Best Budget Sony Cameras in 2024

Sony is the best brand for Budget Cameras because even their budget models Have prle performance but Sony makes Their cameras very specialized for Different shooting Styles and often they Release multiple versions of the same Camera with one or two key differences That completely changes who the camera Is for so picking the right camera for Your shooting style is very important so In this video let's talk about the best Budget Sony cameras for different Shooting Styles and budget levels so you Can find the perfect camera for you also I'll leave links down below for the best Pricing on all the cameras so let's Start this list off with the lowest pric Sony camera that still has great specs And will be perfectly fine for most Casual Shooters and that is the Sony A6000 however this is just the first Camera on this list and there's other Budget cameras later on that might be Better for someone who's a vlogger or Digital content creator or someone who Wants an actual serious camera but Simply wants it on a budget now back to The a6000 the cheapest camera on this List The Sony a6000 was Sony's first major Hit on the market that eventually turned Into the Sony camera brand that we know Today and this camera has a lot of the Things that have made Sony camera so

Popular starting off with the 24 Megapixel apsc size sensor which is Plenty of resolution for photos and you Can easily crop into your photos and Print them out and still get a ton of Detail the one unique thing about the A6000 that even the more expensive Cameras don't have is the Unique Look of This sensor it has a very vintage look To it that I personally feel really Inspired by these photos are straight From the camera with zero color grading And I love the look they almost look Like a vintage film camera and for some People this actually might be a cheaper Alternative to something like the Fuji X100 series or a film camera but the Downside of this older Sony camera is That it's not really good in low light Which is something that Sony cameras are Known for but the upside is that the Autofocus in photo mode is very Snappy And quick and this was actually one of Sony's first camera that had really good Autofocus and for the time this camera Came out the autofocus in this camera Was gamechanging and funny enough the Autofocus is still pretty good even Today however in video mode it does Sometimes lose focus but it rebounds Really quickly for photos the a6000 is Shockingly fast it shoots at 11 frames Per second which is the same speed as The newer a6000 models and it also

Shoots 22 raw frames in a row which is Actually better than something like the Canon R50 which just came out and that Camera can only shoot seven Raw photos In a row so funny enough this is Actually better in some ways than even Newer photo cameras but the one Trade-off is that it only shoots in 12bit raw which was pretty much the Standard at the time and we now have 14bit raw which gives you more than Double the dynamic range and the color Flexibility but this is probably good Enough for people that are just starting Out and the a6000 also has a built-in Flash for photos weirdly enough this is Actually a feature you don't see on the More expensive soning cameras like the A6700 when it comes to video the a6000 Is a bit limited it shoots full HD at 24 30 and 60 frames per second but it has a Really low bit rate and the video tends To look a little bit soft and not soft Or dreamlike in a good cinematic way it Kind of just looks low quality and the Internal audio in the a6000 is also not Very good and it also does not have an External input for a microphone so when It comes to video this camera is pretty Limited and it's probably not something I recommend to someone who's serious About video but if you are I do have a Camera later in this list that is Perfect for you another reason the A6 th

Was so popular when it came out was the Design it has a really small and compact Body that is perfect for traveling with Keeping on you at all times it's a Really good lifestyle body it also has a Tilt screen on the back that works Really well however the colors on the Screen are not very accurate and your Photos and videos will actually look Better on your laptop or TV than they Will on that back screen however this Also depends on whether you're buying This camera new or used because colors On any LCD screen are going to drift Over time so if you get a newer camera You might get more accurate colors the One downside of the a6000 body is that The battery life is very short back in The day Sony really wasn't known for Their battery life and the a6000 just Eats through batteries so I highly Recommend getting at least one or two Spare batteries the Sony a6000 is a Really unique photo camera with a very Charming vintage look and you still get All the things you love love about Sony Cameras like the great design and the Fabulous autofocus however this is a Camera I only recommend for photos and Not for videos at all if you're someone That's just looking to get started with Photos or you just want to shoot as a Hobby this is one of Sony's best hobby Cameras now as great as the a6000 is you

Might want a more modern Sony camera With better quality and more features Overall and for you the a6400 might just Be perfect especially if you want better Video quality it has a pretty similar 24 Megapixel apsc size sensor but the a6400 Came out almost 5 years after the a6000 And there's actually a lot of modern Advances underneath the hood for Starters the a6400 is significantly Better in low light you can comfortably Shoot at isos as high as 3200 or even 6,400 and in my humble opinion I think Even 10,000 ISO looks pretty good plus The a6400 also has the newer Sony color Signs that has richer more vibrant Colors and much more accurate skin tones The downside of this is that you do lose That vintage look from the a6000 but it Really depends on your shooting style And the autofocus in the a6400 is a huge Lead forward compared to the a6000 the Performance for the time when it came to Video autofocus was a huge leap forward In the a6400 it actually had the same Autofocusing system from their Pro Camera the A9 so even today the Autofocus for video is phenomenal it Never really Los loses your subject Matter and it's very fast and reliable And there's really no issues or quirks With it in photo mode the a6400 does the Standard 11 frames per second which is Pretty normal for the a6000 line but the

A6400 has a much larger frame buffer and You can actually shoot 64 Raw photos in A row or a 116 jpegs which actually Makes the a6400 a very good camera for Capturing action however one major Upside of the a6400 is that it also has 14bit raw which is incredible amount of Color and light data to work with and You can easily make something beautiful And artistic and really make Professional work with this camera it Absolutely has you covered these are Some of the photos that I shot and Honestly I like them oh and the a6400 Also has a built in Flash which I know a Lot of you guys are going to love and if You're someone that really wants high Quality video the a6400 is going to blow You away it shoots 4K and not just 24 And 30 frames per second but it's Actually down sampled from 6K it's going To take the full 24 megapixel 6K Resolution of the sensor and squeeze That down into a smaller more manageable 4K file size but you're still going to Get the detail and Clarity of 6K video So you can really think of this as a 6K Camera when it comes to Quality and the A6400 also shoots full HD at 60 frames Per second for two times slow motion and 120 frames per second for five times Slow motion but the best part of the A6400 is the inclusion of slog 3 and Cinema profiles which is going to give

You a ton of room to play around with Your colors and light values when it Comes to video editing and you can Really use this camera to make something Truly cinematic on top of that the a6400 Also has really good digital Stabilization for handheld video and Vlogging when it comes to design the A6400 is pretty much your standard Sony Apsc camera and it's pretty similar in Terms of design and feel in your hands As the Sony a6000 but it does have a few New design features one of the main that It now has a til screen that comes up to The top for vlogging and the screen is Also touch sensitive for touch autofocus But it doesn't let you control other Things like menus or settings and as Much as I love this screen the one Problem with it is that if the screen Comes up to the Top If you add a Microphone to the camera it actually Blocks your screen and that just isn't a Good vlogging experience the internal Audio in this camera is pretty decent The best thing that I actually recommend Is because this camera has an external Microphone input I would recommend Getting an adapter in actually putting The microphone on the side of your Camera or somewhere else where it's not Blocking the screen but if you don't Have to Vlog with this camera I probably Wouldn't recommend this as a vlogging

Camera because Sony actually makes a Pretty similar camera to this that is Much better for vloggers and digital Content creators but the a6400 is still A very powerful photo and video camera That really doesn't have any major Downsides except for the screen on the Back but overall it has a lovely compact Design I love the auto autofocus even if You're a professional most of you guys Are probably going to be just fine with The autofocus in this camera and this is One of the few budget cameras I can Recommend to both hobbyists enthusiasts And professionals who need a b camera This is a budget Powerhouse and I highly Recommend checking it out now if you're Someone that's very serious about video Vlogging film making content creation And you want specs that are pretty Similar to the a6400 Sony actually has a Little brother to the a6400 known as the Sony zve 10 and this camera was Specifically made by Sony for Content Creators filmmakers and vloggers but It's not just a copycat camera it Actually has some really unique features That you will not find in other cameras And you can immediately see this when You look at the design of this camera it Has a single button to swap between Photo video and slow motion there's no Messy mode D and I know a lot of content Creators will probably prefer this plus

It also has two separate record buttons For photo and video and it also has a Button to instantly add more background Blur to your videos and it also has a Built-in three capsule microphone which Is going to give you shockingly Solid Audio specifically for vlogging but you Can always plug in an external Microphone because the screen on this Camera actually comes out to the side so It no longer blocks the microphone and Sony also makes a really good compact Microphone for vloggers that plugs Directly into the flash Mount of this Camera which also doesn't add much to The size of the camera and the screen on This camera also has touch autofocus Focus and speaking of autofocus the Sony Zv1 has the same autofocus from the Ac400 that does a really good job with Subject tracking and one unique feature That's only in the zv1 is something Known as product showcase mode this is Where you hold a product up to the Camera and the autofocus will snap to The product and then back to your face When you put the product down this is Really useful for Content creators that Are talking about products on camera Like me and one unique feature about the Zv1 is that it also adds a red border Around your screen when you're recording To let you know hey you are 100% Vlogging deal with that existential

Crisis you're a vlogger now specs wise The zv1 is pretty much the same camera As the a6400 it has the exact same Sensor exact same frame rates it shoots Photos at 11 frames per second same Frame buffer and also shoots 4K at 24 And 30 frames per second that is also Down sampled from 6K so you're basically Getting the same camera but with a Better design that is more at content Creators and video filmmakers but the Zv1 does not have flash according to Sony if you're a video shooter you don't Need flash personally I would have still Liked to see it but the reason this Camera doesn't have a flash is because Of that built-in microphone but the Z V10 overall is a Powerhouse of a camera And if you're someone that's a content Creator or video Centric the Z V10 is a Much better buy than the a6400 but Either way whether you like the a6400 or The Z V10 you're going to get a Powerhouse of a camera and it's going to Be a great fit for almost any budget Shooter and if you want to make sure you Get the best budget pricing for either Of these cameras make sure to check out The links description down below and I'll see you guys in the next video Peace