Carbon Fiber Anamorphic: Sirui Saturn 75mm T2.9 Review

Well I didn't think I'd get this Opportunity after my probably a little Too honest review of the Suri sniper Series but this is the Sur Saturn series Of full-frame anamorphic lenses and These are different because they are Small they're lightweight they're made Out of carbon fiber and they're really a Response to what people have been asking From anamorphic lens manufacturers what They wanted is sharper cleaner images They wanted smaller sizes they wanted Flare color options and really an all of Those respects Sur is answering that Call and that request so let's check it Out packaging on this Saturn Line is Solid black box inside there is a Warranty card service card and some Stickers a microfiber branded pouch and The lens itself which is vacuum sealed The Lens comes with a front and rear Lens cap but no lens Hood the lens is Solid feeling it comes in at 468 G which Is about a pound not as light as a Feather but compared to older animore Morphic lenses this is a significant Reduction in size and weight the design Is simple overall with a carbon fiber Accent here starting at the rear there Is a metal Mount no electronics and no Weather ceiling it is good to note that These rear mounts are not swappable so Buy them out for your camera first ring Here is t- stops t2.9 to t16 it's nicely

Smooth with good dampening next ring is The focus which is labeled on either Side just like the aperture not much Rotation here just over 45 de in fact But the focus ring is smooth requiring Little effort to rotate there's a little Blue ring ins set at an angle which is a Nice touch and beyond that carbon fiber There is an etch logo lens specs on Either side and anamorphic 1.6x FF on The bottom around the front there is a Rectangular element Sur logo minimum Focus distance of 3 ft 62 mm filter Thread and anamorphic 1.6x FF again Mounted on my a7c it's a nice little Combo definitely packable able on a trip Which you can't say about many other Anamorphic lenses now the most important Part of an anamorphic lens is its Performance and this is very subjective Because some people like more flaws some People like fewer flaws some people like No flaws whatsoever and even something Like the flare color is customizable With this line of lenses so you can Choose the traditional blue flare which I chose for this lens or you can go with The natural look which just mimics the Color of whatever your light source is Anyway here are some samp with this lens I used my Sony a6700 for a lot of these And then a little bit with my Sony a7c So let's check them out now the first Thing that I'll say is optically this 75

Mm is sharp wide open anamorphic lenses Even the most expensive ones are not Generally known for their sharpness but This Saturn series is a sharp set of Lenses now the 75 mm focal length gives You about a 50 mm horizontal image so For me this was plenty usable for Portrait like video Framing and after You desqueeze the footage you get a nice Wide aspect ratio with natural black Bars on top and bottom and when I look At an anamorphic lens I'm really looking At three key things number one is the Squeeze Factor number two is the bouquet And number three is the flare The Squeeze Factor here is 1.6 which isn't The 2x that most professional quote Unquote movies are shot with that being Said with a 16×9 sensor the 1.6 XD Squeeze gives you a perfectly usable Widescreen image the problem with 2x Often times is when you desqueeze it you Get a thin strip of an image and then You end up cropping in which effectively Reduces resolution because you throw so Much of it away so in my eyes The 1.6x Squeeze gets a thumbs up the bouquet With this 75 mm is pretty good again What most people are looking for is Those long ovals or waterfall bouquet And you get a little of that effect here But not a ton the bokeh balls are oval Though and fairly smooth and not Distracting the only negative about the

Bouquet that I saw is some color Fringing at the edges green to purple Depending on the light source apart from That the only way to really improve the Bouquet would be to make this a T2 lens Instead of a t2.9 but that would come at The expense of sharpness and size most Likely lastly let's discuss the flare And this is the most subjective thing About anamorphic lenses there are some That flare in my opinion too easily and There are some that flare barely at all This lens is at a good medium where it Doesn't go crazy and create a Distracting image every time you use it But it does flare bright points of light To create a different feeling and again You could get this lens with warm or Natural color flare but I went with blue Just because in my eyes it's more Classic if I'm going to own an Anamorphic lens I want it to make my Shots cool in color and leave blue Streaks at night but that's just me There is a bit of ghosting with this Lens and the flare usually duplicates Itself on the image which is common with These style of lenses but not preferred The last thing that I'll mention is that Even if you get a bright light source to Hit the edge of your front element that Will flare in a big way across the Screen some people may like this others May not but that's just how this lens

Reacts to the light so in those three Areas this lens performs well in my eyes And I think that if you are a Cinematographer and you're looking for That anamorphic look you will be very Happy with this as long as you're okay With the few little compromises the last Two things that I want to mention is Chromatic aberration and focus breathing I shot everything wide open on this lens And there is a bit of color fringing on Contrasting edges it's not Overwhelmingly high but it is there if You are looking for an anamorphic lens With no chromatic aberration this isn't The one for you but again it's marginal I don't see it as a deal breaker except For if you don't like seeing fringing on The edges of your bouquet and then as Far as Focus breathing this lens has Some perhaps more than I expected it to Have I think this is probably another Compromise result in from the size of This lens but it is worth noting that Focusing will cause a bit of a shift in Composition overall I think that this Lens is a compromise between let's say The clinical Perfection of a normal Spherical lens such as this Sigma 85 mm And what you normally get with an Anamorphic lens which is just a bunch of Different distortions and flaws and Really if you want to put it somewhere On that scale I think it's a little bit

Closer to that clinical style of lens Just because it's very sharp wide open And it's a very clean image as a result Obviously it has flare it has the Somewhat oval bouquet but optically it's Near a normal lens and that may suit Some people it may not suit other people But I think this is a smart move by Sur Because it effectively makes it easier To make that choice because it used to Be that you had to choose between a Sharp lens and with good contrast in Colors and a lens that has some Character and a little bit of flaw but They've managed to mesh those two things In a package that's very compact that's Lightweight and relatively affordable When you compare it to other anamorphic Lenses this is not a cheap lens by any Means but again compared to other Anamorphic lenses it is on the Affordable side of things but let me Know what you guys think down in the Comment section below as always thank You so much for all of your comments all Of your likes and your support stay Tuned for more and have a nice day Bye-bye