TTArtisan 35mm F0.95: At Least it’s Cheap!

So here we are with another 35 Millimeter F 0.95 lens this one comes From TT Artisan now it's fast it's Inexpensive but the question that I have Is is it really necessary does it differ At all from all the other fast 35 Millimeter F 0.95 lenses out there Available for Sony aps-c mirrorless So in this video we're going to check Out just how bad it is and figure out Whether or not it's worth your money it Comes in a simple box nothing fancy a Screw on lens cap that is annoying and That's it I'm not going to spend much Time on it the lens is built as you Would expect all metal and glass it's Compact it has this cut out contrasting Design on the focus ring that we've seen Before on other TT Artisan lenses and It's not my favorite the edges are a bit Sharp and do cut into your fingertips Starting at the rear there is an all Metal mount with no electronic Connections this lens is completely Manual there's also no weather sealing Here either near the rear there is a Focal distance scale that is a bit hard To read a TT Artisan logo and 35 on the Other side that kind of just Blends into The scale the focus ring is good not Amazing but it's not the worst that I Felt it rotates just over 45 degrees Which is a bit not enough for focusing At F 0.95 I found on the Focus ring

There is a scale in feet and meters and Then those cutouts that I already Mentioned in front there is a very thin Aperture ring it moves from F 0.95 to F 16 with distinct clicks which is a good Thing and finally around the front there Is a good sized front lens element Plenty of information here DJ Optical Dropping more hits 35 millimeter F 0.95 And 52 millimeter filter thread TT Artisan and a very long serial number to Make it look official inside you can see The 10 bladed diaphragm as you rotate The aperture ring and it looks good on The camera as well it's small it's not Overly stylized and it's relatively easy To use once you have your hands on it But how does it perform that is the real Question so I took this lens out with my Wife and I shot a couple of street Photography slash portraits let's check Those out in terms of sharpness at least If your subject is in the center of the Frame this lens does well it's sharp Enough and if you don't look at the Details you might even be impressed but From the very beginning this lens has Shortcomings the corners are terribly Soft wide open you'd think stopping this Lens down would solve that problem but Honestly even at f8 the corners while Finally sharp aren't that impressive at F8 this lens is as sharp in the corners As a Sigma lens is at f2 contrast wide

Open also is not brilliant there is a Little bit of haziness that dreamy Effect quote unquote that is just Another name for poor wide open Performance then there is the chromatic Aberration which as you would expect is Horrible it's in the center of the frame It's in the corners it's everywhere if You shoot this lens anywhere near wide Open then we move on to flaring which Again is simply disappointing this lens Doesn't seem to have any special Coatings as far as I can tell and with No lens Hood included the results Shouldn't be surprising okay so there Are some negatives but this lens does f 0.95 so the bokeh should be the red Deeming quality right well sort of the Bouquet is good it's not perfectly even Into the corners as it changes shape Into ovals and triangles although at Distance it does make backgrounds Disappear into blurry nothingness but It's simply not enough look I like cheap Lenses more than the next guy I'm always Looking for that next steal of a deal When it comes to aps-c Glass but there Is nothing here that pushes me over the Edge nothing that really gives me that Gotta Have It feeling and even though This lens is 200 which is remarkably Cheap for an F 0.95 lens I don't care Especially since the sigma 30 millimeter F 1.4 which has been around for years is

A much much better lens for the money It's not only a ton sharper but almost As fast at F 1.4 it offers better Bouquet better contrast and colors Better resale value and it has autofocus All for around the same price I simply Can't recommend this TT Artisan lens When I know that there is something so Much better for about the same money and That leads me to the problem with TT Artisan at least in the moment now I Think that they make some of the best Cheap manual lenses out on the market a Lot of very good performing lenses but Their performance is just all over the Place some of them are good some of them Are horrible and some a lot of them are Just somewhere in the middle I wish that TT Artisan would just take one lens make It a benchmark and just say from now on We are not going to produce a lens that Performs worse optically than this lens And then keep improving on that formula So that each subsequent lens is better Than at least one Baseline lens in Reality that's what all of these big Companies are doing they are not going Back on designs they're not making worse Lenses than before can you imagine if Sigma released the 30 millimeter five Six years ago and they come out with Another 30 millimeter F 1.4 that's worse Optically than the old one it would be a Laughing stock everyone would claim that

It's the absolute worst thing that They've ever seen but for some reason When it comes to these small Manufacturers TT Artisans seven Artisans A lot of these Makey lenses they just Get a free pass they can release good Lenses bad lenses in the middle lenses And it's like there's no Rhyme or Reason To it they're not held to any sort of Standard in my opinion if the lens Doesn't perform to a standard it simply Should not be released that should be The Mantra and that would build trust in The brand and Trust in the reputation of The brand otherwise the reputation that TT Artisan is establishing is a Reputation of being completely random And that is really it for my review of This 35 millimeter F 0.95 lens this Video is as much for TT Artisan as it is For you guys because they can make Better lenses than this they have made Better lenses than this and for you guys That are watching if you're in the Market for a 30 to 35 millimeter lens Just know there are certainly better Options than this even if you want that F 0.95 look I would say stick with f 1.4 Get the sigma you'll be much much Happier has autofocus has all those Things that I mentioned I just can't Recommend a lens that's so close in Price to that lens knowing there's such A huge difference in performance so

That's going to be it let me know what Your thoughts are down in the comments Section below stay tuned for more have a Great day I'll see you guys soon bye-bye

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