The 5 Sharpest 20mm Lenses I Ever Tested

Howdy again everyone and now it's time To answer that age-old question which Has troubled even the greatest Scientists and lofty-minded philosophers For centuries what is the sharpest 20 Millimeter camera lens available today One of my favorite focal lengths on a Full-frame camera particularly for Landscape work is 20 millimeter it's an Ultra wide angle getting you loads of Image packed into your picture while Still not being so wide that it's just Difficult to use and if the lens has a Bright maximum aperture you can get some Subtle background separation that really Gives your images some depth but it Seems like 20 millimeter lenses with Decently bright apertures are difficult For manufacturers to design I prepared For this video by going through my old Test results and I was shocked by how Many 20 millimeter lenses have very soft Image corners and use top them down to F 5.6 or so which is why I'm only Including five lenses in this list Instead of the usual seven so let's see What some of the sharpest available are Today I've tested about 15 of them over Various systems so I've got a good idea Of what to look for in them by now as Usual links to full reviews are Available in the description below as Well as affiliate links if you'd like to Support the channel and also fair

Warning a lot of these lenses are only Sony e-mount as Canon and Nikon are Being a bit slow to welcome third-party Lenses into their respective playgrounds And all of these are for full frame Cameras first up in fifth place the Tokina firin 20 millimeter F2 this is The only lens on the list available in Both Auto and manual focus models and Tokino themselves are historically Rather famous for their decent value and Relatively sharp Ultra wide angle lenses It's a real neat little lightweight Ultra wide lens with a decently bright Aperture soft looking bokeh and low Distortion its image Corners are still a Little soft at its brightest apertures Though not disastrously so but they're Still not great but all the same this is Probably my favorite tokina lens that I've ever handled next up Sony's own Lower budget offering the Fe 20 Millimeter at 1.8 G although it still Costs nine hundred dollars this is a Very typical g-type lens from Sony with Their normal build quality and features So it works really well on your camera Its picture quality in the middle of Your images is always is razor sharp and As a result your subject pictures look Real nice so to F 1.8 and the brightest Temperature though its Corners are still Struggling a bit looking just okay until These top down the aperture decent image

Quality here but it's not quite the kind Of lens you'd fall in love with so Easily In the third place comes the lens with The brightest aperture on this Particular list which makes it Especially helpful for astrophotography Or shooting in any darker space the Newer dgdn art version of sigmo's Popular 20 millimeter F 1.4 lens is a Nice Improvement in sharpness over its Older sibling for digital SLR cameras Which itself was no slouch in that area It's also smaller and lighter and able To use front filters this is the first Lens in this list with really Impressively sharp Corners at its Brightest aperture make it one of the Most exciting 20s on the market today And I wish it were available for Canon Or Nikon cameras one day in many ways This is the 20 millimeter enthusiasts Dream lens particularly if you need a Bright aperture but if we're talking About sharpness alone then the next two Lenses can do just slightly better in Second place comes a lens that I Absolutely loved testing out account Belonging as it does to sigma's Wonderful I series the sigma 20 Millimeter F2 dgdn C has an incredibly Solid build quality nice features and is Cool to look at not to mention having a Decently bright aperture but what jumps

Out particularly are its crucial image Corners which display loads of sharpness Trade from F2 actually it's a little Sharper than the sigma F 1.4 lens I just Mentioned at the same apertures but only A little this lens's biggest weakness Though is its horrible vignetting those Corners are dark as anything and the In-camera corrections don't seem to help Very much unfortunately but overall this Is still a lens with real character it's Just beautiful to handle to the point Where it's impressive sharpness almost Just feels like an added bonus And finally in first position comes the Incredible Nikon Z 20 millimeter F 1.8 s This video has been a bit of a party for Sony e-mount cameras so far and I can't Even remember the last time Cannon Brought out a 20 millimeter lens but Until I came around to checking my old Test results I had completely forgotten Just how ridiculously sharp this frankly Magnificent Nikon lens truly is it's the Most expensive lens on this list and not The brightest aperture but its images Are absolutely razor sharp from corner To corner with excellent contrast it Really does offer quite an edge of Perfection where the other lenses on the List make do with being just great and Its images overall just look gorgeous as Well I loved the quality of its bokeh Its lovely colors and the contrast made

Me happy this lens is just quality Central even if you have to pay top Dollar for it okay that's all of them Hope you enjoyed the video and what's Your favorite Ultra wide angle lens a Good one will charm the pants off you Out shooting with it if you can find a Location with enough Grandeur let me Know in the comments below thank you to My patreon supporters and ciao for now Everyone

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