The APSC Lens That Doesn’t Exist

This is going to be a somewhat casual Video I'm just going to sit down and Talk to you guys about something now I Find myself thinking about cameras a lot Showering playing with my kids driving In the car I've been thinking about the Fact that we have basically every single Lens that we'd ever need for Sony apsc And I thought about that more and more And then I came to the realization that There's one very popular focal length Among fullframe Sony users that is not Available on Sony 8 PSC and I'm talking About a 70 to 200 mm f2.8 I wanted to Make this video and discuss why and what An ideal apsc equivalent would be which Would be roughly a 50 to 130 mm f2.8 so The first question is why does this lens Not yet exist and I think I know the Answer to this but I'm just guessing They probably don't think there would be A huge demand for it or maybe it goes Along the same lines of what maybe some People are thinking when they go out and Try to buy a telephoto lens and that is I need the furthest reach possible and So if you know you're buying a lens That's going to be big in the first Place you might as well go and get a Fullframe lens because what difference Does it make I mean if this 70 to 200 Works just as well on an apsc camera Body why not just buy this and it saves The companies making these lenses that

Much more on R&D and marketing and Trying to sell apsc versions of these Lenses what are the benefits of having a 70 to 200 mm f2.8 equivalent for apsc Well there are two very basic things Number one is the size and in a funny Turn of events I am reviewing this Sigma 70 to 200 mm for full frame this week I'll have that video done shortly but There is one complaint that I have about This lens for use on apsc and that is The size and the weight in my video About why I shoot Sony apsc I showed a Quickly thrown together graphic of the Difference inside size between apsc and Fullframe and what's important to Understand is that glass is heavy it Takes a significantly larger and heavier Piece of glass to cover a fullframe Sensor with an image then it takes to Cover an apsc sensor with an image and When you have zoom lenses like this one With 24 elements in 22 groups just Multiply that out and if the glass Elements can be let's say 40% smaller And lighter then you can multiply that Out by 24 and you can imagine just how Much more compact you can make a Telephoto lens for apsc and I don't Really care even if it extends out like This 16 to 55 just look at how compact This is to carry around and pack away With you if this was the size of a Telephoto lens even if it was an inch or

Two longer than this it would be Significantly smaller than trying to Carry around a massive fullframe version Of the exact same lens the second Benefit is obviously price because You're using less glass and less stuff Material to put this thing together it Should come in a little bit less Expensive as well now if Sony is any Indicator there fullframe lenses for Example the 24 to70 f2.8g Master is $2,400 us the equivalent which is this 16 to 55 f2.8 is $14 or $1,300 depending On whether or not it's on sale so almost 50% off and when it comes to telephotos It's the exact same story the Sony Version of this 70 to2 200 comes in at Almost $3,000 it's $2,800 and so an apsc version if Sony Were to create it would probably come in At $1,500 us but third-party lenses are Definitely in a different League when it Comes to Value so for example this Sigma Is $1,500 us for fullframe could you Imagine if they came out with an apsc Version of this lens that's smaller Lighter more compact for $800 and it Doesn't even have have to be Sony or Sigma even Tamron could come in and take This even samyang could come in and do Something like this or tokina all of These companies have the ability to put Together a highquality autofocusing zoom Lens yet for some reason no one is doing

It and I think this is very strange Because a couple of years ago let's say 3 to four years ago it seemed like the Only lenses that you could get for Sony APC were mid-range or typical zooms so Something from 16 mm out to 70 something Like that we had the 16 to 50 from Sigma We have the 16 to 55 all of that was Good and at that time I complained that We really didn't have an ultrawide uh Solid autofocusing ultrawide Zoom or Prime that uh was faster f2.8 or better And then all of a sudden we got a drop From Tamron the 11 to 20 we got Sony Dropped three Ultra wide lenses for apsc On the same day and then we have the Sigma version to accompany this one so You have the 10 to 18 mm from Sigma f2.8 And so now you have the ultra wide end Covered you have kind of the mid typical Range covered but again nothing on the Telephoto side no constant f2.8 Specifically designed for apsc lens Exists that I'm aware of that's designed For Sony mirrorless that's modern that's Not 15 years old and I get reminded of This almost on a daily basis from your Guys' DMs on my Instagram because people Ask all the time what's the best Ultra Wideangle lens what's the best General Multi-purpose one lens to cover Everything and I tell people hey Ultra Wide angle right now really the sigma 10 To 18 is the one to get for an everyday

Lens to cover everything it's one of These two Sony 16 to 55 Sigma 18 to 50 F2.8 zooms you really cannot go wrong With either one of these they're just on Two different budget levels but when People ask about a telephoto I don't have anything I honestly most of The time recommend a full-frame Telephoto lens to use on your apsc Camera because the apsc versions they're Really not that great right now what we Have is the Sony 55 to 210 which is I Don't know 15 years old it's optically Not brilliant it's not built very well It's cheap but it's also a variable Aperture it's really not the best lens Out there especially because you have a Smaller sensor so for low light work F6.3 is not very good at all and then You also have the Sony 70 to 350 mm Which is also a variable aperture lens Good lens optically much better than the 55 to 210 uh but again variable aperture So as soon as you zoom in it's like You're saying let there be darkness and There is darkness and it's pretty big And I also don't really need 300 mm or 350 millimeters that's the equivalent of 525 if my math is right on a fullframe Sensor and that's really zoomed in do I Really want to carry around that extra Weight and the extra size not really Unless it was an f2.8 and in fact I'd Sacrifice the telephoto end of that lens

In order to get a constant f2.8 which is A whole point of making this video again That lens does not exist so the question Becomes what would that ideal lens look Like and I know right now in the comment Section it's going crazy because people Are inevitably going to say something to The effect of well you need to multiply Everything down by the crop factors so Really what you need is a 50 to 130 f1.8 To get the equivalent bouquet and the Equivalent depth of field and I've Answered this question so many times in Past videos and I've come to the point Where I've just stopped answering it Because I feel like people don't get it Or they don't want to get it or they Just don't want to drop the argument and I don't know where this is coming from I Don't know if it's just people who own Fullframe sensored cameras and fullframe Lenses and they just think that their Stuff is superior than everyone else's Or if they are trying to prove something To themselves or to other people but I Will say it one last time here aperture So f2.8 is a physical characteristic of The lens so an f2.8 lens is an f2.8 lens Period that's it if you want to get into What that looks like and what the Equivalent level of bouquet is a certain Focal length then yes you can do Mathematical gymnastics and figure that Out for yourself but just because a shot

Has bouquet that looks different because Of a crop factor doesn't mean that lens Is letting in less than f2.8 worth of Light for that sensor if it did then no One would ever use an f2.8 apsc lens in Crop mode on their fullframe camera and On the flip side a fullframe f2.8 lens Such as this Tamron 28 to 75 G2 does not Automatically become an f1.8 once you Mount it to an apsc camera it's not Really how it works so for my needs f2.8 On apsc is more than adequate I never Find myself wondering hm this Sigma is Pretty good but if it was F2 it would be That much better I don't really need That super shallow depth of field in 99.8% of my shots and my videos that I Take of my family and I think that we Often forget there are people out there That simply want a good camera to use to Take family photos they want to take Pictures of their travel they want to Make videos even I forget this at times There are people who don't want or need The best the biggest the greatest There's a level of Simply good enough And nowadays when you hear the term good Enough it sounds negative as if you are Settling for a nickel after you couldn't Find a dime but there is such a thing as Good enough and it's a positive thing Okay let me rein it back in after that Long tangent I was answering what this Ideal telephoto zoom lens would look

Like so I don't really care who makes it It could be Sigma it could be Sony it Could be Tamron could be Rokinon vro I Don't even care if TT Artis makes it as Long as they make it good what I'm Looking for is a telephoto lens let's Say 50 to 130 mm f2.8 constant and Here's the kicker I'd want it to have Image stabilization or is or vibration Compensation whatever the term is for For because after using this lens uh Just for a couple of days uh this Sigma Again it has Optical image stabilization Built into it and it makes such a huge Difference now the one on this one they Say is like seven stops of stabilization I don't know if I believe that but I do Know that this works a whole lot better Than just Ibis and also if someone were To come out with a lens such as this one For apsc with stabilization built in That would open it up and make it more Appealing to everyone out there who has An a6000 a6400 or let's say one of the 80% of apsc cameras that don't have Ibis Built in plus Optical stabilization Simply works better at those super Zoomed in telephoto focal lengths so That is it 50 to 130 f2.8 AF with is the Thing is Sigma had one of these lenses Back in the day it was the 50 to150 F 2.82 ex Dcsm it was designed for AP PSC it had Built-in stabilization autofocus

Internal focusing and it was released Back in 2007 and no one knows why it was Killed at least no one on the internet Knows but could you imagine that lens Today a modern version of it so a 70 to 200 shrunk down into an apsc form factor It would be pretty amazing it would be I Think a very very good seller and so I Ended up emailing Sigma and I kind of Laid out this video in an email form and I said hey this would be awesome if Something like this came about and so We'll see if anything happens with that I doubt that they take my suggestions And they start R&D right away but maybe They already have something in the works You never know the other thing that Happened just today is a friend of mine Ran into me and he said hey what do you Think about me buying three fx30 is Instead of one or two fx3s he does music Videos for some quasi famous people and Probably famous people as well and so That was interesting again because it Made me think about this video it made Me think about what he would use and What he would want and he would probably Buy a 70 to 200 equivalent for all three Of those fx30 is or at least one or two Of them and so I think that this would Be a lens that you know if it came out It would be something that appeals to Not only the mother or the father that's Out there recording their kids soccer

Game or basketball or something like That with their apsc camera but it would Also appeal to those who are using these Beasts that we have you know the A6700 the fx30 that I'm using to record This video um and these are tools that We just have been missing and so um let Me know what you guys think down in the Comment section because I might be alone On this one maybe this is just so far Out of left field and no one would pick Up a lens like that but I honestly think That if a lens like this came out from You know Sigma Tamron whoever it is and They priced it well $8 or $900 for a Constant f2.8 70 to20 equivalent on apsc I'd pick it up just like that um but let Me know your thoughts down in the Comment section is there something that I'm missing would there be another lens That would be even more important than Something like this always curious and Excited to read your guys' stuff um let Me know what you think of these kind of More casual videos sit down talking if You hate them absolutely then comment Down below if you like them then let me Know CU I may do more of them maybe not We'll see thank you guys so much for Watching thanks for all of your comments All of your likes and your support stay Tuned for more have a nice day bye-bye