Sony a7C II camera review

[Music] Greetings again everyone and let's get Straight into testing The Living Daylights onto the brand new Sony a70 Mark II camera coming soon to a camera Retailer near you allow me to let you in On a secret as well as loving full-frame Cameras in general I am crazy about Miniaturization seeing them getting as Small as possible and this is the Successor to one of the smallest to Everest Hitler Market the original a7c Had a similar physical form to Sony's Aps-c mirrorless cameras except a bit Thicker and while it was technically a Very nice camera its features are Getting just a little out of date at This point so in accordance with their Strategy of getting as many cameras as Possible until the market as often as Possible Sony have brushed it up Possibly one of the biggest upgrades is The sensor this Mark II camera has Inherited the respected 33 megapixel Backside illuminated full-frame center Of the a74 camera a great step up from The original on camera's 24 megapixel Sensor it also now has the far more Powerful bion's XR processing engine AI Processing for subject recognition Upgraded dynamic range and image Sensitivity upgraded in-body image Stabilization now up to Seven's tops Equivalent as well as a bigger

Viewfinder nice it also has better Shooting buffer memory more natural skin Colors stepping away from Sony's Traditional yellow skin tones well Slightly yellow anyway it has an Improved and easier to use menu system Flicker reduction for shooting an Artificial lighting conditions new Creative looks as well as the auto Framing video options from the zve E1 Camera which some people doing certain Video Rogue may find useful if they need A fast workflow although it doesn't work Miracles it now has active image Stabilization for vloggers more on that A bit later as well as 4 k60p video Recording albeit with a slight crop plus A whole load of new extra features that I'll barely have time to cover in this Short video basically it's now very Highly spec'd essentially an a74 in a Smaller body the camera's price will be Around 2500 US Dollars it will take a Little bit check down below to see the Exact amount or 2 100 pounds here in the UK when it hits the market very soon and I'd like to thank Sony very much for Loaning me one of these for a short time For testing although as usual this is a Totally independent review the build Quality of the camera is as expected Gorgeous tough good looking not too Heavy non-descript non-attention Grabbing which is really something you

Want for street photography or gorilla Filmmaking but also wedding and portrait Photographers should enjoy working with A smaller camera as they help to put Your human subject more at ease who Wants giant camera being shoved in their Faces after all and a small camera is Also good for travel and landscape Photography so you don't have to take a Big heavy thing climbing mountains Around you here it is against my older A7r III camera as you can see the a7c Mark II is hardly Slimline it's when you Look at things head on that you see the Real difference although the viewfinder Has been shrunk way into one corner I Was still impressed with it comfortable Enough to use and offering a large and Pretty high resolution image when you Look through it it's new and bigger 0.7 Times size is lovely and clear the a7c Mark II is a bit more controllable now As well it has a front dial as well as a Rear one and the top dial while Initially set to exposure compensation Can be customized and those are really Welcome additions that camera is dead Quick and easy to control I do wish they Had added an autofocus joystick though They really are so you useful in my Tests the camera's large z type battery Was nice and Powerful lasting nearly a Day's shooting for Stills and plenty for Video it's rated for at least about 700

Shots mildly annoying to professional Photographers is the single SD card slot I know Sony are trying to save space in This camera but that is something that Will really put off the highest level Photographers the lenses maximum burst Rate is 10 frames per second with Autofocus and auto exposure which is Perfectly fine although Sports Photographers will of course prefer a Camera a bit bigger and faster than this The screen again absolutely fine here Bright high resolution fully articulated With an intuitive touchscreen Implementation affiliate articulated Screen is a bit slower to use than when That chest flips up and down nice and Quickly but it's obviously more flexible The camera's autofocus is its Tire Attraction though I think Sony have been Improving their technology a lot docked Since 2020 and this camera's AI powered Autofocus system will accurately latch Onto just about any subject you could Think of with lots of extra options to Tweak the way it works for people who Want to dig a bit deeper eye detection Autofocus vehicles of various kinds Humans animals insects it's all there Honestly for such a small camera the Focus system is as simple to use as it Is almost overpowered easily on a par With Canon and Nikon's top cameras and I Had great fun testing it out

So those are some of the camera's Features let's take a look at its image Quality I've never tested this Particular 33 megapixel sensor so I was Keen to see what it could do as you can See Sony's jpeg engine is on fire here As it's capturing virtually as much fine Detail as the raw image although I'd say The sharpening could be a touch less Aggressive In The Raw image you can Actually catch up a bit of Huawei there Too anyway let's look at high ISO noise And this is where the camera while still Doing a great job Falls more in line With the competition as you can see here ISO 100 to 800 all looks perfect ISO 1600 is still looking pretty fantastic At ISO 3200 noises beginning to emerge ISO 6400 gets noticeably noisy and the Jpeg engine is throwing up some false Color now ISO 12800 and Beyond just Starts looking Dreadful to be honest so The camera is delivering fantastic Detail in your images but for a full Frame sensor its noise levels are fine But nothing to write home about but of Course it's always worth remembering That generally images scaled back to the Same size as a lower resolution camera Will look just as good so you're not Missing out on anything here I ran out Of time to test dynamic range formally But in my sample pictures I found that Even in jpeg images I was easily able to

Lower highlights and boost Shadows with Everything still looking great oh and The camera offers jpeg raw including Lossless compressed raw and heif format Support as well as HDR shooting so it's Pretty future proof here let's see about Video quality now here are some footage Shot in 4k at 25p I did the same test at 60p but the video quality was about the Same apart from a small crop anyway at ISO 100 we are seeing tons of fine Detail being captured here with no Strange artifacts or problems it's only Really at ISO 3200 that we're beginning To see some noise emerging really ISO 6400 is starting to get noticeably Grainy and well it's all downhill from There you can take things up to ISO 25600 and even Beyond but nah not usable Really except in an emergency still this Is very good video quality if you want More than this then Sony's equally small Sized zve E1 camera may be more up your Street as it can offer much better High ISO video quality the camera can also Shoot at 100 frames a second in 1080P High definition by the way when it comes To Rolling shutter it's somewhat Noticeable in HD and unfortunately quite Strong in 4k as you can see here however If you shoot in 4k cropped mode it's Slightly reduced although obviously Still there let's take a look at image Stabilization in the video mode now

Here's some footage taken at 16 Millimeter firstly without stabilization And now with normal stabilization which Definitely helps to a small extent And now with active stabilization which Crops into your video but which I Actually thought did a great job of Smoothing out your image so that is a Feather in a camera's cap for vloggers And well that's about all I've got for Now I didn't really have very long to Test this camera this time but Admittedly I grew to like it pretty Quickly it's a unique selling point is Of course its small size although there Are a number of other small full frame Cameras on the market admittedly because Of its thickness it doesn't really feel Like a small camera in your hand to be Honest but it certainly does free up More space in your camera bag and looks Much more inconspicuous and for all Kinds of photographic jobs a camera with A low profile is genuinely desirable and The technology inside it genuinely packs A real punch professional sports and Wedding photographers and high level Video makers will need better SD card And video options and I'm really feeling The absence of an autofocus joystick but Everyone else will have an absolute Blast particularly landscape and Street Photographers it's a nice option for Portrait Shooters too offering more

Natural full skin tones than previous Sony cameras and with the smaller camera Being less intimidating it's fast and Snappy with great image quality good Video tons of the most up-to-date Features and amazing autofocus it's Pretty impressive that Sony were able to Squeeze so much into it quite frankly so The camera does definitely come Recommended it'll give you lots of fun

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