Samyang V-AF 24mm 35mm 75mm T1.9 Group Test and Review

[Music] Greetings again everyone recently Samyang have launched a new line of Camera lenses which they claim have Unique features for video Shooters who Also want to use autofocus so today I'm Presenting a little group test of the Samyang cine 24 millimeter 35 millimeter And 75 millimeter T 1.9 vaf Fe lenses They're kind of intended to be used as a Set but each lens will cost you about 650 US dollars or about 550 pounds here In the UK samyang planned to release two More at 20 millimeter and a 45 Millimeter version all with the same Characteristics I'd like to thank Samyang's UK distributor for loaning me These three lenses for testing for a Couple of weeks although as usual this Is a totally independent review here are Some sample images to show you the Difference in perspective that all three Lenses can offer you it took me a little While to completely get my head around Samyang's vision for these new lenses They are not quite cine lenses in the True sense of the word for example they Suffer from a bit of focus breathing and They don't have quite the same Optical Quality you'd expect from a traditional Albeit more expensive cine lens they Also don't have dedicated aperture Rings Although it's not impossible that Samyang could one day release a special

Aperture ring to fit on the front of This lens via the front electronic Connector who knows ultimately these are Normal autofocus lenses but with Features that are optimized for video Work alongside all being the same size And light weight of 280 grams along with A similar center of gravity for Homogeneous balance that's an impressive Little achievement from samyang which Means that swapping them when using a Follow Focus system or electronic gimbal Will be really quick and easy it's kind Of impressive to see them all there the Same size and same weight they all have This same front filter thread size of 58 Millimeter and samyang said that their Color balance is all calibrated in tune With each other which seem to be the Case in my testing here are some of the Lenses features for video making then Their rubberized Focus rings turn Smoothly and with a linear response to Being turned making them more Appropriate for Focus marking and follow Focus systems although there are no hard Stops at the ends of the focus range That Focus ring can also be turned on The side to control your aperture and Those aperture changes happen quite nice And smoothly when shooting in manual Focus the motor responds a little slowly To being turned but it does catch you There correctly on a linear scale let's

Take a look at Focus breathing for a Moment the 24 millimeter lens shows only A little breathing as you change Focus As you can see here The 35 millimeter lens shows quite a lot Of breathing As does the 75 millimeter lens so Obviously that's one thing that's not Ideal for a Sony lens The front and sides of each of these Lenses have recording indicator lights They turn green when your camera is Turned on and ready and red when you're Recording which is potentially useful in A multi-camera setup or just for Checking that you really are recording At the front of the lens there's also an Electronic connector for future Accessories at the time of writing I Don't know what those would be but Samyang clearly has something or another In mind here when it comes to Auto Vegas All three lenses worked quickly quietly And accurately when Auto focusing and They seem to have no noticeable problems In my tests with tracking subjects the Lenses are dust and splash resistant With whether ceiling gaskets around Their rear mounts the bottom of the Lenses are made of plastic presumably to Keep the weights down but the front is Metallic and I really like the partially Obscured red ring in front of the focus Ring it's a nice little aesthetic touch

The lenses come with plastic front lens Caps which fit on quite tightly but a Little uncomfortably why not put a Little felt lining within them like Everyone else overall though the three Lenses are quite lightweight well Designed impressively homogeneous in Form factor and their features may be Useful to some video makers let's take a Look at our image quality now I'll be Testing them on a Sony a7r III camera With its 42 megapixel full frame sensor In camera actions are turned on at T 1.9 All three lenses are very sharp in the Middle of their images although the 24 Millimeter lens lags behind a little and Also shows some purple fringing around Contrasting areas let's look in the Image Corners all three lenses are a Little softer in their corners and the 35 and 75 millimeter lenses lose out on Some of their contrast but generally Image quality there is still quite Acceptable at T 2.8 the 35 millimeter And 75 millimeter image Corners are now Looking great with much better contrast But the 24 millimeter lenses still Notably softer at T4 there's not much of A difference at T 5.6 the corners on the 24 millimeter lens finally look sharper And at T8 all Freelancers look excellent Stop down as far as t16 and softness Begins to emerge due to the effects of Diffraction so overall I would say that

All three lenses offer plenty of Sharpness for 4 okay video Work across Their image frame if you're shooting 8K Though then you should consider topping Down to at least T 2.8 for Sharp image Corners and a little better image Quality on a 24 millimeter lens okay Let's turn off in camera Corrections and Take a look at Distortion and vignetting When used on a full frame camera the 24 Millimeter lens shows Barrel Distortion The 35 millimeter lens less so the 75 Millimeter lens shows just a little pin Cushion Distortion the two wide angle Lenses show strong vignetting at T 1.9 On the 75 millimeter lens it's a little Milder though it's top down to T 2.8 or T4 to see those Corners brighten up but On a wide angle lenses you'll always see Some vignetting here so you'll at least Want to use Corner shading condensation Let's see about the three lenses close Up image quality now the 24 millimeter Lens can focus down to a very close 19 Centimeters the 35 millimeter lens 29 Centimeters and the 75 millimeter lens 69 centimeters so that is workably close For shots of smaller subjects at T 1.9 All three lenses look softer when Shooting close up with a 35 millimeter Lens performing especially badly stop Down to T 2.8 and they get better Although the 35 millimeter lens is still Suffering from terrible color fringing

T4 sees a further Improvement and T 5.6 Looks lovely and sharp on all three Lenses so you'll definitely want to stop Down with all three of them if you're Shooting up close although the 75 Millimeter lens was a little sharper Than the other two now let's see how Well each of them work against bright Lines all three lenses perform very well Here although the 35 and 75 millimeter Lenses see a little flash of flaring When the bright light in question is Just off the edge of the image it's not A big problem though let's take a look At the quality of these lenses bokeh and Honestly they're quite harmonious as a Set here rocker always looks quite nice And soft at virtually all distances for All three of the lenses which is often The case with samyang Optics some more Difficult backgrounds can exhibit a Little outlining though And finally related to bokeh comes Longitudinal chromatic aberration at T 1.9 it's poor on a 24 millimeter lens Horrifying on the 35 but acceptable on a 75 millimeter lens at T 2.8 there are Only very mild improvements at T4 the Image from the 75 millimeter lens is Nice and clean the 24 millimeter lens is Still struggling a little though and Amazingly the 35 millimeter lens is Still looking Dreadful you have to stop Down all the way to T8 fill a wide angle

Lenses to sort themselves out and some More exacting video makers may find that Pretty annoying overall it was quite Interesting to test these three lenses Out the three of them are pretty sharp Although they do have problems with Color fringing and little niggles with Distortion and vignetting basically if You're looking for the same image Quality you'd get out of a ten thousand Dollar cine lens then you'll be Disappointed but really for many Productions these samyang lenses will be Perfectly workable and their extra Features will be somewhat useful Particularly if you're someone who uses Follow Focus systems or especially Electronic gimbals so if that is you Then the lenses are recommendable for Their price if you're thinking of Getting the set of them to work together [Music] Thanks for watching everyone I hope you Enjoyed this review I love putting these Reviews together but they are time Consuming and sometimes costly so if You'd like to support this Channel and The work that I do check out my patreon Page in the description there you'll Find all kinds of exclusive content for Supporters ciao for now

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