Canon EOS R6 II camera review

[Music] Greetings again everyone it's time for Another camera review thing this time a Bit of a star Canon camera that's been Around for a while now the fullframe 24 Map Canon EOS R6 Mark I I tested its Lower budget cousin the EOS R8 a while Ago which is one of the best value Lowbudget cameras in the world today in Terms of picture and video quality Although it admits quite a few Professional features that more serious Photographers are looking for well the R6 Mark I fixes all of that for a price Its official price is £2,800 or £25,000 but at the time of writing it's Discounted everywhere to £2,000 or $2,000 but is it still competitive Enough for that sort of price let's find Out and I'd like to thank Canon UK very Much for loaning me this camera for a Couple of weeks for evaluation although As usual this is a totally independent Review this camera is popular and well Respected quite a big upgrade from the Original 20 map R6 mark1 the increase in Resolution to 24 megapixels isn't Gigantic but from a marketing Perspective it certainly sounds way Better it's designed to be a star hybrid Camera in Canon's lineup equally at home With both Tils and video Work lower Resolution than its older 45 megap EOS R5 camera but lower priced as well and

With a slightly faster and more Modern Auto Focus system its main benefits over The cheaper R8 camera are that it takes Canon's heavyduty batteries and instead Of middling little ones it has two SD Card slots and it has inbody image Stabilization rated up to eight stops And a much faster mechanical shutter Burst rate of 12 frames per second with A huge buffer here it goes it just keeps Shooting and shooting in electronic Shutter mode it can manage bursts up to 40 frames per second which is quite Ridiculous its 24 map sensor already has A great reputation for delivering Sharp Images with low noise and good dynamic Range not to mention excellent quality 4K video at 60 frames per second in all Kinds of codecs and even up to CL log 3 For extra dynamic range and if you plug In an external recorder 6K raw video at Up to 60 frames per second although for A 6K raw at 60 frames per second you'll Need a top-of-the-line external recorder Like the atomus ninja 5 plus the normal Ninja 5 won't take you up to 6K at 60 Frames per second still great to know For any more professional video makers Still Shooters will be happy to see it Can shoot exposures up to 1 8,000th of a Second as 10bit HDR PQ heif images or Normal jpegs of course as well as Confessed and normal raw shooting modes And it has anti-flicker shooting and

Silent electronic shooting too I also Got good results from its in camera HDR Shooting mode although it's rather a Basic one the camera's excellent Autofocus system is topof the range from Canon thanks to its very powerful digx Processor inside it autofocus is very Fast with the usual array of subject Recognition modes that Canon's high-end Cameras all enjoy both recognizing and Tracking your subject fantastically well Anyone upgrading from their old a Canon Camera will not want to go back the Autofocus settings are highly adjustable And even shooting birds in flight you Can get some good accuracy although it's Not a miracle maker you'll obviously Still get plenty of Miss shots in there Too the facial recognition autofocus is Ridiculously good though incredibly Quick and sticky to your subject when it Comes to build quality the camera itself Is mediumsized so not so big and heavy That it's a pain to carry around with You but not so titchy that someone with Big stupid Farmers hands like mine will Find it too fiddly to handle it's Handsome and fits beautifully in your Hand and its control layout will be Instantly familiar to anyone who's used Almost any serious Canon camera over the Past 10 years or so everything's very Well refined although I do wish Canon Would make a decision on what kind of

Onoff switches and still video switches They're going to use it seems to change With every new camera it might Al also It be nice to have a locking switch on The main mode dial to prevent accidental Changes but it's not a big deal we also Get an autofocus control joystick here And the all important afon button too of Course on the sides of the camera we get A microphone input and headphone socket Very useful for video work we also get Micro HDMI and USBC ports I can't wait For Canon to grow out of using micro HDMI ports on professional cameras Though as I mentioned a moment ago the Camera also has dual SD card slots Incredibly helpful for professional Photographers who need some peace of Mind there's no pop-up flash but the hot Shoe is multifunction so with the right Adapter you can get XLR inputs on there For 4 channel audio capture the fully Articulated touchcreen is very Responsive and intuitive to use bright And very high resolution with accurate Colors the electronic viewfinder is Big Bright and fast one of Canon's top tier Offerings the camera uses Canon's Legendary LP E6 n Batteries only enough At about 5 to 600 shots or so but that's Still good enough for a modern Professional mirrorless camera overall This camera is very well featured Handles beautifully for video and stills

Work has a lot of Canon's best Professional features fast and reliable Auto focus and fast shooting speeds on Honestly it's a real pleasure to use Which is just as well considering its Price all right let's take a look at its Still image quality now this camera has Canon's latest 24 map fullframe sensor Which has quickly gained a great Reputation for itself as you can see Here its raw images capture tons of fine Detail with all the usual nice Canon Colors you come to expect impressively The camera's jpeg images are almost as Sharp which used to be a weak point of Older Canon cameras this is definitely Canon's sharpest 24 map sensor ever Let's look at noise levels now it's only Really at ISO 1600 that even slight Noise and loss of detail is becoming Visible which is a wonderful performance Really let's push things a little Further though at ISO 3200 everything's Still looking pretty good it's only Really at ISO 6400 that we are really Beginning to lose detail ISO 12,800 is Usable at a pinch but any higher than That especially 51,200 and things really Begin to Fall Apart still though this is some of the Best high ISO image quality I've seen to Be honest with even ISO 6400 retaining Good detail and acceptable noise levels So great job Canon this is some of the

Best image quality you can get out of a 24 map camera full stop something else That's good to see is the camera's quite Good dynamic range this is where you'll See one of the the biggest improvement Over a camera with a smaller apsc sensor With shadows and highlights retaining Loads of information here here I've Pulled the picture up from almost Complete blackness in a raw image I have Seen even better performances than this For example on a Leica SL 3 I recently Reviewed which was out of this world but It's still a decent enough showing let's Take a look at video quality now I have To apologize here due to a technical Issue with my external recorder I'm not Able to show you 6K footage this time But I'm working on that for the future I'll be showing you results shot at 4K And 60 frames per second at ISO 100 the Video quality is excellent really Detailed with no noise or difficult Artifacts this is great stuff the Quality remains very good up to ISO 3200 Although obviously a bit of noise is Still emerging still what a performance It's at ISO 6400 that we're losing Detail and getting some really Noticeable noise ISO 12,800 is rough but Still just about usable still this video Footage is very detailed with very low Noise even at high ISO levels a bit of a Dream come true for any video maker I

Would show you the results at 25 frames Per second but impressively for the 60p Footage they are basically the same so You can happily shoot away at 60 frames Per second here if you want to with no Fear of decreased image quality when it Comes to rolling shutter when shooting In 4k at either 60 or 25p it is Noticeable but not completely disastrous Have certainly seen worse than this Before as is often the case reduced the Quality to 1080p for much better results If you're shooting an action scene for Example the camera also offers a High-speed shooting mode either 120 Frames per second or 180 frames per Second or at 1080p at 120 frames per Second the footage looks okay if you Look at my messy hair there you'll see It's not the highest resolution Strangely footage shot at80 frames per Second looks considerably better much Sharper so if you want slow motion just Go the whole hog and shoot at 180 as I mentioned earlier the camera Has inbody image stabilization and if You're shooting video this can be Supplemented with electronic Stabilization here's some vlogging Footage without any stabiliz ation at All here it is with just the inbody Sensor stabilization as you can see There's no crop in the video footage and It's a little smoother but there's still

Lots of shaking and Corner warping Here's some footage with electronic Stabilization added as well it helps but Also it's now cropping in and finally Enhanced electronic stabilization this Crops into the footage the most and the Footage is quite all right there but There are some sudden jerks to it as you Walk along and that's it for my test Well overall the RX Mark II really does Just speak for itself and that it is an Excellent performer in virtually every Aspect well if you're satisfied with a 24 megap sensor that is there's very Little for me to complain about here but The camera is nearly 2 years old now and The competition is already nipping at Its heels Sony and nickon are now Producing cameras with faster sensors Enabling better performance and lower Bing shutter effect also other 24 megap Cameras are starting to be able to Record 6K and even 6K raw footage Internally nowadays not just an external Recorder so that should be the next step For Canon here as well as perhaps a few Small updates to the autofocus system But overall the camera is just so Powerful packed with professional Features yet so simple and enjoyable to Use and that's a real strength of Canon Equipment in general finding that happy Place between sheer power and Comfortable fun if it's still discounted

To $2,000 by the time you read this Review then the RX Mark II certainly Comes highly Recommended thanks for watching everyone I love putting these videos together Although they're pretty time consuming Especially when I review a whole camera And not just a lens so I want to say a Big thank you to all my patreon Supporters for well for your support Which keeps this channel Trucking on Patreon supporters get all kinds of Bonus and exclusive content not to Mention Early Access to some of my most Interesting reviews so check it out in The description below ciao for now Everyone

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