Cheapest AF zoom lens on eBay? Tamron 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 lens review

[Music] Howdy again everyone recently I made a Video about whether it's better to buy a Cheap camera with a pro lens or a pro Camera with a cheap lens it wasn't a Very serious video really but I had fun Putting it together with my wife's help As a camera person I also had fun Researching the cheapest oldest Crummiest autofocus lens that I could Find on eBay to fit onto my Canon EOS R5 Camera so to get even more value out of My outlay of 28 pounds for it here is a Review of the ancient Tamron 28 to 18 Millimeter F 3.5 to 5.6 is an autofocus Zoom lens from 1995 although it was Updated to a slightly newer version in 1999 I think anyway this is the older 77d version and as I mentioned it can be Found on eBay for Rock Bottom prizes Perhaps in case you need an emergency Lens for your kit bag it's a full frame Lens which was released for a number of Digital SLR camera systems this one's For Canon EF Mount and I'll be testing It by adapting it onto my Canon EOS R5 The lens has the zoom range and maximum Aperture of a bog standard zoomable kit Lens from the film era although in all Fairness maximum apertures of Kit lenses And Canon Land have been getting even Darker than this recently still its Photographic potential for autofocus Backgrounds is weak and so this is the

Kind of lens you would seek to upgrade From as soon as possible or like I Suggested keep hidden away in a cupboard For emergencies the build quality is Typical for a lens of its time although Perhaps a little bigger than I thought It would be like the rest of the lens Its Mount is made of plastic never a Good sign and if you zoom the lens in Then its electronics are clearly visible On the inside which means that dust and Moisture in Grass could be a problem for It if the lens isn't properly taken care Of the gunmetal gray color of the Plastic looks kind of cool but the Rubberized Zoom ring with tamron's old Logo repeatedly bursting out of it is Pretty gaudy to say the least that Zoom Ring definitely does not turn smoothly At all I'm afraid and for the first time In years I'm reviewing a lens where the Entire front glass element turns as you Focus which is a real pain for users of Polarizing or graduated filters and There's no Focus clutch mechanism here So you'd better remember to switch the Lens to manual focus mode if you want to Turn or even put pressure on that Focus Ring at any time let's use trainer Motors gears and the autofocus motor Itself slow and accurate and it makes a Noise like a cat being dragged down the Motorway funnily enough I do not feel Nostalgic for the days when camera lens

Is handled like this my copy of the lens Came with a small Hood which clipped on Bayonet's tile it's filter thread size Is 58 millimeters the lens is obviously Not image stabilized and for some reason The in-body stabilization of my Canon EOS R5 camera didn't seem to work very Well with it maybe the lens is Electronic Protocols are just too old Anyway this is simply the kind of poor Build quality you'd expect from a cheap Kit lens from 1995 I'm afraid it worked Just about but also it feels like it's Moments from death Okay image quality no and Camera Corrections were available for this lens On my EOS R5 I'm afraid and I'll just be Testing its full frame image quality Today at 28 millimeter and F 3.5 picture Quality in the middle is acceptably Sharp but contrast is low and a little Purple fringing is visible on Contrasting edges to the corner image Quality is a sheer disaster Zone though Just look at it stop down to F 5.6 for a Little more clarity but the corners are Still dreadfully soft with terrible Chromatic aberration thankfully the Image in the middle is looking way Sharper now with good contrast at last F8 looks about the same in the middle But the corner image quality is Beginning to improve however f11 and F16 See no further improvements so this lens

Is clearly unable to provide Satisfactory image quality at its widest Angles let's zoom in to 50 millimeter And look in the middle of the image Again well that purple finishing his Back isn't it Ouch it's glowing like Homer Simpson After a meltdown at the nuclear power Plant at least this time the corner Image quality isn't so bad as before Although still the image is pretty soft And ghostly stopped down to f516 for Contrast to improve and back in the Middle that purple fringing is mostly Gone at f8 it's totally gone and Sharpness is looking good but not great The corner image quality is looking Quite good now also although contrast is Still fairly low the image looks the Same at f11 or darker let's Zoom all the Way into 18 millimeter now in the middle Of the image it's the same story as at 50 millimeter a nuclear purple glow Around every contrasting Edge as well as Low contrast and only average sharpness The corners have gotten worse again I'm Afraid they look very soft now stop down To f8 for only a touch more brightness And sharpness there but a bigger Improvement in the middle it's only f11 That the middle is finally fully clear Of that Unstoppable purple fringing but The image is still looking a little soft And washed out and the corner image

Quality is still looking very weak well The results are even worse than iOS X Pack 10 quite frankly aren't you glad Optical technology has moved on so much Since the old days tamon's own lenses Nowadays are mostly very sharp and Competitive this lens is a reminder of The bad old times when the third-party Manufacturers were really scraping the Battle of what consumers might tolerate Okay let's look at Distortion and Vignetting back in a film era lens Manufacturers tried harder than they do Nowadays to correct Distortion issues Because there was no way a film camera Could do that for them and at 28 Millimeter we're seeing some battle Distortion for sure but modern zoom Lenses are often even worse than this The far greater problem is obviously That very ugly corner vignetting at F 3.5 wave stop down to F 5.6 f8 and f11 For it to gradually go away Zoom all the Way into 18 millimeter and any kind of Distortion is now gone and interestingly Straight from F 5.6 vignetting is now Very low so it's a surprisingly good Result for Distortion but that Vignetting at 28 millimeter is pretty Gnarly another weakness of this lens is Its minimum Focus distance of only 70 Centimeters meaning you'll never be able To get very close to any subject at all Something I hate to see close-up image

Quality is still pretty bad but at least It's no worse than its normal distances It's top down to f8 for best results Here let's see how this lens works Against Bright Lights now flaring is There and it's broad but it's not too Opaque it's not good but frankly I was Expecting worse finally let's take a Look at the quality of this lenses bokeh It's difficult to even get out of Vegas Backgrounds with this lens but when you Do they're pretty ugly looking actually Pretty busy overall well I'm glad I only Paid 28 pounds for this lens because It's not even good for keeping for Emergencies quite frankly but it was at Least fun to go back and examine a real Old stinker to see how far lens Technology and Manufacturing really has Come over the years certainly Tamron as A company have come along in Leaps and Bounds since these old things were Hitting the market and frankly I give Thanks to God Almighty that even modern Kit lenses can do so much better Nowadays than this thing Thanks for watching everyone I love Putting together these lens reviews but They are costly and time consuming to do Even if the test subject only cost me 28 Pounds if you do appreciate these videos And you'd like to support the channel Then check out my patreon page where Supporters get all kinds of bonus

Content and early access to videos that Isn't available anywhere else ciao for Now everyone

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