 or a Canon EOS R you know R6 Sony A7 III these older bodies where the Autofocus isn't as sophisticated but if They're going to make like a premium Photography camera now it's going to be Competing against a 7-4 Canon R6 twos uh They're gonna have to have a Significantly better Auto focusing System for it even with a little bit of Movement sometimes I could get a lot of Shots in Focus unless I was in the right Mode and I just think if they want to do Sports Action that kind of stuff well it Might have to improve a little bit okay But let's let's say that they bring in Like a very Cutting Edge autofocus System is that enough for the S1 Replacement s1r replacement to be Competitive I think if they can get over People's misgivings just about the brand Name when it comes to photo then yeah I Mean really those bodies were capable Maybe the ergonomics could be changed But let's remember that the image Quality is great and they also have an Extensive line of lenses right I mean You've got Panasonic lenses you've got Leica lens you've got Sigma lenses lots Of third-party support for L Mount so in

That regard actually gives you a bigger Lens lineup than a lot of other Companies can even do I like than Canon And Nikon I mean Sony is clearly the big Question there but I mean Sony just Keeps making small bodies if you want a Bigger chunkier body with good autofocus And a lot of lens options then yeah Those might actually make sense another Thing Chris we shouldn't forget is there Is an alliance between Sigma Panasonic And Leica but now there's this L2 thing Where Panasonic and Leica are developing Processors together and I mean we don't Know for sure but I would be very Surprised if we don't now start seeing Phase detect autofocus in Leica cameras As well I mean obviously BSL bodies have Always been very similar to Panasonic's S I think right it's kind of a No-brainer we'll see that but why not Move that into something like q2s or q3s Or whatever I mean maybe rangefinders they could Actually get like phase detect to Confirm your focus when you're manually Or that would be a traditional travesty No you can't do that that's that's too Far you've gone too far you're mad uh Let's talk about micro four thirds what About the gh6 Jordan I mean a lot of People are saying why would you even buy That when you can get a full-frame Camera at the same price point that has

The new autofocus yeah and the gh6 has The advantage of the faster readout you Know 4K 120 without a crop sure uh Things like that that they're just not Going to be able to touch with the Slower sensor of the S5 the thing that's Really surprising to me is when they Chose to roll the gh6 out like why Didn't they just wait a little longer we Waited forever for the gr6 so it had Phase detect autofocus because Perceptually that is really well known Now as a camera with battery because you Could just do a gh7 right like they've Got a few more numbers to go through I Mean they had like five years between The last two models I wouldn't be Shocked if they did like a gh6s or Something right had like phase detect Autofocus otherwise very very similar And that would be a hanging camera Absolutely would take care of one of the Main weaknesses that people have with That camera but they have other lines in Micro four thirds yeah micro four thirds Is not dead absolutely I mean people Still do want to have compact rugged Cameras with compact lenses that are Fast shooting but again the question Really comes down to is again Panasonic Going to push towards the photoscentric Cameras or just go video I would love to See like a brand new G9 which everybody Universally loved back in the day but

Yes it needs better autofocus yeah I Mean the big question there is just Going to be what sensor would it use if They brought that I don't think they can Use the old 20 megapixel sensor again The gh6 sensor you know has some very Capable things for video but it wasn't a Great photography sensor especially at Base ISO like not bad if they could get Their hands on the sensor that om System Is using in their om1 you know that very Fast readout combine that with phase Detect autofocus and the om1 is a great Photo camera but it has so many weird Video quirks the Panasonic would never Let happen so if you wanted like a Hybrid camera photo video I think There's still a market for them that's a G9 replacement it's a very good point Because I think om system is actually Doing very well now with the om1 in Regards to having good autofocus and Good subject detection so yeah Panasonic Has an opportunity for actual true Hybrid steel swoop right in there so Jordan this video has been a lot of like What ifs and I hope so is moving forward So any other what ifs or I hope so Before we've been talking about just Like expensive cameras like the most Entry level one we talked about was a G9 Replacement which is still going to be a Pricey camera but I would love to see Panasonic get back to their Roots I mean

Their most famous photo center camera Was the gf1 early micro four thirds I Would love to see them get back into Small bodies now they got phase detect Autofocus where it'll be super accurate And you've just got this little like a Like a GM one of them and it's tiny and They're like pop pop good autofocus Nobody on this planet wants a new GM Worse than I do I love that camera I Just feel with the small sensor you're Already getting lots of depth of field The phase detect auto focus is gonna be That big an improvement in like that Market the smart I was just God sorry I I just don't think it's gonna happen Jordan I think I think Panasonic is Going to focus on the big stuff compete With Sony Canon Nikon movies that's That's what I think they got it I think You're just being a bummer although I Don't totally disagree with you but let Us know if you disagree with us does This change everything for Panasonic I Think in some ways it definitely does But yes let us know in the comments Below while you're doing the comments Look down below there's the socials you Might as well click any click on those And do like and subscribe to the channel If you haven't already we would Absolutely appreciate that and otherwise Thanks so much for joining us we'll see You guys soon with another episode of TV

Thanks so much for watching gm6 I would love it [Music]

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