Fuji XF 30mm f/2.8 R LM WR Macro lens review

Greetings again everyone and isn't this Just the smallest neatest little macro Lens you've ever seen yes today I'll be Reviewing the living daylight out of the Fuji XF 30 mm f2.8 R Lmw macro with its tiny size and Fullframe equivalent focal length of 45 Mm this could be a perfect lens for General purpose use or street Photography its maximum apure is only F2.8 but on the flip side it has a full Macro capability now most serious macro Photographers tend to prefer a lens with A bit more reach than that and at 30 mm You certainly have to get very close to Your subject if you want a life-size Macro image potentially scaring off Insects or small animals or make it Tricky to light your subject but the Resulting macro images still look Gorgeous so it's a lens that will make Itself really handy on your camera at $600 or £600 here in the UK it is not Cheap but it is intended to be a premium Level optic here I'd like to thank Fuji UK for learning me a copy of this lens For a few weeks for testing although as Usual this is a totally independent Review build quality here is fantastic As you'd expect for top-of-the-line Fuji XF optic although it's made of plastic The lens is beautifully small and solid Not to mention good looking on your Camera the rear mount is metallic with a

Weather seiling gasket around In fact the lens is advertised as being Fully weather resistant then comes the Apture ring with lovely tactile clicks Every third of an f- stop and there's Also quite a Handy Switch to allow you To lock the lens in or out of automatic Aperture mode if you want in front of That comes the manual focus ring which Is large metallic and turns beautifully Smoothly as usual for a Fuji lens the Actual manual focus response is a little Jerky but it is precise enough for Anything you you might want to do the Lens displays only a little Focus Breathing here nothing anyone will ever Notice in video work in fact this is a Surprisingly good performance for a Macro lens they usually have serious Problems here autofocus speed is very Snappy as you can see and the autofocus Motor runs silently and accurately the Lens has a very small 43 mm filter Thread size and it comes with a dinky Little plastic hood and it does not have Image stabilization overall though Perfect build quality here so let's take A look at image quality Fuji were kind And also brave enough to loan me one of Their latest 40 megapixel cameras for This test an xt5 so let's see what the Lens can do on the world's most insanely Demanding apsc camera sensor at f2.8 Image quality is perfect straight away

In the middle excellent sharpness and Contrast the corner image quality is Reasonably Sharp but contrast getss a Bit ghostly here however stop down to F4 And contrast makes a fighting comeback And at f5.6 sharpness is excellent now From corner to corner the lens Tays this Sharp down to F16 where defraction Introduces a lot of softness overall Considering the somewhat ridiculous Demands of a 40 megapix apsc sensor this Is a great performance the lens is Seriously sharp but stop down to f5.6 if You want perfect sharpness right in the Image Corners okay let's see about the Lens's Distortion and vignetting if Corrections are turned off here we see The lens has a heavy pinch of pin Cushion Distortion and the corners look Quite dark at f2.8 at F4 f5.6 and f8 Those Corners brighten up still this is Clearly an optic designed from the Ground up to use Corrections so make Sure your raw files are being corrected The lens's minimum Focus distance of Only 10 cm is of course its tar feature Here but as I mentioned that closeness Can make it difficult to focus and to Light your subject anyway at f2.8 Close-up image quality remains nice and Sharp F4 and f5.6 see an extra little Punch of contrast though at f8 Defraction is beginning to slightly Soften the image f11 and F-16 are

Looking a little jumbled up and F22 Looks really soft still a very good Macro performance here okay let's see How the lens performs against Bright Lights now as usual for a Fuji lens it's An excellent show almost no flaring can Be seen here at all now let's see about The quality of this lens's Barker the Maximum apture of f2.8 unfortunately Doesn't allow for very outof focused Backgrounds here when you do get them The lens displays a bit of a jackal and Hide personality deeply outof focused Backgrounds look nice and smooth but at Portrait distance backgrounds look Rather busy and finally related tobacco Comes longitudinal chromatic aberration It's low at f2.8 and at F4 it's Essentially gone overall this is a neat Handy small sharp wider angle macro lens With beautiful build quality and Excellent Optics that could make itself Very useful to anyone who well anyone Who's really into wider angle macro Lenses and that's not everyone the big Fly in the ointment is the lens's Hefty Price tag of 600 $ which is a little Crazy to be honest it's clearly a very High quality lens but I think a lower Price would be needed to really tempt People cost aside though if you're not Worried about the price I can recommend The lens without any Hesitation Fuji Fuji Fuji you know what

I've been loving testing fgi lenses on An xt5 it's an absolutely phenomenal Camera so much better than my xt3 and I Can't believe so many of these Fuji Lenses are actually sharp enough to Cover 40 megapixels anyway a huge thank You goes out to my supporters over on Patreon without you I don't know if I'd Be able to keep this channel going check It out in the description below patreon Supporters get all kinds of extra bonus Content ciao for now everyone

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