New: Sigma 50mm f/1.4 DG DN ‘Art’ lens review

[Music] Howdy again everyone now a year or two Ago I was getting endless questions from People in comments sections asking me What I knew about a new 50 millimeter Dgdn art lens from Sigma it was like Some kind of weird in-joke that I wasn't Aware of weird well I can finally make All those people happy with the Announcement of the lens of their dreams Sigmund's new 50 millimeter F 1.4 DG Diane art its predecessor the 50 Millimeter F 1.4 Dghsm Arch lens for digital SLR cameras Made a big splash when it came out with Its excellent image quality and good Value for money Sigma are hoping to Emulate that success and make the lens a Little smaller and even sharper in this New version for mirrorless cameras it'll Be available on L Mount cameras and Sony's e-mount cameras full frame or Abs-c and it'll cost 850 in the US Before sales tax or 850 pounds here in The UK in including vat I'd like to Thank Sigma UK for letting me borrow an Early production copy of this lens for Testing although as usual this is a Totally independent review Doesn't slow the fast 50 millimeter lens On a full-frame camera they offer a Beautiful natural standard perspective Neither wide angle nor telephoto plus It's possible to get beautifully out of

Focus backgrounds at F 1.4 not to Mention how much easier it is to shoot Indoors and touch a bright aperture or In other dark situations let's take a Look at the build quality of this 50 Millimeter lens the lens is quite big Really although its body feels gorgeous Very solid smooth and tightly assembled A mixture of metal and heavy GT Plastics It weighs 670 grams about one and a half Pounds so it's also on the heavy side The lens is advertised as being quite Well weather sealed and it does indeed Have a slight weather ceiling gasket at The rear mount there are a lot of Control points on the lens too which is Always handy it saves you having to Fiddle around changing things in a Camera's options menu first comes the Aperture ring which can be set to click Nice and confidently every third of a Stop or it can be set to turn smoothly Which yields some lovely smooth aperture Changes when video making it can also be Locked in or out of automatic mode which Is a feature I often find useful we also Get a manual focus switch and a focus Hold button on the side then comes a Very large rubberized manual focus ring Which stands very smoothly and just a Little heavily as you can see here the Lens exhibits a moderate Focus breathing Zooming in a fair bit as you focus more Closely

Now let's see about the autofocus motor It works quickly accurately and silently Here very impressive and F 1.4 50 Millimeter lens that's just about as Fast as you can get [Music] The Lens comes with a nice carry case And a very good quality lockable Hood With a rubber trim on the inner Edge it Has a 72 millimeter filter thread size And does not have image stabilization Overall this is definitely a lens with a Bit of size and weight to it but the Wonderful build quality and excellent Autofocus make it really stand out the Lens is very enjoyable to handle okay Let's take a look at image quality now We'll start by testing it on a full Frame camera my 42 megapixel Sony a7r III in camera Corrections turned on for This test in the middle of the image Right away it's F 1.4 we see absolute Razor sharpness and excellent contrast Colors are very slightly warm and There's just a tiny hint of color Fringing on contrasting edges here but That goes away at the moment he's top Down the aperture a little let's take a Look in the image Corners they look Fantastically sharp too although Contrast is a bit lower and we're also Seeing a little Darkness even with those In-camera Corrections stop down to F2 For more brightness and excellent

Contrast again in those Corners the lens Stays this sharp down to f11 where a Touch of softness is emerging due to Diffraction and F16 looks a bit softer Again overall it's a brilliant Performance here on full frame 50 Millimeter lenses don't really come much Harder than this and it's definitely an Improvement of the original version for Digital and SLR cameras having Considerably sharper Corners well let's See how the lens performs on aps-c now By testing it on my little Sony a5100 With its 24 megapixel cropped sensor at F 1.4 image quality in the middle is Very good but we do see just a touch of Ghosting and color fringing on Contrasting edges the corner image Quality is a little softer again it's Top down just to F2 though and those Corners become excellent and the lens is Razor sharp back in the middle now too The lens stays the shot down to f8 f11 And F16 see softness creeping in due to Diffraction so that's a very good Performance on aps-c2 although you need To stop down to F2 for the punchiest Looking images okay let's turn off in Camera Corrections now and see about Vignetting and Distortion without Corrections the lens clearly projects Quite a lot of pin cushion distortion at F 1.4 vignetting is very strong here's F2 F 2.8 and F4 it's only really had to

Have 5.6 that those Corners probably Brighten up so you'll definitely want to Use your Corrections with this lens The lenses minimum Focus distance is About 45 centimeters chest average for a 50 millimeter optic close-up image Quality still see some sharpness here But it's rather masked over by color Fencing and low contrast just stop down To F2 for excellent contrast and Sharpness to make a return though Let's see how the lens works against Bright Lights now it's quite a good Performance here a spot of flowering is Clearly visible at certain points but This is certainly better than average For a 50 millimeter lens while we're Working on a dog let's take a look at Coma levels it's good news here too just A little smudge on bright light is Visible at F 1.4 which quickly goes away When you stop down to F2 for those of You who like sunstars though there's Some bad news even stop down to F16 There's very little to see here Next let's look at the quality of this Lenses bokeh aside from the usual cat's Eye shape tobacca balls in the corners At F 1.4 there are no problems here at All pocket looks consistently lovely and Smooth without any apparent issues and Finally related to bokeh let's see about Longitudinal chromatic aberration at F 1.4 it's pretty visible unfortunately

Here on bokeh Highlights let's stop down To F2 though and it begins to go away And at F 2.8 and F4 it's gone overall Although it's a little big and heavy Still this is a new 50 millimeter F 1.4 Lens with pretty Supreme build and image Quality even sharper than it admittedly Aging cousin for digital SLR cameras You're getting a good deal for your 850 Here as it has few Optical problems tons Of sharpness and beautiful soft looking Bucket as well as fast autofocus great Contrast and good colors and useful Features for video work it's pretty much What everyone was hoping for I think so I reckon it has to come highly Recommended [Music] Have you ever thought to yourself boy Chris just doesn't create enough content For me or ever wondered if you can Support this channel in the work I do or Even thought both of those things well The answer is in the description Down Below in the form of my patreon page Where Channel supporters can get all Kinds of exclusive bonus content as well As a warm fuzzy feeling inside for Helping to keep things Trucking on in my Lens testing laboratory here thanks to All my current supporters for all your Help and ciao for now

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