Pergear 14mm f/2.8 Mark 2 lens review

Howdy everyone now I remember back in The day about 12 years ago if you wanted A full frame 14 millimeter F 2.8 lens Then you had no choice really but to pay One and a half grand for a cannon or a Nikon One thankfully some more Affordable manual focus Alternatives Have hit the market in recent years and At 300 US dollars or 240 pounds here in The UK this new per gear model could be A real bargain if it turns out to be any Good the per gear 14 millimeter F 2.8 Mark II it's a fully manual lens that's Available on Canon RF Nikon Z Leica L And Sony e-mount mirrorless cameras and Offers a full-frame Ultra wide angle Field of view I'd like to thank per gear For sending me one down for evaluation Although as usual this is a totally Independent review I love that 14 Millimeter Ultra wide angle on a full Frame camera it's absolutely huge great For architecture work and sometimes is Quite useful for landscape photography Also it's so wide that it can actually Be a bit tricky to compose your images Sometimes and a maximum aperture of f 2.8 means that this lens lets in enough Light for most users even shooting Indoors although nowadays you can Actually get even brighter 14 millimeter Lenses than this the lens has pretty Typical build quality for an inexpensive Fully manual Chinese optic it's not very

Big but it's tough metallic and a little Heavy it doesn't feature any weather Sealing the lenses metallic Focus ring Turns extremely smoothly and more than Precisely enough for easy manual Focusing as you can see here the lens Doesn't really have any serious issues With Focus breathing In front of the focus ring comes the Aperture ring which turns with gentle Clicks although oddly the ring turns a Little past its maximum and minimum Apertures still for stilts photography It's great to have some gentle Clicks in There the Lens comes with a slip-on lens Cap and also usefully a wide Hood with An 82 millimeter filter thread it won't Be a very effective Hood but that filter Thread it's worth its weight in gold I Think landscape photographers will love Attaching polarizing and ND filters to This thing just make sure the filters Themselves are quite thin and well That's about it really quite a simple Lens but it does work really well let's See about image quality now I'll be Testing it out on my Sony a7r III with Its 42 megapixel full frame a sensor no And Camera Corrections are available for This lens at F 2.8 the lens is razor Sharp in the Middle with excellent Contrast and the corner image quality Great also unsurposingly they are dark And contrast in the corners is a little

Lower but there's loads of sharpness to Be seen however I should mention that This copy of the lens was a little Decentered here's another Corner which Is softer at F 2.8 however stop down to F4 for that great sharpness to return Even in the bad corner and at F 5.6 the Lenses razor sharp from corner to corner With great contrast and remarkably Little color fringing for such a Low-cost lens it stays there sharp until About f11 F16 though is much softer due To the effect of diffraction overall Though for the price you're paying this Is a really nice performance even if There's a little de-centering check to Make sure you get a good copy of the Lens if you buy one anyway let's take a Look at Distortion and vignetting now on A full-frame camera more good news here The lens shows almost no Distortion Unsurprisingly though at F 2.8 the Lenses Corners are really dark at 4 and F 5.6 they've brighten up quite a lot But that's as bright as they get I'm Afraid let's see about close-up image Quality the lens configures down to 22 Centimeters not close but I've seen Worse than this before some further good News here is that the lens is just as Sharp close up even at F 2.8 excellent You often find that with ultra wide Angle lenses let's see how the lens Works against Bright Lights now here

We're treated to the lens's biggest Miss Step as there are some quite serious Flaring issues to be seen when shooting At F 2.8 that flaring could cause Serious problems in certain situations Stop down to F4 and things get way Better although there is still a sudden Hazy flash when bright lights are near The edge of the image okay while we're Shooting in the dark let's take a look At coma levels great news here Especially for such an inexpensive lens Even at F 2.8 there's virtually no coma Smearing to be seen stop down to F4 and You see some nice strong Sun Stars stop Down as far as F-16 and those Sun stars Become very defined Finally Boca well to be honest the Lenses nature means that it's very Difficult to get out of focus Backgrounds here unless you are focused Very closely to your subject when you do They look fine no real problems here They're reasonably smooth especially for Such a wide diagonal optic overall the Per gear 14 millimeter F 2.8 Mark II Despite having one or two Optical issues Is actually one of the best affordable 14 millimeter full-frame manual lenses I've ever tested very good sharpness at Normal distances and close-up as well as Good contrast low Distortion and low Coma levels mean this could even be a Great lens for astrophotography for 300

It's a no-brainer really just make sure You get a good copy of it for the price It comes highly recommended Well done per gear I think that's their First lens that I've been able to highly Recommend and something else I highly Recommend is checking out my patreon Page of course these free lens reviews Take a fair bit of time and effort to Put together if you'd like to get behind Me and make a real difference to keeping This channel going then consider Supporting me on patreon where you can Also get all kinds of exclusive bonus Content ciao for now everyone

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