Samyang AF 35-150mm f/2-2.8 FE lens review

Howdy again everyone so we'll kick off With stormy time one of the most Impressive zoom lenses I've ever tested Is the tamon 35 to 150 millimeter F2 to 2.8 for Sony e-mount cameras what a Great Zoom range coupled up with a Fabulous maximum aperture not to mention Sharp image quality all in one full Frame lens if I was ordered to shoot Someone's wedding and could only use one Lens to do it this would be the one That's my flattery of that Tamron Lens Samyang's flattery of it clearly lies in Imitation as they have now produced to Their very own very similar model with The same parameters it's also just for Sony e-mount cameras right now full Frame or aps-c the older tamon landsat Imitate at nearly 2 000 US dollars is Very expensive so at about 1 300 you Could save a lot of money with the Samyang model is it as good though Judging by some of the sample pictures I Got from it its pictures are certainly Quite striking I'd like to thank Samyang's UK distributor for loaning me This lens for a couple of weeks for Testing although as usual this is a Totally independent review the lens is a Similar size and weight to the Tamron Version being chunky and heavy at over 1.2 kilograms or just under 3 pounds Despite being made of plastic mostly the Lens is based on a metal mount with a

Weather ceiling gasket look at this cool Rear lens cap by the way isn't that Nicely designed then comes a large Rubberized Zoom ring which turns Smoothly but a little heavily with a Subtle bump at the telephoto and the Lens collapses and extends under its own Weight so thankfully that Zoom ring has A locking switch to lock it to 35 Millimeter if you want the custom button Opens up some interesting shooting Options in custom mode 1 the focus ring Works exactly as you'd expect if you set The lens to manual focus in custom mode 2 when you're set to auto focus then the Focus ring adjusts to your aperture when Set to manual focus the focus ring lets You shoot manual focus in a linear Fashion useful for videographers in Custom mode 3 there's a dolly Shot Manual focus option for focusing while You're zooming in and out and moving Interesting stuff also the lenses Focus Hold buttons have an extra functionality Holds down that Focus hold button for Three seconds to preset your focus Point Press it once again to return to that Focus Point again a useful function for Certain photographers in some situations That Focus ring is rubberized and turns Very smoothly I found it working quite Nice and responsively with the lenses Focus motor when zoomed in the lens Displayed almost no Focus breathing zoom

Out though and a little image warping Can be seen when changing Focus The lenses autofocus motor is reasonably Quick and Silent whether you're shooting In single shot or continuous mode when It comes to accuracy I encountered a few Missed shots when shooting in the middle Of the zoom range but generally it did Hit my subject well enough and tracked Well for eye detection Focus the lens is Advertised as being part of focal Unfortunately it is not as you can see Here I'm not angry samyang just Disappointed The lenses front filter size has a large 82 millimeters wide and it comes with Large plastic Hood in common with a Similar Tamron Lens this samyang option Is not image stabilized so you'll really Want to use it on a stabilized camera Body ideally overall the lenses build Quality is big and heavy but it works Fine the autofocus motor on a competing Tam1 lens is better though a little Faster and more accurate Okay then let's see about image quality I'll be testing it today on a Sony a7r III camera with its 42 megapixel full Frame sensor and Camera Corrections are Turned on for this test good news to Begin with at 35 millimeter and F2 image Quality is absolutely perfect in the Middle of the image it's pretty Fantastic in the corners too where

Contrast also continues to be very high Those Corners are a bit dark though and We're seeing traces of color finishing On contrasting edges at F 2.8 and F4 we See increasing Corner brightness and an Edge of extra sharpness also the lens Stays the sharp down to about F16 where Softness begins to creep in due to Diffraction still a brilliant Performance at its widest angle let's Look at the middle of the zoom range now It's a similar stormy at 85 millimeter The maximum apture has darkened to F 2.8 And sharpness remains virtually perfect In the middle of the zoom range and to The corners again look almost as good F4 Is about the same but F 5.6 jumps to Looking as razor sharp in the corners as It was in the middle again the lens Stays this sharp down to F16 encouraging Finally let's zoom in to 150 millimeter Finally a weakness here at F 2.8 the Lens is just averagely sharp and Contrast isn't so high anymore Corner Image quality is now looking a little Rough as you can see at F4 there's a Tiny Improvement in the corners but in The middle image quality is now Spectacularly sharp here's a 5.6 in the Middle and the corners now finally Looking much sharper at f8 they look Sharp and bright and again they stay This sharp down to F16 so then overall While I was hoping for a little more

Sharpness wide open at 150 millimeter Still the lens's sharpness is Consistently great across the whole Image frame and samyang should be Congratulated for that how does this Lens compare to the older Tamron version I found the samyang lens to be just a Little sharper in its image Corners at 35 millimeter both lenses were the same At 85 millimeter and the Tamron Lens was Considerably sharper at 150 millimeter And F 2.8 so I would say the Tamron is a Touch sharper overall but it swings and Roundabouts anyway let's see about Distortion and vignetting turn off in Camera Corrections and at 35 millimeter We don't see any Distortion but at f2 we See a lot of vignetting in the corners Stopped down to F 2.8 and F4 for those Corners to brighten up zoom into 70 Millimeter and pin cushion Distortion Emerges and at 150 millimeter that gets Slightly worse again and at F 2.8 Vignetting is still pretty bad in the Corners again stop down to F4 or F 5.6 For brighter corners The lens can focus down to about 30 Centimeters which when zoomed into 150 Millimeter gets you lovely and close to Your subject at f2.8 we still see Sharpness close up but there's a lot of Ghosting clouding over your image However stop down to F4 and excellent Sharpness returns let's see how well the

Lens works against bright light at 35 Millimeter we're seeing quite a few Flaring artifacts but nothing too Problematic zoom into 150 millimeter and They become more serious as you can see So you'd definitely benefit from using Your lenses hood here now let's take a Look at the quality of this lenses bokeh A really important question for a lens This bright good news absolutely no Problems here whether you're zoomed in Or zoomed out lovely soft out of focus Backgrounds to be seen all over the Place finally related tobacca comes Longitudinal chromatic aberration at F 2.8 it's fairly strong as you can see But stop down to F4 and it quickly goes Away overall the samyang isn't some Cheap knockoff lens it's an excellent Zoom optic in its own right in my Opinion and I'm really pleased with its Performance it has managed to squeeze 90 Of the quality of a much more expensive Tamron Lens into a much cheaper Instrument if I were to shoot a wedding With just one camera lens I think I'd be Forced to go with a tan one because it's Autofocus is a little more quick and Confident and because of its sharper Image quality at 150 millimeter and F 2.8 But the samyang lens is actually a Tiny bit sharper at 35 millimeter so Really it depends on what you want to do Whether you want to save a not

Inconsiderable amount of money and go With the samyang which is still Generally excellent they are both Fabulous pieces of Kit and this is Certainly one of the best lenses samyang Have ever made and its price is quite Reasonable for what you're getting so it Certainly comes highly recommended [Music] Thanks for watching everyone I wonder Why samyang didn't send me a review copy Of that lens out much sooner it Performed really well anyway I really Want to say a big thank you to my Patreon supporters seriously you are Helping this channel keep trucking on Enormously so check it out in the Description below patreon supporters get All kinds of exclusive bonus content as Well as Early Access and special Pictures all kinds of little things for My wonderful patreon supporters I do Love them and ciao for now everyone

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