Canon R8 | Watch Before You Buy

The Canon R8 is the perfect everyday Camera for anyone it has the same Technology as a pro camera but it comes In a smaller body that makes it more Affordable so I tested the camera out For both photo and video quality along With other features like autofocus Stabilization and so much more so what Makes the Canon R8 such a good camera For starters it has a 24 megapix Full-frame sensor and processor from the Extremely popular Canon R6 Mark II and The r six is an absolute Beast plus the Full sensor gives you a wider Feld to View that simply looks more cinematic And the 24 megap sensor is more than Enough resolution for both photos and Videos and the 24 megapixel sensor is Also amazing in low light when using Full stops of iso at 800600 3200 and This camera is perfectly clean as high As 12,000 a higho that's really Impressive and that's as good as a Sony Fx3 which is a $5,000 camera also I'm Going to leave links down below for the Best pricing on the Canon R8 by having a Camera that's good in low light and at High isos you're going to be able to Shoot with this camera in multiple Different kinds of environments Especially when the light is a little Wonky plus the Canon R8 also has the Same Pro features from the Canon R6 Mark II because it has the same processor so

You get the same AI based autofocus High Frame rate modes and also super sampling For video but the smaller body of the Canon R does dramatically change how you Use this camera and I only think this Has a few minor drawbacks but depending On how you're planning on shooting with This camera it might actually be a big Deal for you so let's check it out V8 Has a really small and compact body that Has a really nice grip it has a really Good feeling in your hands and because It's a smaller body it's perfect for Just walking around and taking with you Anywhere also for someone who has a lot Of camera bodies a lot of times I'm Looking for a smaller camera that I can Just leave on my desk pick up and go Shoot whenever I feel like it but a lot Of the times because the prob bodies are A lot bigger like ah do I really want to Take this thing out right now I get lazy Sometimes now some of you guys might Find that the Canon R8 has a little bit Too short of a side handle and you can Actually make this handle taller by Getting a grip extender the one that Canon makes is about $80 total ripoff I Recommend using a third party instead Now smaller cameras like the Canon R8 Often have overheating issues but the R8 Itself does not have any overheating Issues at all you do have a video limit That I'll talk about later when it comes

To the butt layout and design of the r It's a very minimal bun layout but it's 100% customizable so you can actually Set this camera up to have way more Functionality and you can really get it Dialed in the way you like on the body Itself you have a command wheel for Shutter a command dial for aperture and If you do want you can actually map the Iso directly to the control ring on your Lens and use in control ISO that way and It has the same Canon menus that are Really easy to navigate they're super Minimal and really easy to figure out And it also has a side articulating Screen screen on the back now it's not The highest quality screen in the world But it is a touch screen this allows you To use Touch autofocus where you can Simply tap something on the back of the Screen and it will snap into focus and The focus itself is really really good And on top of that you can also use the Back screen to navigate all of your Menus change all of your settings it Even has a quick menu for all of your Major settings you can really use this Like a smartphone if you're so Accustomed to it one thing to note is That there's no joystick on the back of This camera for controlling your Autofocus points but when you have this Camera up to your eye you can tap on the LCD screen in the back with your other

Hand and actually change autofocus Points or subject detect that way and it Kind of makes up for the lack of the Joystick now the one downside of having A smaller body is that you do have a Smaller battery do not let people tell You this battery is too small I was able To record two 4K Clips at 30 frames per Second twice on a single battery and Walking around just like casually Shooting on and off this batter is going To last you all day although if you want Spare batteries you can get a two pack On Amazon for about $40 with the charger Worst case scenario you can also power The Canon R8 through USBC it won't Charge the battery you can power on the Camera if you're shooting in a studio Environment now when shooting photos With the Canon R8 it's going to give you The exact same amazing quality as the Canon R6 because it has the same sensor And the same processor you can also Shoot in 14-bit raw which is going to Let you edit the heck out of your photos Really make professional level work with Just a simple camera like this however There is one major thing about the Canon R8 that's going to affect photographers It does have a physical shutter but the First part of that shutter is electronic And the second curtain with the second Part of the shutter is mechanical now This won't affect a lot of people but it

Means that this camera can only shoot in Six frames per second which is not good For action but it's perfectly fine for Portraits Landscapes something that Where it's more chill and there's not a Lot of movement and in this mode you can Actually shoot up to a thousand Raw Photos or a th000 jpegs which is really Good especially if you don't need to get Super quick action and on top of that if You do want to shoot action you can also Shoot electronic shutter mode up to 40 Frames per second which is as fast as Video actually a little bit faster and It can actually shoot 56 Raw photos or 125 jpegs in electronic shutter mode and It also has the same autofocusing system From the more expensive Canon R6 Mark II It's an AI based subject detect Autofocus which means it already has a Bunch of data about different kind of Subjects like people animals cars and it Already is guessing at where the Subject's going and it does a really Good job with just locking onto an Subject detecting what it already is and Even though like I was moving around With my camera a lot the model had Sunglasses it kind of just knew what it Was looking at and it was able to figure Out where it needed to move Focus almost Preemptively and the autofocus works Just as well in photos as it does in Video when it comes to video this camera

Can shoot 4K at 24 30 and 60 frames per Second and the 4K is down sampled from The full sensor 24 map 6K image area Which means you're going to get the Clarity and resolution and detail of 6K But in 4K video which is also a smaller More manageable file size and you can Record up to 2 hours in 4k at 24 and 30 Without any overheating issues but when It comes to 4K at 60 frames per second You can only record about 30 minutes Before this camera needs break in my Testing I only got about 25 to 26 Minutes so it's not a hard number in my Opinion the video limits don't really Matter for a camera like this the Overall power and resolution that you Get in video mode is unheard of for a Camera like this and the R8 also has one Of the most important features for Videographers which is slow motion this Camera can do 4K at 60 but also full HD Up to 120 and 180 frames per second but The best thing that Canon did with the R8 is actually putting Cog 3 in here Just like the Canon R6 Mark II this is a Feature that usually Canon leaves out of Their cheaper cameras but with clog 3 You're going to get more flexibility With your colors more dynamic range you Are H going to have to convert your Footage if you're a casual shooter you Should not shoot in this but if you're Someone that's serious about their

Videography this is a really important Feature to have in this camera now one Thing that is missing from the Canon R8 That's important to video Shooters is The lack of ibys this camera only has Digital stabilization in standard mode Stabilization is pretty smooth but if You really want the best quality you Want to use enhanced stabilization this Is going to put a slight prop on your Image but the stabilization is going to Be a whole lot better now smooth Handheld footage is something both Casual Shooters and Pros will care about So is the Canon R8 worth it as a photo And video camera and is it good enough For everyday use and what about as a Budget Pro Camera now if you're someone That's just shooting everyday life and You're just taking photography for fun You're going to get a great camera You're going to get prole quality in Every single way plus you get a nice Compact body that's a lot easy to travel With for shooting out and about every Day and this is a camera you can pretty Much always keep on you with the small Size and the 24 megapixels is more than Enough resolution for any kind of Editing you're going to get super solid Image out of this camera and when you Compare the Canon R8 to most everyday Carry cameras it's really rare to see a Fullframe 24 megapixel sensor usually

The sensors are smaller or the Resolution isn't very high and Regardless of whatever you're shooting 40 frames per second electronic shutter Mode is going to be more than fast Enough plus with 14-bit raw you can Really edit the heck out of your photos To get such a Powerhouse of a camera in Such a small body is really impressive And if you're someone who's maybe a Professional photographer this is a Great everyday carry now if you're a Video shooter the fact that you have 4K Down sampled at 2430 and 60 frames per Second from 6K is a big win you never See this in such an inexpensive camera Like this plus you also get clog 3 this Is a great budget video camera whether You're a pro whether you're a casual Whether you're someone that's just Starting out in video this is one of the Best budget video cameras out there Right now although I do realize budget Is subjective when talking about Pro Cameras the specs in the R8 are probably Overkill for most casual everyday Cameras like this but it's nice to know You have such a Powerhouse of a camera In such a small body that you can always Have on you and in my experience the Small battery was not an issue I was Easily able to shoot on this camera all Day without having to recharge overall You get so much horsepower in the Canon

R you're basically getting an R six Mark II in terms of specs but for $1,000 less This camera overall is an amazing deal Whether you need an everyday carry Camera whether you're a professional and If you want to make sure you get the Best pricing on your Canon R8 I'll leave Links down below see you guys in the Next video peace

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