Five key points you need to know about the Sony a9 III

Hi I'm Richard Butler and I'm Dale Baskin from DP Review and we're here at The launch of the Sony a93 and we're Going to tell you what we think are the Five key points you need to know about This camera let's have a It point one and this is the big one the A93 is the first camera we've seen to Have a global shutter sensor this means It reads out all of its pixels Simultaneously and doesn't need a Mechanical shutter this has a number of Benefits it means you can Flash sink at Any speed you never have to worry about Banding no matter how quick the LEDs are Strobing and it means you're never going To see any rolling shutter Distortion That's especially useful if you're Shooting video and furthermore five Quick points fair enough Point number Two the a93 has a Pre-buffering essentially as soon as you Press the shutter button or the afon Button halfway it begins capturing Images and as soon as you fully depress One of those buttons the camera records Images for up to 1 second before the Initial exposure or if you're really Confident as short a time as 1/200th of A second number three the camera now has What's called a speed boost function Essentially it allows you to accelerate Your burst rate on a moment's notice if The action gets really fast and you want

To make sure to capture more frames than Your camera is set to for example you Might have your camera set to 30 frames Per second burst but if there's a Critical moment in sports you can press That C5 button and your camera can jump To up to 120 frames per second to Capture that critical moment number four Has to do with video the camera can Shoot 4K 60p over sampled from 6K or up To 120p it does this without any kind of Distortion at all it's a global shutter So there's no rolling shutter issues the Camera also has a couple of things that Were're missing from previous A9 models S log 3 gamma profile as well as Sony's S cotone Profile okay Dale I think I've got this Okay five actually. five has nothing to Do with technology it's all about the Ergonomics Sony's been improving its Ergonomics generation on generation but This seems like a really major Improvement the hand grips change shape And it puts your finger directly on the Shutter button and there's now raised Custom buttons behind it we've been Shooting with big lenses all afternoon And it's been surprisingly comfortable Well I think that just about covers it That's all we have uh for today from the I guess Global launch of the a93 chaing If you want more come on and visit us at

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