DPReview TV’s resolutions for 2023

Welcome back to bbtv viewers it is Chris Nichols here it is Jordan Drake here and Uh we got a fun video for you today Because we're going to be doing our New Year's resolutions going forward into 2023. yeah for ourselves right we've Done them before for the camera Manufacturers what they need to do but Honestly we both need some work so this Is our year yeah this will be very Unsuccessful but uh before we get Started just a Christmas side note that I want to mention here Um you may have seen our best and worst Stuff a great episode yeah right firmly Trance you playing video games that was Great and you know as a special Celebration we finished off the last of One of my favorite whiskeys it's Nika's Pure malt white well I mean for context Let's go to the clip this is the last of My Nika pure malt white you can't get Any more it's my favorite whiskey of all Time if anybody has any hiding I'll pay Whatever is in Jordan's bank account for It but looky here I've got a new well Almost new it's I do put a real dent on That on I cracked it with the trail Peters boys but I've got an almost full Bottle of Nikka pure malt white well Lucky us because my first resolution is We should try not to drink all of it Until next year and then we should Finish it for next year that's really

Great big shout out to Assaf thank you So much for sending us to us and Recognizing my desperate need it's Wonderful it's like sucking on a Peppercorn that's covered While you're sitting next to a camp Let's get going with our first Resolution okay but should we just crack It open it's nine o'clock in the morning No but you go by it's Japanese whiskey So you go by what time it is in Japan Let's start with my first resolution Okay Chris my first resolution this year Is I'm going to break up my shooting Style by moving the camera a lot more so When you text me in the morning you're Like Chris should I bring monopod or Tripod I'll be like forget that no like Car cam Dolly drones like gimbal Ronin like all I think we're gonna try and find like a Comfortable middle ground but you know The onus isn't all on me now you're Gonna have to do like those walk and Talks where you'll have to walk back to The start of it if we get a bad taste What I'm gonna have to do is actually Help you carry some of this stuff which Sounds horrible your resolution doesn't Work for breaking my life now Jordan I've got a resolution that's not going To inconvenience both of us especially Me even more so so I was thinking this Year I really want to shoot up more

Locations you know find different Locations find different places just Expand where we should I mean we've been Doing a little bit more travel like for Press events and stuff yeah I want to Just do more travel here in Canada I Mean there's such like amazing diverse Different kinds of places like Vancouver Island or I'd love to go to like French Canada yeah remind me to edit that out I Was thinking more just like road trips But instead of going south we go maybe North or like east of medicine haters Direction yeah or like a farmer's market Outside the city but yeah maritimes Anything is possible yeah absolutely Okay okay in 2023 I am going to take More photos with like proper lighting Okay so wait a minute you mean photos But I mean with our show we're always Shooting at certain days we kind of kind Of Chase the life that we Chase are you Talking like artificial lighting I'm Thinking artificial like I was we Recently did an article like what was Your favorite photo that you took in 2022 and I was like oh I want this one I'll check oh no that was 2021 and I Used some lights in it I also really Like this no 2021 I took like no Pictures that I liked in 2022 and Looking back it's all the stuff where I've brought some strobes or some Constant light out that I really like

I'm gonna do more of that this year Totally valid although my favorite photo Is completely natural light I loved it a Great photo I didn't get one of those This year so it's funny that you bring Up photos for your stuff because I Actually want to improve my video game This year Jordan I want to shoot more Log and actually might need your help With that so this sounds like another Resolution that's more work for me Explaining to you no no I will teach you Chris I will take you out on my way I've Been hearing what you've been saying and It's been a lot over the years about all This stuff but no like really I think I Want to start shooting more 10-bit you Know getting on a flat profile shooting Log using lookup tables grading a little Bit more maybe some you know more fun Edits like just kind of well it's funny Because we you don't shoot a lot of Video for our show so this is more Related to your other show for no River Trout Fitters sure their production Value but the lie that I'm gonna try to Sell you on it with is that maybe I can Help you do some of the footage for deep Peer review TV that sounds incredible no He's too much of a control freak you Never let me know never so you're not Just passively watching this video you At home you are an active participant New Year's for everybody out there you

Guys have to make resolutions too so you Need to resolve that if you're watching Our videos and like them and you're not Subscribed you need to address that Immediately they're probably subscribed But why don't you tell like 10 to 46 of your best friends or you're Most right I was a little smaller yeah Get your get your monks watching us Right get them off that's the news talk About it get them watching deeper View Tv okay my next resolution I've been Shooting a lot for our show but it has Been a long time since I've been on a Proper set I am going to go help out on A big shoot I totally get it pornography Is like a really lucrative industry yeah I would totally be in there as well Those are usually smaller Crews okay Okay well then what I assume you're Referring to is like you know like Sometimes we do wooden nickels or we do Other like video projects with other People and I have to admit yeah I even Joined being in this Cruise like it's a Lot of fun there's camaraderie yeah I Love the vibe of being in a crew like it Really feels like high school theater Again everyone's doing their best you're All a team I love being in that Vibe but I haven't done any kind of film work Like that for a while and I mean Levi Who I always like to work with just Hasn't written a movie well but I mean

I'll go sling some c-stands for somebody Sure I would just like to get back too It's like being a director is one thing And being controlled but sometimes it's Nice to just like be part of a team and Like help out and just lend what you can Lend to the whole project creatively but Also I just want to be able to use like Some professional high-end video tools The way it's meant to be used as well I Think that would be good yeah always Back that's what our show is largely About so Jordan I would actually really Love this year to not just review lenses And cameras but actually get more into The accessories and like other Alternative products that people are Interested in yeah I mean I get to do a Lot of fun Gadget like I just did the Actions you know the things that I find Really interesting that our videos Absolutely no one watches right sure Yeah that's a thing right I mean yeah The lenses the cameras that's what gets The views but we do a little bit of Computer stuff we've done things like Tripods bags but you know there's lots Of other accessories filters and things I think I resolved just to maybe explore That more going to 2023 and then it's up To you guys to make sure those views Keep us doing it it's on you yeah it's Totally exactly your resume I think the Video you enjoyed most in the last few

Years was doing the Gtech hand warmer oh It's so good use it no one watched it no But it was it worked I've been putting It off because I don't enjoy his company But We're gonna bring Gordon back this year Yes so for those that don't know you're Talking about your filmmaker identical Twin Gordon who's like you know a little Bit more confident kind of a dick very Similar yeah I mean you know here's okay So in all honesty as your friend as your Business partner as your like sort of Sexless marriage husband with our YouTube baby Um I prefer Jordan and honestly you can Be a dick on your own sometimes no Without any sort of all three goes so I Totally prefer you but I have seen with My own eyes your wife the smile that Lights up on her face the look on her Eyes like when you talk about bringing Gordon back she just loves the bad boys I don't know what to tell you man and The audience seems to be the same Everybody wants the return of Gordon so 2023 he's coming back to the show so Jordan my resolution uh I want to well Force is a strong word but like strongly Compel you with the assistance of Nanosis to make more fly fishing content For deep Riverview TV with me okay so we Have done fly fishing episodes in the Past objectively it is not a compelling

Way to test a cash so how granted there Aren't that many underwater cameras Nowadays you're not like holding a Fishing rod and snapping sample images That's a challenge I can do this a shoot Where we interrupt it for long periods Of time so that you can have fun no it Is about you know you talked about being In these beautiful locations you want to Travel more road trips like use camera Movement drones like the lighting's Beautiful they're gorgeous Landscapes Nobody fly fishes and ugly places I mean I just all of this sounds great if you Take the part where you're fly fishing Out of the equation it could make for a Great effort well you know you guys let Us know do you think we should have fly Fishing episode like where he's fly Fishing and I'm doing everything does That sound great let me know yeah So we're clearly out of good ideas so This is a good time for us to leave but Before we do yeah uh we should mention That you can follow us on the little Socially things that are down at the Moment leave your comments below let us Know what are your legitimate and even Silly resolutions for your photographic Video no more than that what do you Think we should resolve to do so Don't ask them that oh man you know it's Yeah it's a democratic process put your Stuff down there and thanks so much for

Joining us and Happy New Years to all of You and your families we hope you guys Have a great 2022 and a wonderful 2023 Going forward and we will see you in the Future 2023. [Music] Foreign

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