Canon RF 24-50mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM lens review

[Music] Howdy again everyone today another new Inexpensive zoomable kitlands arise in Canon Land the RF 24 to 50 millimeter F 4.5 to 6.3 is STM the idea behind this One is completely obvious it's clearly Intended as the cheapest possible zoom Lens to come as a kit with Canon's less Expensive full-frame RF Mount moles Cameras a lens just to get you started As you're figuring out what to upgrade To I mean just look at its parameters a Very small Zoom range and a dark maximum Aperture mean that it will only really Be useful for street or landscape Photography for shooting indoors you'll Need to use very high ISO levels on your Camera and zooming in to only 50 Millimeter isn't much use for subject or Portrait or Event Photography But Undeniably the lens does have one or two Selling points firstly it can zoom out To 24 millimeter which is a lovely wide Angle and if your camera is high enough Resolution you could always crop in from 50 millimeter in editing it's also very Small and Light which could be appealing To some landscape photographers who are Climbing mountains with it or whatever And finally when bought as a kit lens With your camera it's affordable at 200 Or 200 pounds in the UK you can buy it Separately for about 300 or 350 pounds In the UK but come on don't do that

You'll be able to find some on eBay Before too long much cheaper I'd like to Thank Canon for loaning me a copy of This lens for a couple of weeks for Testing although as usual this is a Totally independent review let's take a Look at build quality first and as you Would expect everything is dead simple Here lots of plastic everywhere even Down to the lens mount itself although Admittedly the lens does feel tightly Assembled it doesn't feel like it's About to fall apart in your bare hands Or anything like kit lenses did years Ago having said that there's no Noticeable weather ceiling on the lens You have to extend the lens out by Turning the plastic Zoom ring before you Shoot and it does so with a slightly Hardened unpleasant snap the zoom ring Just turns averagely smoothly here with Just a touch of stickiness to it in Front of that comes a smooth turning Plastic control ring which can be Customized to manually focus or change Other things like your after ISO Exposure compensation and so on the Lenses auto focus system just works Averagely quickly but it's silent and Accurate the lens exhibits just a little Focus breathing the lens is image Stabilized though which is helpful as Canon's less expensive new cameras tend Not to have in body stabilization here

Is some footage shot on a windy day with It turned off and now turned on as you Can see it makes a nice difference to Your handheld footage it works pretty Well the lenses front element has a 58 Millimeter filters size and it doesn't Come with a lens Hood overall cheap and Cheerful build quality here but it does Work okay all right then image quality I Am testing it today on my Canon EOS R5 Camera with its full frame 45 megapixel Sensor in the camera Corrections are Turned on here at 24 millimeter and F 4.5 in the middle of the image we are Seeing excellent sharpness and good Contrast the image inner Corners is Decently sharp too although we see an Odd pattern emerging in the finer Details possibly to do with strong Distortion correction more on that in a Minute at F 5.6 the corners look a touch Brighter although even the top down to F8 we are still seeing good but not Excellent sharpness stop down to f11 and Diffraction begins to make the image Softer all right let's zoom into 50 Millimeter now at F 6.3 sharpness in the Middle is just good not great the corner Image quality looks basically the same Just Okay resolution with slightly Ghostly contrasting edges the image Qualities stays the same stop down to f8 In the corners and back in the middle Just okay sharpness here good enough for

24 megapixel sensor but not great on 45 It's top down as far as F-16 and Sharpness takes a major hit again due to The effect of diffraction so I would sum All this up by saying that the lenses Sharpness is just okay to good on a 45 Megapixel camera at least the corners Don't get much softer than the middle on A 24 megapixel camera though the lens Should get to you in passively Sharp Images okay let's look at Distortion and Vignetting the camera will correct these For you and for this lens it won't Actually allow you to turn off Distortion correction which is never a Good sign so let's look at the results From some raw images whoa that's Astonishingly poor for a lens with such A narrow home range just look at that Battle Distortion and the lens offers Nothing but blackness in the image Corners your camera is having to really Crop and stretch your image here not Good stop down to F 5.6 or f8 for Vignetting within the visible frame to Clear up but those Corners are still Black as the Knight zoom into 50 Millimeter and we still see battle Distortion but at least vignetting is Low now Canon clearly made to precisely Zero effort to optically correct Distortions here which is probably why The final resolution of your images Isn't quite as high as it maybe could

Have been Anyway let's move on and look at Close-up image quality the lens can Focus down to about 30 centimeters at F 6.3 close-up image quality is very Ghostly with some blue color fringing Stop down to f8 and there's no more Sharpness but contrast great knee Improves even stopped down to f11 though There's no further Improvement let's see How the lens works against Bright Lights Now at wider angles only a very little Flaring is visible here zoom into 50 Millimeter though and more flaring Artifacts make their way into your Images finally let's take a look at the Quality of this lenses bokeh it's almost A moot point here as the maximum Aperture is so dark that it's difficult To get out of focus backgrounds Altogether but when you do they look Soft enough Overall well this is a pretty mediocre Kit lens here although it's not Especially terrible in any way on a 24 Megapixel camera its image sharpness Will be pretty high but it shouldn't be Pushed any harder than that I don't Think it's narrow Zoom range and maximum After are pretty lame although it could Make itself useful as a cheap Lightweight lens for landscape Photography for people really on the go Still it is a lens you will want to

Upgrade from very quickly to get the Most out of your shiny new Canon full Frame mirrorless camera All right well thanks everyone for Watching and a very big thank you to my Patreon supporters this channel is a Pretty low budget Affair out of Necessity not choice so you guys and the Gals really help to keep things Trucking Along here check it out in the Description below because patreon Supporters get all kinds of exclusive Bonus content that I love putting Together just for them twice or three Times a month ciao for now everyone

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