New: Sigma 23mm f/1.4 DC DN ‘C’ lens review

[Music] Greetings everyone and today I'm Checking out a new Sigma lens for aps-c Moonless cameras the sigma 23 millimeter F 1.4 DC DNC it's available on almond Sony e-mount and Fuji X Phantom OS Cameras and won't work on any other System it offers an aps-c image Circle So L Mountain Sony e-mount users will Have to shoot in crop mode although if You do shoot in full frame mode you Actually get pretty decent coverage as You can see here its price is going to Be 450 pounds in the UK so probably About 500 US dollars a little more Expensive than sigma's other similar DC DNC lenses but if the quality is better Then it could be a good deal I'd like to Thank Sigma UK for learning me this lens For a couple of weeks for testing Although as usual this is a totally Independent review 23 millimeter on an Aps-c camera is roughly the equivalent Of 35 millimeter on a full frame camera Pretty much the most universal wide Angle view of all time not too wide to Push away your subject and not so tight That you can't get the bigger picture And at F 1.4 you can shoot in dark Conditions and indoors far more easily Than with a darker aperture lens and get Far more out of Vegas backgrounds in Your images this thing could be Extremely useful so let's start by

Taking a look at its build quality the Lenses exterior design is pretty Unassuming a little bit ugly in a way I Think it feels solid and metallic Weighing 340 grams so you will feel it On your camera but it's not heavy I'm Pleased to report that there is a narrow Weather ceiling gasket around the rear Lens mount so at least the lens should Be dust and splash resistant the only Control point on the lens is a nicely Rubberized Focus ring it's turned Smoothly and responds really well with The Focus motor also if you plug the L Mount version into a sigma USB dock you Can configure the focus ring to turn in A linear way to work in a linear way Which is helpful for some video makers Talking about video work unfortunately As you can see the lens does display Rather a lot of focus breathing The lenses Auto Effects motor is Completely silent accurate and nice and Quick even in single shot mode in Continuous autofocus mode on a Sony Camera it works even a little faster [Music] It comes with quite a deep plastic lens Hood its front filter size is a small 52 Millimeters wide and it does not have Image stabilization overall the lens Isn't exactly good looking but its build Quality is great small and solid with Excellent autofocus certainly just a

Little better than its older and Admittedly cheaper DC DN cousins okay Let's have a look at image quality now I Have mounted it onto my Sony a5100 with Its 24 megapixel aps-c sized sensor Hidden camera Corrections are turned on For this test at F 1.4 we see fabulous Image quality in the middle of your Picture excellent sharpness and contrast The corner emit quality is a little Softer and less Punchy but still really Quite good for a wide angle lens at F 1.4 add F2 contrast improves just a Little but stop down to F 2.8 for a big Improvement sharpness into contrast now Look brilliant from corner to corner the Lens stays the sharp down to F-16 which Sees softness due to diffraction overall Though this is a great performance for Bright aperture wide angle lens on aps-c There's plenty of sharpness for pretty Much all needs although it's topping Down to F 2.8 does improve the corners Noticeably okay let's turn off those end Camera Corrections and look at Distortion and vignetting the lens Projects a notable Barrel Distortion and At F 1.4 unsurprisingly we see fairly Dark Corners stopping down to F2 or F 2.8 really brightens things up there Though still the lens does rely on Corrections quite a lot so leave them on The lenses minimum Focus distance There's a lovely 25 centimeters

Fantastic for getting shots of smaller Subjects less encouraging is the Dreadful close-up image quality at F 1.4 Stop down to Ft though for a big Improvement in contrast and at F 2.8 we See plenty of sharpness close up again How well does this lens work against Point light spectacularly well actually Even when they're writing your picture Into F 1.4 we see almost no flaring and Also very high contrast let's take a Look at coma levels again there are no Serious problems here as bright lights In the corners of your images look very Well defined let's zoom out and look for Sun stars now you have to stop down to F 5.6 for those to begin to appear at f8 F11 and F16 they become incredibly well Defined so overall this lens seems to be The absc king of shooting in the dark Let's take a look at the tested lenses Blocker now more good news here those Out of focus backgrounds look really Lovely and soft to me with no serious Problems except for the usual cat's eye Shape to blockables in the image corners And finally related toboca let's take a Look at longitudinal chromatic Aberration it's a bit strong at F 1.4 as You can see but at f2 and F 2.8 it Quickly goes away overall well this Isn't the first Sigma DC DN art lens for Aps-cammers than I've tested and the Older 16 millimeter 30 millimeter and a

56 millimeter ones were cheaper but Certainly had more image quality Compromises to them this new 23 Millimeter F 1.4 lens costs more than Those older ones but offers a lot more In terms of sharpness and despite a few Niggles like close-up image quality Problems still it's really nice and Sharp and its Optics are especially good For shooting in the dark it's nice to See big sun stars on a Sigma lens too so While the lens is more expensive than Its older brothers you're definitely Getting what you pay for here and it's Not only high quality but an incredibly Useful lens that you could keep on your Camera all day every day so it Definitely comes highly recommended Foreign Remember the days just 12 or 13 years Ago when trying to get a wide angle Right aperture lens for your aps-e Digital camera was quite a serious Problem and well now they're everywhere And getting better and better thanks for Watching everyone and to my patreon Supporters thank you so much for helping Me keep these freelance reviews Trucking On checking out in the description below Patreon supporters get all kinds of Bonus content and early access to my More interesting reviews ciao for now Everyone

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