Yongnuo 11mm f/1.8 S DA DSM WL lens review

Greetings once again everyone and today I'm check out a neat little apsc Ultra Wideangle autofocus lens from Yong no The 11 mm f1.8 SD DSM WL it costs around $300 by itself and about $350 with a little remote control which I'll talk about in a minute and that's Potentially good value for money for a Bright apture autofocus lens well if it Turns out to be any good it's currently Only available for Sony's mirorless E-mount cameras and as I mentioned it Offers an apsc image Circle here's what You get if you shoot full frame I'd like To thank Yong no for sending me a copy Of this lens for testing although as Usual this is a totally independent Review 11 mm on an apsc camera is the Full frame equivalent of 16 and 1 12 mm Which is a lovely useful Ultra wide Angle adding lots of drama to your Picture pushing away your subject and Generally making itself useful for for All kinds of landscape and architecture Photography among other things and an Aperture as wide as f1.8 well that's Impressive too not only does it mean Your backgrounds can get a little out of Focus well if you're close enough to Your subject anyway but it could also be Potentially useful for Astro photography Or just shooting anywhere in the dark Neat the design of the lens itself is Quite good looking here and its build

Quality is very nice at 260 g it has a Nice little to it without feeling heavy It's a metallic lens based on a metal Lens mount with a weather sealing gasket And a USBC Port around the side for Future firmware updates then we get some Controls a customizable function button And an autom manual focus switch which Can also be set to turn the wireless Remote control on and off as I mentioned The lens can be bought with an extra Remote control which allows you to Adjust focus remotely a to be focusing And adjusting Focus speed and apparently Starting and stopping video recording Interesting not something I need at all But some video makas doing unusual Project might be interested then comes The aperture ring it can be set to turn Smoothly or to turn with gentle clicks And I love having that option then comes The manual focus ring which is also Metallic and turns very smoothly the Lens's manual focus response could be a Bit jerky sometimes suddenly pulling Into place as you can also see here the Lens suffers from focused breathing Although on such a wide- angle optic It's not really so important the lens's Autofocus motor is quiet and accurate it Works reasonably quickly in single shot Mode and very fast in continuous Autofocus mode the lens has a 58 mm Filter size and comes with a little

Plastic Hood it does not feature image Stabilization all in all the lens's Build quality feels very nice and its Electronics work fine too too so let's Look at image quality by mounting it Onto a 24 map apsc camera in camera Corrections are turned on for this test Although they didn't really seem to do Very much at f1.8 image quality in the Middle is perfect razor sharpness and Excellent contrast Corner image quality Is a bit messy though with softness Darkness and chromatic aberration F2 Looks about the same f2.8 is a little Brighter and F4 is noticeably sharper F5.6 and f8 look about the same stop Down to f11 or F-16 and the image just Gets softer due to defraction and that Chromatic aberration is still there Overall it's amazing image quality in The middle of your pictures but the Corners are looking a little rough still Though stop down to F4 and they become At least reasonably good something I Noticed on this lens is that in camer Corrections don't seem to work so well With it here's a picture with Corrections turned on and now turned off Very little difference as you can see With a strong pinch of barrel Distortion Here perhaps that could be fixed in a Future firmware update anyway stop down To F2 or f2.8 and those Corners brighten Up but that is about as bright as they

Get the lens's minimum Focus distance is Very close 15 cm just look how close you Can get to smaller subjects here image Quality gets very soft and hazy closeup Unfortunately with only a small Improvement if he stopped down to F2 at F2.8 things look better and at F4 the Image is suddenly very sharp again let's See how the land works against bright Light there's not much flaring across The image frame but there's a very large Shimmer around the point of light itself As you can see if he stopped down to F2.8 though then that quickly goes away While we're working in the dark let's Take a look at coma and sunstars at f1.8 We see only a small amount of smearing On bright points of light in the image Corners stop down to f2.8 and it's gone Let's zoom out then and look for sun Stars they begin to really emerge at F5.6 getting stronger at f8 f11 and F16 Very impressive this is a good lens for Shooting in the dark obviously next boka If you can get close enough to your Subject for an outof Focus background You'll see that they look very smooth And even here no serious problems to Note and finally related to B comes Longitudinal chromatic aberration Amazingly it's not too strong on this Lens even at f1.8 there's still just a Hint of it to be seen at f2.8 but at F4 It's essentially gone overall I liked

This lens's build quality and its images Very much although technically it's a Little bit of a mixed bag its Corner Image quality could have been a lot Better and I don't know what was going On with its in camera corrections but Its contrast is very good it has low Coma nice sunstars nice bcka if you Don't need razor sharpness in the Corners of your image then this lens is Actually a very good option and the fact That it only costs around $300 despite having perfectly good Autofocus makes this thing very good Value for money and therefore it has to Come overall [Music] Recommended thanks again for watching Everyone I love testing out ultrawide Lenses with bright apertures even if I Get a little cold during the nighttime Photography special thanks to my patreon Supporters who are making such a big Difference in keeping this channel going Sponsorship free I love making exclusive Bonus content for them as well as giving Early Access to some of my more Interesting videos check it out in the Description below and CIA for now Everyone

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