Canon EOS RP in 2024 | Still the Best Beginner Camera?

This is the Canon RP and it might be the Best beginner camera for serious Photographers and some video Shooters And despite the Canon RP being a few Years old people are still buying a ton Of these cameras because of one very Specific feature in the Canon RP and the Cost of this camera so in this video I'll be talking about who the Canon RP Is right for if it's actually worth the Money and is there just maybe something Better out there for the same price also Links down below for the best pricing on The Canon RP so first let's talk about The design of the Canon RP because when It comes to these smaller beginner Cameras companies often cut corners and Just a few Corners can often lead to Pretty massive compromises in how you Use this camera and that makes it kind Of a frustrating experience but the Canon RP is different the Canon RP is Super small it can literally fit in the Palm of my hands and that makes it a Really Compact and easy to carry camera You can easily stick this in your Backpack a jacket pocket and you can Easily take this camera out with you Anywhere you go also it has a really Solid grip and it has a really nice Feeling in my hands although for someone Like me who has pretty big hands my Hands are a little too big for this Camera so you may want to invest in a

Grip extender but the Canon RP has Really solid build quality and it's a Super robust camera but one thing to Note is that it's not weather sealed so You should protect this camera from dust And water on top of that it has two Separate dials one for changing aperture And one for changing shutter speed for ISO there's no dedicated dial but if You're using Canon RF lenses you can Actually program the front dial on your Canon RF lens for ISO or you can still Access ISO via the touch menu and the Canon RP has your typical mode dial but It also has three custom profiles for Different shooting scenarios like Portraits Landscapes and low lights but One thing that I don't love about this Camera is that to go between manual Photo mode and video mode it is directly Opposite to one another on the mode dial So you really have to turn this dial for A while before you get to the right Setting but the Canon RP does have a Side articulating screen which you don't Often see in a beginning a camera like This which yes does make this camera Good enough for vlogging you can do that If you want and the side screen is also Touch sensitive so not only do you have Touch autofocus you can also use the Touch sensitive side screen for all of Your menus and change all of your Settings which makes this kind of like a

Smartphone if you're new to cameras it's A really easy camera to just pick up and Figure out the Canon RP also has a Really good electronic viewfinder it has A fluid 60 frames per second refresh Rate so when it comes to tracking Subjects through the viewfinder it does A really good job and there doesn't seem To be any any sort of lag now the Canon RP does not have a joystick on the back For changing your autofocus points but When you have the Canon RP up to your Face you can also use the screen on the Back to change your autofocus points Like a joystick so they kind of have you Covered with everything despite not Having a joystick and there's also a Four directional d-pad on the back of This camera that can be customized to Bring up different settings for me I Have it customized to bring up my Picture profiles change my autofocus Modes and bring up my ISO but one thing That I should mention is that this Camera has a pretty small B battery life You'll get about 250 shots and maybe a Few hours of casual video for on and off Use but if you're a power user you're Definitely going to want extra batteries For this camera but one really nice Thing about this camera is that it can Also be charged via the USBC Port so you Don't have to bring your battery charger With you and if you want to pick up some

Cheap batteries you can get a two pack On Amazon for about $3 to $35 and the Canon RP also has an input for an External microphone and a headphone jack So you can listen to your audio this is Super helpful for anyone that's planning On doing some serious video work with it Or YouTube videos like this you're going To want to be able to monitor your audio The internal audio in the Canon RP is Decent you could probably Vlog with it It's serviceable but it's not amazing Especially considering that this is an Older camera so don't expect the moon And another thing to note is that this Camera does not have a built-in flash Usually beginner cameras like this do Have built-in flashes but because of who This camera is made for a built-in flash Probably wouldn't even make sense but The Canon RP is shockingly good and low Like as you'll see later in this video And another thing to mention is that When the Canon RP first came out there Weren't a lot of good lenses for this Camera but that has change in two lenses That I highly recommend is the Canon RF 50 mil which is about 150 to 199 or the Canon RF 16 mm which is somewhere Between 199 to 250 overall the Canon RP Is perfectly designed to be a good Companion camera and a good beginner Photography camera except for maybe the Battery life there's really no downsides

To this camera considering the fact that You still have a s teating touchscreen And a really solid electronic viewfinder And have I mentioned how small this Camera is but inside the Canon RP you Have some really impressive Tech Especially considering the price of this Camera because the Canon RP has this one Feature that still has people buying This camera despite it being a few years Old and that is the 26 megap full-frame Sensor which is a very respectable Amount of resolution considering the Cost of this camera most fullframe Cameras are only between 24 to 26 Megapixels and camera that has more Resolution than that usually cost $2,000 $3,000 so considering the fact that you Have this camera with 26 megapixels it's Kind of a bargain and 26 megapixels is Plenty of resolution for printing out Your photos cropping into your photos Without losing a ton of detail and with This amount of resolution you can do Some serious retouching and editing in Photoshop and Lightroom without having To worry about your photos falling apart But the sensor isn't just good because Of the amount of resolution but also Because it's a fullframe sensor because Both photo and video Shooters usually Want a full-frame sensor because Fullframe has a lot of advantages over a Smaller apsc sensor one of the main

Reasons people usually want a full-frame Sensor is that it allows you to get a Much larger field to view and this way You can shoot wider Landscapes and in Certain conditions with the right lens It also gives you more bouquet or more Of that blurry background effect when You're shooting portraits and I would Personally argue that most professionals Want to shoot fullframe because it has More of a cinematic and more of a Professional look to the photos and Videos now I know some of you guys are Going to be so mad at me for saying that Fullframe looks more cinematic but There's a reason most Hollywood Commercials and professional Photographers gravitate towards larger Sensors like a fullframe but on a more Technical and nerdy side a larger sensor Also allows you to capture more light Thus giving you higher Fidelity photos And videos and naturally just better Quality overall and by being able to get More light you're also going to see Really good low light performance from a Fullframe sensor that compared to an Apsc size sensor shooting with the Canon RP I was able to take photos at 12,800 ISO and I was shocked by how clean these Images were I shot them both properly Exposed and underexposed and I was Really impressed by how clean these Images came out one thing to note is

That the Canon RP isn't really known for Its dynamic range so this is one of Those cameras that you don't want to Shoot at a low ISO or underexposed you Generally want to give it proper amount Of light or Overexposed by a little bit And actually burn down your highlights If you try to pull up your shadows You're going to see a lot of noise and Grain the main thing to consider when You're thinking about fullframe cameras Is that most fullframe cameras at a Minimum are 1,500 1,700 even $2500 and the Canon RP is significantly Cheaper and considering it's a few years Old it's only going to get more Affordable and this camera is often on Sale thus make sure to check out the Link down below however the more Expensive fullframe cameras can Generally shoot faster when it comes to Photos and videos and they also have Other features that the can RP is Lacking so let's talk about what exactly The Canon RP can do when it comes to Actually shooting with this Camas the Canon RP has two separate shooting modes In one mode it shoots at 5 frames per Second in single Focus mode this is Where the camera locks your focus into One place and it does not move even if Your subject moves and that shooting Mode is about this Fast decent enough for most action and

This is about as fast as most beginner Cameras are even if they're apsc and in The other mode you have 2 frames per Second In tracking autofocus this is where the Autofocus moves with your subject and This is much better for action shots and That shooting mode is about this Fast now whether these shooting speeds Are good enough for you will really Depend on your shooting Cy if you're Shooting portraits Landscapes or a model That isn't moving too much 5 frames per Second is actually fantastic you're Going to be able to capture your subject And if there's a little bit of movement Or a little bit of variation or just Handshake it's going to compensate for That now two frames per second might Seem slow but it's actually decent Enough for most lifestyle shooters or Someone that is just casually walking Around see something cool and you just Want to snap a quick photo and just in Case the subject is moving the autofocus Will keep up but if you feel like the Speed isn't quite fast enough for you I'm going to be talking about a camera Later in this video that's very similar To the Canon RP that does have Significantly faster shooting rates However one really big positive of the Canon RP that I simply don't see enough People talking about is the fact that it

Can shoot unlimited jpegs this mean this Camera never needs to slow down or take A break and write the files to the card You can pretty much shoot forever Without having to worry which makes Using the Canon RP a really carefree and Easy process and if you're shooting Raw Photos it can also shoot 50 Raw photos In a row which is a really impressive Frame buff Also let's quickly talk about The video in the Canon RP because while This wasn't made to be a video first Camera there are some design features Like the side articulating screen and The spectacular specs inside of this Camera that might make the Canon RP a Phenomenal video camera for certain Types of Shooters the Canon RP can shoot 2430 in 60 frames per second and Full HD Resolution with the realtime video you Can use it for casual video clips sit Down YouTube videos like this or for Travel vlogging and you also have two Times slow motion for some cool action Shots and the Canon RP also has a clean HTMI out so you can use this as a webcam Or for live streaming and you're Basically getting more for your money But something to note is that the Canon RP has mini HDMI as opposed to the micro HDMI most people hate micro HDMI because It breaks all the time and mini HDMI is Much better and the Kon RP can also Shoot 4K video but it may not be right

For most people because the Kon RP has a 1.6 times crop when using 4K basically It zooms into your lens and gives you a Much tighter field of view which isn't a Great thing where the main selling point Of a camera is the full-frame sensor but The 4K would be good for some close-up Static detail shots or product videos However the 4K is also only at 23 frames Per second so you don't have any 29.9 Frames per second but the one thing that Really irks me with the 4K video in the Canon RP is that the autofocus gets way Slower when you're shooting in 4k mode Which is probably a good time to talk About autofocus and stabilization the Canon RP has a dual pixel autofocusing System which at the time of the release Was one of the best autofocusing systems You can get and it Works phenomenally in Both photos and Full HD video it has Face and eye tracking and it does a Really good job at tracking people and The autofocus overall is really sticky And reliable and the Canon RP also has Digital stabilization for smooth Handheld video so you're planning on Vlogging with this camera or doing any Kind of movement shots you're going to Get very good video so the main question Is is the Canon RP worth it and who Exactly is this for well the Canon RP is Probably the cheapest full-frame camera Out there today while it's not super

Cheap I think if you want a full-frame Camera for portraits Landscapes product Photography or just artistic photography And you want that fullframe look with a High resolution sensor this is the Cheapest way to get into the fullframe Ecosystem but there's two things you Have to consider because this camera is A few years old there's cameras that are About the same price or a few hundred Less that have a smaller apsc size Sensor that will shoot faster with Better autofocus and with better 4K Video If if you really want those Features and you don't care about the Full-frame sensor then those cameras Might be a better bet for you to those Options being the Sony zve E10 and the Canon R50 I'll leave the links down Below however if you're like me and you Love the look of full frame and you know You definitely want full frame another Camera to consider is another camera From Canon that is slightly newer and That is the Canon R8 this camera is Significant more expensive anywhere Between $300 to $500 extra depending on Where you live but that camera has way More power it has the latest Canon AI Autofocus that can intelligently track Subjects like people animals cars and it Also has 4K up to 60 frames per second That is also down sampled from 6K video So the 4K is just out of this world it

Can also Shoot 5 frames per second in Continuous autofocus and 40 frames per Second electronic shutter mode making This just a way better camera in every Single way when you compare to the Canon RP and it also has a 24 megap fullframe Sensor as opposed to the 26 megapixel Sensor in the Canon RP personally I like The Canon R8 better but the extra money That you would spend on the Canon R8 is Probably the money that you would spend On a good lens for the Canon RP so it Really comes down to your budget the Canon RP is the cheapest way to get into The ecosystem but if you have the money To spend the Canon R8 is a great option And if you want to make sure you get the Best possible pricing on whatever camera You choose make sure to check out the Links in the description down below and I'll will see you guys in the next video Peace