Voigtländer 35mm f/0.9 ‘Nokton’ lens review (Fuji X)

Howy again everyone and today I'm Testing out a new vinlander lens which Is currently only for Fuji's x-mount Camera system the 35 mm F 0.9 that's an exciting maximum aperture About 25% brighter than F1 which is Plenty bright enough as it is that makes The lens very useful for getting images With striking outter Focus backgrounds And for shooting in the dark obviously And also 35 mm on an APS SE camera is a Lovely standard field of view about 53 Mm so that's very useful for all kinds Of Photography work the lens is manual Focus and manual aperture although it Does have electronic connections for Communicating exif information back to The camera this is the second brightest Lens I've ever tested the brightest was That awful hand division 40 mm f0.85 in Its favor the hand division lens is a Little less expensive than the void Lander which cost an eyew watering $1,500 or about £1,200 here in the UK Well at least the void Lander is less Than half the size and half the weight And also can't possibly have image Quality any worse than the hand division I'd like to thank Voit Lander's UK Distributor for loaning me this new lens For a couple of weeks for testing Although as usual this is a totally Independent review void Lander's more Expensive lenses are well known for

Being some of the best manual Focus Optics in the world and certainly when It comes to build quality this thing is Beautiful to handle and considering it's Incredibly bright aperture it's not Really all that big at about 500 G or Just over a pound the lens has a little Weight to it though and one Disappointment is that it doesn't appear To be weather sealed the lens's focus Ring turns extremely smoothly and with Quite a lot of precision I didn't really Have any problems manually focusing this Thing even at FC 0.9 then again I Suppose I've had a bit more practice Than most people at this point of Manually focusing lenses as you can see Here the lens does suffer from Moderately heavy Focus breathing zooming In and out as you change Focus then Comes that aperture ring it turns with Lovely clicks at every third of an F-stop and the aperture mechanism Features 12 Iris blades as I mentioned Before this lens does not feature Autofocus and neither does it feature Image stabilization although it Communicated with the inbody Stabilization of my Fuji xt5 camera Perfectly its front filter size is 62 mm Wide and it comes with a rather narrow But nicely machined and flocked metallic Lens Hood overall the lens has gorgeous Build quality and thankfully that Focus

Ring is precise enough for manually Focusing at F 0.9 so let's move on and check out its Image quality I'll be greatly Challenging this lens by testing it on One of the most demanding sensors ever Made on a Fuji xt5 a 40 map apsc sensor At F 0.9 we see good sharpness in the Middle average contrast levels but a Whole ton of purple fringing on Contrasting edges unfortunately for Portrait or black and white photography This won't be a problem well not a huge Problem anyway but for anything else Contrasting edges will get a bit ugly Let's look over into the corners we are Seeing an image with a level of detail Here but it's rather clouded over by low Contrast let's stop down to F1 you don't Often hear me saying that in these Reviews do you the corners look about The same in the middle of the image Though we're seeing a little more Contrast than before stop down to f1.4 For a very nice Improvement in sharpness And contrast here and at f2 picture Quality in the middle is now perfect no Mean feet for a lens on a 40 megap Camera Corner image quality has now Become sharper and punchier although Obviously it still lags behind the Middle and we're also seeing a little Color fringing here stopping down to F2.8 or F4 brings more Improvement

Leaving us with very good image quality In the corners although still not quite As sharp as in the middle the lens Tays To Sharp down to f8 although f11 and F16 Get really quite soft due to the effect Of defraction on such a very high Resolution camera okay then well Considering that we're testing on such a Demanding camera this is generally a Good performance for such an extreme Design of a lens the lens offers a Decent level of sharpness which only Gets better as you stop down the most Disturbing issue though is obviously That purple fringing at F 0.9 but remember that's only on Contrasting edges away from the test Chart in real world use it's not as Noticeable as you can see here all right Let's get around any in camera Corrections by shooting in Roar and take A look at Distortion and vignetting the Lens projects a small amount of barrel Distortion here but at F 0.9 the image Corners are really quite dark Unsurprisingly at f1.4 f2 and f2.8 they Brighten up really well but that's about As bright as they get so just an average Performance here this lens can focus as Closely as 35 CM from your subject which Is a really nice little feature and the Further good news is that void Lander Have done at least some work in Optimizing this lens for close shooting

As even at F 0.9 it's just a sharp in The middle although contrast is still Low and purple finging strong at f1.4 And F2 though image quality quickly gets Far better let's see how the lens works Against Bright Lights now at F 0.9 Perhaps unsurprisingly there's some Pretty broad flaring to be seen here Thankfully it only really appears when Bright lights are directly in the image Frame stopping down to f1.4 or F2 gets Things under control quite quickly and While we're working in the dark let's Take a look at coma and sunstars at F 0.9 perhaps unsurprisingly we see rather Strong coma smearing on bright points of Light in the edges of the picture at F1.4 it's greatly reduced and at f2 Pretty much gone let's reposition camera And look for sun stars now at F 0.9 and F1 there's really nothing here however Straight from f1.4 noticeable Sun stars Are already emerging from F2 all the way Down to f11 they get even bigger and Brighter however on my copy of the lens At F-16 and F22 they become a little Illd defined still those nice sunstars Make up for the coma smearing a bit I Think next bker I really liked the Quality of this lens is bcka it's Beautiful and soft and at F 0.9 there's Plenty of it to be seen however in Transitional zones or other difficult Areas it can get a little busy looking

And finally related to bcka comes Longitudinal chromatic aberration which Is very strong on this one as you can See at F 0.9 it's still looking pretty Bad at f1.4 and F2 at f2.8 it begins to Clear up though and at F4 it's virtually Gone that is a bit disappointing but I'm Glad it doesn't seem to affect the Overall B characteristic of the lens's Image on the whole then this is a lens Of some idiosyncrasy it's certainly Quite sharp considering the demanding Camera I was testing it on but it also Certainly has issues with color fringing Which kind of spoil the party and some Coma and some flaring at F 0.9 but at The end of the day the kind of images it Can get are addictively beautiful and It's lovely to handle bule if you happen To enjoy manually focusing so to people Who appreciate those things I can Recommend this very nice lens if you can Take into account its limitations then It is really fun to shoot at F 0.9 it is Definitely a bit overpriced though I Hate to say it especially for a manual Focus option so think about this thing Carefully before you go and see your Bank Manager All right thanks for watching everyone I Love covering the more extreme lenses That are out there particularly those With a crazy bright aperture I'd like to

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