Sony a7R V Final Review

Welcome back to BRB TV viewers it is Chris Nichols here and today we're going To give our final conclusion on the Sony A7r5 camera you may have watched our Video our first impressions about it so We've had a chance to test the camera I'll play with it a lot now we want to Talk about our findings overall and just Finalize our a review of this camera now Today you've got me indoors in front of This beautiful yellow paper that's Because it's Easter no it's not it's Because it's polar vortex outside and It's freezing cold and so yes we are Indoors again I'm sorry for that luckily We have had time to shoot sample Galleries we've done video in fact Jordan is shooting me on the Sony a7r5 Right now as well so we've got lots of Conclusions for Stills and video to talk About so I really enjoyed my time Shooting the Sony a7r5 honestly just the Experience was more enjoyable for me Than I normally have with Sony cameras And so I actually did call it my Favorite camera that I used in 2022 and There's a lot of stiff competition there But really just comes down to they added A lot of good in here I mean I really Like the updated evf uh the Ibis has Been updated and it's very effective the Cameras aren't sexy but the e7r5 does Handle well the controls are usable I Like the fact that I can customize the

Autofocus color of the box which is big Pet peeve for me the fully articulating LCD screen is fully to the nth degree Articulating with the hinge as well as The articulation I mean really they Threw a lot of stuff in it and a lot of It really does land well but most Importantly with the excellent autofocus And all these features using the camera It's just kind of effortless it's Enjoyable it's easy to use and you get Great results now a lot of people out There are saying well hey why not get a Sony a7r4 it's the same sensor you know I mean you're going to get a good deal And actually we recommended that as well You do save a bit of money and it is an Excellent sensor I still think that the Other improvements make the a7r5 and Absolutely worthy upgrade but we wanted To talk about image quality specifically Because we assumed when we did our first Impressions video we've got a similar Sensor it's going to be the same kind of Image quality we've since done the lab Testing the fact is yes it is actually Basically for all intents and purposes Identical image quality to the a7r4 You're getting the that excellent 60 Megapixel resolution very expansive Dynamic range noise performance is good Maybe not as good as some other sensors Out there but overall this is a Fantastic picture taker now the

Similarities to these 7r4 sensor also Unfortunately mean that we have Basically some of the slowest readout Speeds you'll find in a contemporary Full-frame sensor which means your Electronic shutter performance is rough You get those hard diagonals unless you Want to be an optimist and just make art Out of it I mean if you shoot mechanical Shutter like I do a lot it's not a Problem but what if you want to do Things like the multi-shot mode which Are electronic shutter only when you Really do have to consider those Situations now while we're on the topic Of that multi-shot mode I do love the Fact they've now added that motion Correction capability that's very Important we didn't have it before and If you were even a little bit off in Your shots or a little bit of movement Or things moving through the frame it Just look horrible now that actually Does effectively work to realign the Images and to freeze subjects that are In motion unfortunately yes you still Have to do it through their Edge Software now as much as I love the image Quality on this camera I do still have An issue with it it's sort of in a Roundabout way not really the quality But this stuff right here dust it is Still an issue on Sony bodies it always Has been and you know I thought here

Sony says they have this new ultrasonic Sensor cleaning system they've updated I still had dust problems on the sensor I didn't really notice to be that big an Improvement but one thing that I did Find to be nice is that you can now set The camera so the shutter closes when You take lenses off and that's a really Nice feature that helps but I was still Getting dust on my sensor and especially In a camera with a high resolution Sensor which you'll often use for Architecture Landscapes stop down you're Going to notice it so I do wish that was Improved but again you can get rid of it In post so next I want to talk about Autofocus and of course our Impressions From our first video were that was Excellent but we were shooting mostly Stationary stuff the insect thing still Does impress me but we wanted to test it For more Sports and action kind of Photography now a lot of people are Saying oh you don't get a Sony a7r5 for Sports and action but frankly the fact That I can shoot 10 frames mechanical Shutter uh with an excellent buffer and If I want to go lossless compressed that Still drops to seven that's not terrible No it's not a sports camera but I think It could absolutely handle some fast Action Sports situations and certainly Street photography so anyways Jordan did Some soccer shooting I did some

Volleyball shooting we really want to Test out and see how it was changed and This is what we found so first off Sony's have always done a good job with The real-time tracking you know I always Specifically like to set smaller points Then the onus is on me to start the Tracking on a subject that I Specifically want and then I found it to Be quite sticky but if it lost face or Eyes would go to real-time tracking and Sometimes it would drift to other Subjects and then track them very well But it wasn't the subject that you Wanted a quick touch or something or a Readjustment to get it going again but What we now found here with this new Human recognition system is that if it Loses her face her eye it will then just Intelligently stay on the body and the Torso of that original subject and what Jordan and I both found at our Conclusions was even with other similar Looking players around and lots of busy Situations the camera just did a really Good job of staying on the subject that You originally intended so it's Improving on a system that is already Very trustworthy very accurate very Reliable and I just find that your hit Rate especially with a running test was Excellent now with Sports volleyball Soccer with lots of subjects also Accurate I think this actually is a very

Capable action camera so when we talk About cameras that compete with the a7r5 I mean you got the Nikon z72 which is a Great picture taker but you know doesn't Have the resolution doesn't quite have The auto focusing capabilities the Canon EOS R5 which I love would absolutely be A good choice I love the handling on That camera like the images out of that Camera but I now feel like the a7r5 does Edged out in the technology range really It competes against other Sony cameras The a7r IV that might be a worthwhile Way to go to save some money if you Don't need these updated features or the A1 which is vastly more expensive but Absolutely is a very capable Sports and Action shooter as well but overall it is Still my favorite Sony camera really Because I enjoyed the experience but Also because I'm looking at it only for Photos when it comes to video that's Another story so let's go to Jordan and Find out his final conclusions all right It's Jordan to talk about the video Capabilities of the a7r5 uh Chris what Mode are you shooting at here uh so Right now we're just in 4k 24 or full Width of the sensor okay so if you're Recording in that it is subsampled video So I wouldn't generally recommend using The full width 4K it's going to be less Detailed noisier and high ISO okay I'll Change it hang on okay what are we on

Now okay so I switched over to 8K Because that's like four more K's but There's a really big crop so I've had to Pull yeah I mean that's one of the Problems it is cropped when you jump Over to 8K and on top of that like this Is atrocious rolling shutter performance Once you get into that I don't is there Another mode you can use I don't know Something's wrong with your arm it's all Weird okay yeah let me switch it over Something else here okay what are we now I mean we're running out of choices so I've gone back down to 4K 24 but I Turned on the super 35 crop that should Help but then I had to get back even Further again yeah I mean that's the Nice thing is the super 35 mode it is Over sampled so we're going to get like More detailed video out of it but uh Again like the rolling shutter on this Is really dramatic worse than I would Expect I thought it would be similar to Like the 26 megapixel Fujifilm sensors But it is actually quite a bit worse and This is my main problem with this camera For video is there's basically no ideal Record mode you're always going to have To choose between very noticeable Rolling shutter or some sort of Sub-sampled mode with a lot less detail And it's really frustrating because There's so many excellent features for Video Shooters on this camera Raptor on

A sensor that's not ideal for video Capture like the new LCD implementation Where you've got like a tilt combined With a fully articulating screen I loved It before in our previous episode but Now having used it out in the field with Gloves this design I'd even put put Ahead of the Panasonic it's just very Easy to pull the LCD back and adjust it Even when you've got something on your Hands and the electronic viewfinder is Just fantastic for checking focus on This camera and I wasn't really sure What kind of benefits that new AI Processing unit was going to bring to The video autofocus performance but Having shot a couple of episodes with it Now just using the tap to track it is Incredibly sticky I actually haven't Seen it wander off of Chris any time When we were shooting talking head Interviews out in the field this is the Best video autofocus performance that I've seen from any camera but it's not Perfect I really wish they could learn From Nikon's implementation in the z9 of Their tracking interface for video where You could use the electronic viewfinder Use the AF joystick use the AF on button To initiate tracking in video Sony you Still have to tap on the LCD which means Taking your eye away from the electronic Viewfinder if that's how you're framing Up your shot or tapping the screen and

Then putting your eye up to the camera Potentially shaking it it seems like a Simple thing to implement element and Other than that this Sony video Performance is awesome now Sony is Keeping all of their like 10-bit Recording all the different codecs that We've seen on the other cameras and They've got a lot of really nice new Features like the breathing compensation The focus map these are things that I Love working with but the simple truth Is they're all going to be held back by The fact that this sensor is not ideal For video every one of the record modes That you'll choose is a compromise in Some way so serious video enthusiasts This camera is not really for you but if You do more casual video work alongside Of primarily using a photo camera then This is certainly going to fulfill those Needs for you and I hate to like be a Bummer at the end of the video talking About the video things because this is An exceptional photo camera and we Shouldn't lose sight of that but you Know I Gotta Throw my two cents in there And I'm wrapping this up so thank you so Much for watching uh be sure to Subscribe to the channel I'm pointing Down but we're not there yet that's for Twitter and Instagram that's what that's For when I point down thank you so much For watching we'll see you all again

With another episode of DP Review TV Hopefully in the Glorious Outdoors [Music]

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