Sirui Nightwalker 75mm T1.2 Cine Lens Review | The Bokeh Maker

[Music] Hi I'm Dustin Abbott the night walker Series from the company sirai is the C Counter part to their autofocusing Sniper series for more traditional Photography and initially there was a Launch of three different lenses in each One of those sets and now both are being Expanded with Uh a little bit more extreme focal Lengths in one case going a little bit Wider 16 mm f1.2 and then also expanding The telephoto in with this 75 mm f1.2 or T 1.2 in this case the initial Trio of Lenses for the night walker series was a 24 35 and 55 mm all T 1.2 so now we are Broadening the horizons of the series so The question is is this 75 mm T 1.2 is It a worthy lens to add to your Collection if you've started to use the Night walker series or is this a lens That is worth considering maybe even on Its own so let's dive into an Examination of both the handling here And then also the optical performance of The CRI night Walker 75mm T 1.2 when You're talking about a series of cine Lenses there are a few ingredients that Are really really important and Obviously Siri has recognized that with The night walker series because cine Lenses uniquely are often used in a Gearing setup to where it's not just the Camera but a variety of other

Accessories that are set up for Focus Follow Etc things like that it becomes Very important that the lenses have a Uniform external diameter that the Spacing between the two rings manual Focus and aperture rings are all spaced Similarly so you can hot swap the lenses And then beyond that when it comes to The optical performance it's very Important that they have a match across The optical glass and so that the color Tone and the overall kind of look of the Uh footage you get from it is similar Across them making it much easier to uh Splice footage together in post so that Is something that sirai has strived for In this series and so all of them have a Basically identical exterior size the Spacing between the two rings is all Identical and so they're set up to where You can hot swap them in your setup Without any kind of difficulty this Series comes in two different finishes There is a more traditional black finish And then there is the gunmetal gray that I'm evaluating and I'm really partial to This overall look these are really great Looking lenses and I noted that in my 16 Mm review but I really do like the Overall look and I would say actually of These two lenses that if anything the Feel of the Rings is even better on the 75 mm really buttery smooth moves very Very nicely so in this case as I

Mentioned the exterior dimensions are Basically identical like a millimeter Difference here and there but overall we Have 79 mm in diameter that's 3.1 in 94.1 mm in length here or 3.7 in the Weight for the 75 mm is 593 G or 1.3 lb Now obviously the fact that all of these Lenses have a transmission rating of T 1.2 means that uh we also have very good Light transmission since the Corresponding sniper lens is have an F1.2 maximum aperture the fact that we Are matching the light transmission Obviously a positive for these These are Nice and bright so they're not super Small but the reason for that is that They are designed to let in as much Light as possible I've noted that the Rings are really damped here the Rotation is 270° that's consistent throughout the Series and so when you're doing most Focus pools that is beautiful it gives You nice amount of precision if you're Going to do a long pull from a close to A dist very distant subject it might be More than one rotation if you're trying To do that by hand it's a little bit Tougher to do obviously if you're using Some kind of gearing setup much less of An issue the aperture itself is Clickless and as you can see it looks Gorgeous when you're doing the aperture Racking here it does rack very smoothly

And you can see from this shot that you Know while there's changes obviously in The metering that there is a very nice Smooth Smooth Move throughout those Various aperture values that is helped By having a gorgeous 13 bladed aperture Iris inside as you can see it retains a Very circular shape I really love that And of course that contributes to having Very nice looking bouquet even when the Lens is stopped down somewhat up front We have a 67 mm front filter thread that Is by the way shared commonly of course Across all the series no weather sealing On these minimum Focus distance here is 70 cm not bad for what is equivalent to 113 mm on full frame and it gives you as You can see from this shot a pretty Decent level of Magnification everything here is made Out of metal and glass it is beautifully Executed very great looking lenses and Also very very nicely executed as far as Their Handling now when it comes to the Optical side of things I'm going to be Evaluating purely from a c point of view None of my typical chart tests and in The sniper series if you interested in Kind of the more detailed Optical Performance for Stills I will be Covering that because I actually do have The sniper 75mm f1.2 on hand right now But we're going to look at these from a

C point of view so for those of you that Are interested in its ability to cover Full frame I am covering Sony e-mount Here these lenses are available in a Variety of lens mounts but I'm covering E-mount so thus I can swap back and Forth between full frame and S35 and so What I found is that when I'm in Fullframe mode there's definitely some Hard vignette uh mechanical vignette on The side and so it doesn't cover the Fullframe image Circle and so here you Can see the difference between that and S35 mode obviously much tighter framing From these shots you can also see that There is minimal amounts of distortion Distortion is basically just not an Issue with this particular lens from This pull across my chart you can see That there is minor amounts of fringing Longitudinal chromatic aberration but Not too bad and I didn't really notice Any kind of issue with that in shots out In the real world even in these shots Across the blossoms I white blossoms in Bright Sun I didn't really see a lot of Fringing there so very good and in this Second pool starting off with flowers on A lily of the valley and then as we pull Throughout you can see the contrast is Quite good even at f1.2 making for a Really nice looking shot and obviously These pull very nicely because of having A great uh smooth manual focus ring

I found as far as the sharpness and Contrast here you can see uh as I did a Pull to this 16 mm lens even though There's some you know surfaces there Which could have some fringing and lower Contrast contrast actually looks pretty Good here and so I felt like it held up Really nice when you stop it down like For landscape shots very crisp across The frame I had no issues with you know Just getting sharp looking footage out Of it on the flare resistance side it's A little bit of a mixed bag I found that For the static shots like through these Leaves it looks nice to me I like the Look of the image very very nice but You'll see that there is some ghosting When I stop down now trying to pan Across the Sun wide open you can see It's so blown out you don't get a whole Lot out of that but uh when stopped down You could see that there is some Ghosting artifacts nothing too severe You can see a little bit more of that When I just held the shot and allowed The as the sun was moving through the Clouds you can see some of that movement And see that there is just a there's Some discoloration that comes when There's bright light in the frame now The boua from this lens is pretty Exceptional it is really really gorgeous Very soft very creamy and and these Various shots you can see just it looks

Really super nice and so to me this is Optically the nicest lens in the series It has a great blend of sharpness and Contrast some of the other lenses I Found had nice bouquet but didn't have Great sharpness and contrast Particularly at you know large apertures In this case I feel like you're getting Pretty much the Best of Both Worlds here It's not like a world beater in terms of Sharpness but very very good and I think That most people are going to be very Happy with the look of the footage that They can get from this particular lens This is definitely better at f1.2 than Any of the other lenses in the series And so in many ways it's my favorite at Least optically and the course that Bouquet is gorgeous on it the biggest Downside when you're talking about 75 mm 100 113 mm equivalent is that it is the Least flexible focal length and so You're going to have to very Specifically use it for shots where you Want tighter framing or you want the Particular look of this longer focal Length but it's it's not one you can Just kind of keep on there and shoot for A variety of different settings it's Just not as flexible for that at the Same time however this I would say is Pretty strong bang for the buck when you Look at the optical performance and the Handling here compared to what you're

Paying which in this case is 30 $50 or Less very often you can get it for Cheaper than that so is this worth Buying I would say that the answer is a Qualified yes it's worth buying if You're buying it to maybe purchase some Other lenses in the series and you want Some consistency problem with C lenses Is you you kind of have to buy them as a Set if you want multiple focal links Otherwise you basically throw away the Ability to hot Swap and to have uniform Color consistency and so you kind of Have to make up your mind about a Particular series that you want based on This lens Standalone I would say Absolutely but I haven't been as Enamored with some of the other lenses In the series so you're going to your Mileage may vary on that you'll have to Make a determination as to whether or Not this is the series you want to Invest in certainly as far as the price Tag it's hard to find less expensive Cine lenses particularly that are built As nice as this and have that huge Maximum aperture of T 1.2 here so I Think maybe worth considering C Certainly if this suits the overall look That you're going for I'm Dustin Abbott And if you want more information uh you Can look in the linkage down below There's buying links there but we'll Also take you to the website with more

Information about the lenses themselves As always thanks for watching have a Great day and let the light in [Music]

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