Canon EOS R100 Hands-on Review

[Music] Hey TCS TV viewers it's Dave and Avalon From the camera store today we're Talking about the Canon r100 [Music] All right Dave we are at the Calgary Stampede yeah this is the greatest Outdoor Show on Earth and it is 10 days Of chaos here in the City of Calgary we Had to come down I mean there's a rodeo There's Motocross there's a Midway There's all kinds of crazy food and Stuff we needed to check this out so we Could test the Canon EOS r100 now this Is a very family-friendly event so this Is a very family friendly camera it's an Entry level offering from Canon that Really gives people the first Opportunity to let us like to shoot with A mirrorless camera yeah now this is an Interchangeable lens camera which means We can play with a lot of different Lenses and it also is very compact it Has a 24 megapixel aps-c prop sensor Inside of it and so we're going to talk About it from two different perspectives One we're going to tell you who we think This camera is for things they might Like and dislike and we're also going to Give you some of our personal opinions As well As a reviewer I get a chance to play With all these really expensive cameras Of all different brands and amazing

Quality lenses and all kinds of stuff we Don't tend to look at these entry-level Cameras sort of what they're designed For so I'm going to try during this Review here to just take this camera for What it is as a first time user now what I like about this camera already is that Canon's always made their entry-level Cameras very user friendly I can see if You're interested in stepping up your IPhone game or your cell phone game you Want to get much better quality we start Looking at interchangeable lens cameras And I think this is an excellent entry Level camera for that because it gives Us full automatic if you don't Understand all the terminology you can Put it on a full auto get some good Results you can also go into full manual As you get more comfortable and your Learning curve gets bigger and bigger And bigger I think this is going to be a Very popular camera for students and I Think it's going to be very popular Camera for people who just want to start Getting out in photography as you can See the r100 is really tiny it's super Lightweight and although it is a small Camera it's kind of in line with the Canon EOS M50 the M50 Mark II where it Still has a nice feel to it I like how Canon designs the grips even on their Smaller entry level cameras it just Feels like a Canon camera and I really

Like that the one thing that I don't Quite like and I was actually quite Surprised is although we have a nice Bright three inch screen it's not Articulating and it's also not a touch Screen I was expecting a touch screen Because you have Sliders in the Auto Plus mode that allow you to adjust Things like brightness however you have To do that using the d-pad on the back Of the camera so you can't actually just Use your finger and slide them back and Forth like you could on a smartphone and I thought with the position of this Camera being kind of entry level it Would have made a lot of sense to have That touch screen functionality another Thing that I quite like is that we have An electronic viewfinder it's 2.36 Million dots and it's a nice electronic Viewfinder I like that it has good eye Relief and I think it's just something That is such an essential thing for a Camera like this especially when you're Shooting in brighter conditions in terms Of media we have an SD memory card slot And then we also have the smaller Battery that we've seen a lot of the Rebels the lpe17 battery now it does Have a USBC Port however that's for Transferring images it doesn't seem like We're able to charge the camera through That USBC port and I was really hoping That you could do that because the

Battery like this doesn't last a super Long time especially if you're shooting A ton of 4K video now despite Dave and I Taking this to shoot some awesome Motocross today this is one of the Fastest camera there no I mean we're Limited to six and a half frames per Second which sounds fast to a brand new User but in reality it's not what I Found is that I had to pick my shots Rather than trying to pick a shot Through a burst of images oh yeah Absolutely I was definitely timing it And as we saw like the event you could Kind of predict exactly when you're Going to hit the jump and that's what You would have to do I mean I did find The autofocus was able to acquire the Riders relatively quickly which was nice As they were sort of zipping past us and Up and over that massive jump but yeah And I think this autofocus system again Keeps up for the position that this Camera is you're have a travel Photography family stuff being able to Have something on the Go I mean it Doesn't face and eye detection and you Can track that way but it doesn't have The regular tracking autofocus that Their higher end models have so you have To adapt to the autofocus that this Camera has and put your auto focus Points on top of the subject you want to Track I am glad that this can shoot 4K

Video it is 4208-bit yeah now keep in Mind you are limited to 24 frames per Second when you are shooting 4K if you Want to step it down a little bit and Shoot full HD you can go 60 frames per Second for some slow motion yeah and of Course the interchangeable lenses it Does give you some nice options play Around with your depth of field so if You pair it with that 50 millimeter F 1.8 lens you can get a very nice look to Your video footage yeah a little more Cinematic a little more you know depth Of field which is kind of nice to work With we do have a microphone Jack which I'm really glad they improve they added As well so if you want to step up your Audio game a little bit you certainly Can with this but I look at this camera Primarily as sort of a little snippet Kind of video camera not what I'm going To take really seriously even though it Does have a full manual mode to it yeah Casual videos you want to do reels for Social media it's definitely capable and I like where the placement of the record By Finance for video it's nice we have a Dedicated record button I've had a Pretty fun day hanging out with the Calgary Stampede especially because We've had these Canon EOS r100s there is A lot going on in the Stampede this year There's a lot going on with this camera As well in a very small entry level

Package yeah it's nice that you don't Have to pack around a lot of stuff it's So lightweight and it's awesome that You're able to take advantage of this 24 Megapixel sensor you can shoot some 4K Footage and just have a good time with It there are some shortcomings with it Of course I mean if you're comparing it To some higher end models of course full Frame a lot of other cameras that we've Been using there are some limitations Yeah I mean I have to accept this camera For what it is and what it can give me And if you learn how to work with it and It's a very good tool to get your you Know passion for photography started but You do have full manual control or full Automatic what your comfort level is you Can learn and grow with this camera yeah And for the price point I think that This is a very solid option for Beginners people that want something to Travel with it works well for both Photography and video and of course we Want to know what do you guys think are You interested in the r100 is it Something that you think about for Someone in your life let us know in the Comments below and are you a big fan of The size and entry level camera make Sure you follow us on Instagram and if You're new to our Channel Please Subscribe hit the notification Bell We'll catch again very soon

[Music] [Music] Hey thanks for sticking around and Watching this Canon r100 video if you Want to check out more of our recent Content click up here and if you are Canadian and you want to shop local Check out the camera down here

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