The sharpest 35mm lens I ever tested?

[Music] If I could only own one Prim l in the World it would be a 35 mm one on a Full-frame camera it's one of the most Popular and versatile focal lengths out There giving you a nice wide angle but Not being so wide that your subject is Uninvolved in the picture and when they Have bright maximum matches you can get Some really nice background separation Out of them too really drawing you into Their images having great sharpness from Corner to corner is particularly Important on wide angle lenses and after Testing about 40 of these bad boys on my Channel over the years the sharpest one I've ever come across is the incredible Not to mention expensive Sony Fe 35mm F1.4 G Master despite being a few years Old now this thing offers crazy Sharpness from corner to corner in your Images as well as a maximum apture of F1.4 for getting beautifully but subtly Out of focused backgrounds find out more In the description

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