Traveling with the Viltrox Pro AF 27mm F1.2 | Does it Make Sense?

[Music] Hi I'm Dustin Abbott last year I gave You a review of the Fuji x-mount version Of the viltrox proa 27 mm f1.2 and then More recently I've just reviewed the Emount version of that lens one of the Things that I actually did as a part of This particular review cycle is I wanted To see how this lens would hold up as a Travel option it is a very very sweet Lens in a lot of ways but it's also not Particularly small or light and so does It make sense as a lens to travel with Now obviously the proa F75 mm f1.2 is Also optically amazing but that focal Length which is about 1125 mimet Equivalent is really too long for a General purpose lens so this lens has The opportunity to fit into a very Different Niche while that other lens Might be considered a more portrait Oriented lens this could be considered a Normal or versatile type lens with a 405 Mm focal length on Sony Fuji or when it Comes out later on Nikon Z Mount that Apsc crop factor of 1.5 makes this a Slightly wider than normal normal lens Now some people do prefer the 50mm focal Length I actually really like something Around here because of the extreme versa Utility so is this a lens worthy of Consideration for travel well let's take A look at the biggest cons the biggest Cons have to do really with the size

Itself size and weight if you're wanting To travel light this is really not going To be your option it's over 500 gam in Weight and as you can see it's not super Small for an apsc lens and so that I Would say are the really only true Negatives to consider as a part of it For travel but that is counterbalanced By what I consider to be a fairly strong List of Pros to consider it and to Consider it even when you're going to Travel first of all that focal length Really is incredibly useful I find that It works well for portraits particularly If you're wanting to capture full body Portraits the fact that it has such a Fast maximum apture of f1.2 means that Depth of field remains fairly shallow And so it allows you to get those those Kinds of shots where your subject seems To be cut out some from the background I Also find this focal link to be really Useful for kind of day-to-day things When you're just shooting in a room Maybe with family or friends or you know Shooting a a night out the focal length Is pretty much perfect for those kinds Of settings not too wide but neither too Narrow either I also find it to be Useful for shallow depth of field shots And the fact that we got a little bit Better maximum um magnification of 0.15 Times while that's far from being Anything record setting it is enough to

Be useful and so you can see in shots Like this you can get a really shallow Depth of field and create unique shots As a byproduct I found that it worked Really well as a landscape lens the fact That it has such high resolution Contrast and good color means that it Delivers a lot of detail in the frame Even if you have to shoot at large Apertures it remains really useful for That so that also makes it really great For nighttime photography because you Can keep that ISO down you can even Shoot at wider maximum apures and still Get a good shallow depth of field and Finally I found it useful for City or Street type photography as well again It's a great focal length and you know Reasonably discreet and so it works well For that as noted the image quality is Stunning so that is a huge Pro there it Has great autofocus particularly on Sony Where I found that autofocus was fast Enough even to track action and able to Keep up with things if worked really Well uh another Pro for this lens over Many competing lenses it has a very Thorough weather ceiling we've got about 13 different seal points and So that Obviously is really really useful that Huge maximum aperture and thus the Resulting depth of field that comes with It allows you to really play with depth Of field for framing things or doing

Creative shots and I love lenses that Have a large maximum mture for that Reason because it unlocks my ability to Shoot visually Unique Images things that Your eye doesn't actually see but when You can really delineate a subject it Allows you to do something that your Natural vision doesn't and that kind of Stand stands out to people as being Special one kind of a side note is that It has a very common 67 mm front filter Thread meaning it's very likely you'll Be able to share filters amongst other Lenses so in summation I traveled to get Away from this as you can see behind me And so I traveled with this lens with a Wideangle prime and with a telephoto Zoom when I looked back at my assorted Images that I took over the course of The trip I found that I used the vro 27mm F1 .2 65% of the time almost 2third Of the shots that I took I reached for This lens because it was just so useful In so many applications and I found the Combination of sharpness good flare Resistance shallow depth of field and Accurate autofocus extremely useful and So for me personally I think I'm willing To deal with the weight because this Lens is just so good and so useful in so Many applications it's also a great Value at about $550 though you can use The code Dustin Abbott to get 8% off and To drop that price even further so I

Highly recommend this even as a travel Option for those who are comfortable With a slightly larger lens so you stuck Around to the end thanks as always for Watching have a great day and let the Light [Music] In

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