Fuji XF 8mm f/3.5 R WR lens review

Greetings everyone and as a fan of ultra Wideangle lenses I'm pleased to be Testing out an optic I've wanted to try Ever since it was released the Fuji xf8 Mm f3.5 Rwr isn't that a good looking lens now Just look at it there it's an extreme Wide angle rectilinear prime lens only For Fuji's X system cameras which is the Full frame equivalent of about 12 mm so You are getting a simply gigantic field Of view with with this thing which can Occasionally be really effective for Landscape photography but is even better For architecture work and indoor Photography this is the kind of lens That's incredibly fun to use although Actually composing such a wide-angle Image can often be tricky and while There may be no law against taking Portrait pictures with an 8 mm lens your Subject had better have a good sense of Humor to tolerate the results let alone Allowing them to be published anywhere At 800 Or £800 here in the UK this optic is Pricey but not totally Out Of Reach I'd Like to thank Fuji UK for learning me a Copy of this lens for a few weeks for Testing although as usual this is a Totally independent review build quality Here is fantastic as you'd expect for Top-of-the-line Fuji optic although it's Made of plastic the lens is beautifully

Small and solid not to mention good Looking on your camera the rear mount is Metallic with a weather scening gasket Around In fact the lens is advertised as being Fully weather resistant then comes the Aperture ring with lovely tactile clicks Every third of an f- stop and there's Also quite a Handy Switch to allow you To lock the lens in or out of automatic Apture mode if you want in front of that Comes the manual focus ring which turns Beautifully smoothly as usual for a Fuji Lens the actual manual focus response is A little jerky but it is precise enough For anything you might want to do at These w wide angles the lens displays Only a little Focus breathing here Nothing anyone will ever notice in video Work autofocus speed is hardly a deal Breaker on such wide- angle lens here But it's fast silent and accurate as you Can see the lens has a 62 mm filter Thread size and I found I could use my Mari fit and slim polarizing filter on It without any extra vignetting to be Honest just being able to use any front Filter on a lens this wide is rather a Luxury The Lens comes with a little plastic Hood and it does not have image Stabilization overall perfect build Quality here so let's move on and look At image quality Fuji were kind and also

Brave enough to loan me one of their Latest 40 megapixel Camas for this test An xt5 so let's see what the lens can do On the world's most insanely demanding Apsc camera sensor at f3.5 the lens is Razor sharp in the Middle with excellent Contrast over in the corners we are Seeing some softness although Considering the demands of a 40 Megapixel camera I thought things would Look far worse than this f5.6 is a touch Sharper and here is f8 and f11 at F-16 The effects of defraction are too strong And the image gets soft okay well Overall the lens is mostly very sharp Even on a 40 megapixel sensor it's only Really when you get right into the edges That there are sharpness issues and even Then mostly just on contrasting edges For most intense and purposes this is Really sharp enough for most needs with Excellent contrast and on a 24 or 26 map Sensor the pictures will look even Better okay let's work around the in Camera Corrections now and take a look At Raw Distortion and vignetting okay The lens is projecting a heck of lot of Barrel Distortion here without Corrections and the corners are really Quite dark stop down to f5.6 and those Corners brighten again but won't get get Any brighter than this so if you're Shooting raw you'll definitely want to Make sure you're correcting your images

This lens can focus down to about 18 cm Just averagely close for such a Wideangle optic the good news though is That image quality continues to be razor Sharp at F3.5 even at the closest distances let's See about work against Bright Lights now As usual for a Fuji lens flaring is Quite nicely under control here only a Small amount being visible While we're working in the dark let's Take a look at coma levels coma smearing Is very low here and stopped down to F5.6 For What Little there was to be Gone let's zoom out now and look for Sunstars at f11 they are beginning to Emerge but you need to stop down to F16 Or ideally F22 to see them really Blasting their way onto the scene and Finally Baka it's a moot point really as You'll barely get any outter Focus Backgrounds here and if you do they just Look averagely soft overall well I loved Working with this lens I absolutely Loved it it's small handy wide fun to Use and allows me to mount my cherished Polarizing filters okay its Corner image Quality could have been a little sharper And I did check that that was the case At further distances not just test chart Closeness but really it produces such Clean images and the in camera Corrections do a good job of taking care Of most the optical issues leaving you

With Gorgeous pict straight from f3.5 I'd love to see the price of this lens Come down to something a bit more Reasonable than $800 but if you're really into the Fuji System and want the best Ultra wideangle Lens available then this is certainly it And the fun factor is certainly strong On this lens too if you can afford it Then the Lens comes [Music] Recommended okay two things firstly if You haven't already check out the new Playlists on my channel which list my Reviews Now by camera Mound and in other Cool ways to help you browse the lens Reviews for your camera and secondly Thanks to my patreon supporters of Course patreon supporters get all kinds Of exclusive bonus content and early Access to videos as well as a warm fuzzy Feeling in deep inside them for playing Such a big part in keeping this YouTube Channel going ciao for now everyone

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