Re-review for 2023: Canon EF-S 10-22mm USM on an EOS R7

[Music] Hello again everyone at the time of me Saying these words to you there aren't Really any native Ultra wide angle Lenses for Canon's new aps-evolus RF Mount cameras after all they have only Just started to come out so I thought it Might be fun to retest some of their Well-regarded EFS Ultra wide angle Lenses using an adapter to see how well They work on a very high resolution EOS R7 camera first up the venerable Canon EFS 10 to 22 millimeter F 3.5 to 4.5 USM It came out all the way back in 2004 so It's nearly 20 years old now and yet It's always had a pretty solid if not Spectacular reputation I have to try not To be too biased in this review actually Because I have an incredibly fond Memories of this lens I first bought one Of these when I was learning about Photography while living in South Korea About 13 years ago and I managed to get Some beautiful full pictures on my Various travels even taking it to Arizona for a trip to the Grand Canyon One time those Ultra wide angles were Something I never even knew existed at The time so experimenting with this bad Boy had me joyfully pirouetting back to My camera again and again the zoom range Of 10 to 22 millimeter is the full foam Equivalent of 16 to 35 so that's nice And versatile for any wide angle use and

The aperture brightness of f 3.5 to 4.5 Is well okay probably the most Interesting thing about this lens now is That there are plenty of good copies Available on eBay for only about 200 or Even less you can still get new copies Of it today but they will set you back About six hundred dollars this copy of The lens is in excellent condition and I Got it for only 120 pounds the build Quality of the lens is still fine today With all the Hallmarks of a classic Mid-range Canon optic it has a metallic Man's Mount but no weather ceiling and To the rear there's a useful Auto manual Focus switch plus an old-school Focus Ring which is mechanically connected to The focus system however the ring turns Smoothly and works on a clutch so you Can turn it anytime and even beyond the Minimum and maximum Focus distances when You're zoomed in the lens displays a Little focused breathing zoom out and That turns into some warping in the Image Corners not as serious as you for Most video makers though unless you're Doing some absolutely crazy wide angle Focus pulling in your videos for some Reason the lenses ring USM autofocus may Be a little old hats nowadays but it Still works quickly quietly and Accurately then comes the lens's zoom Ring it's rubberized and turns lovely And smoothly with barely any stickiness

To it at all the Lens comes with the Usual front and rear caps although You'll have to buy a lens Hood Separately if you want one of those it Has a filter thread size of 77 Millimeters which is very useful Although you'll want to mount only quite Thin filters onto it in case of Vignetting in the image Corners I should Mention that this lens does not feature Its own image stabilization although the In-body stabilization of my Canon EOS R7 Camera worked really well with it and Also the R7 had no issues with in-camera Corrections or anything like that they All worked straight out of the gate Overall the build quality of this lens Is still seriously lovely 19 years after Its release and the ultrasonic Focus System hasn't lost its charm after all Its time all right let's take a look at Image quality now as I've already Mentioned this is a really old lens it Came out at the same time as Canon's old 20D digital SLR camera whose 8 megapixel Aps-c sized sensor was considered a Flagship offering at the time how on Earth will the lens cope with a camera Of four times that resolution a 32.5 Megapixel EOS R7 well let's take a look In camera Corrections are turned on for This test at 10 millimeter and F 3.5 Sharpness is reasonably good in the Middle of your images but not

Brilliantly so Corner image quality is a Little softer with lower contrast but It's not dreadfully bad by any means Stop down to F 5.6 and those Corners Look just a little sharper and punchier Stop down to f8 or f11 and softness is Already beginning to emerge due to the Effect of diffraction okay so the widest Angle looks all right let's zoom in and Take a look at things at 22 millimeter At F 4.5 sharpness and contrast look Very nice in the middle a bit better Than its 10 millimeter however the image Corners now look noticeably soft stop Down to f516 or f8 for slight Improvements that lead to the corners Looking well just a little better Although it's top down to f11 for a Small extra boost in contrast overall Well it's not a great performance here The lens is absolutely incapable of Resolving 32 megapixels of detail but Its image quality is by no means bad you Can still get decent enough pictures Here and details if you don't want to Crop in too far or print too big okay Let's turn off those end camera Corrections and take a look at Distortion and vignetting this lens Always had a great reputation in this Regard and a 10 millimeter we do indeed See surprisingly little Distortion nice The vignetting at F 3.5 is pretty gnarly Though it's top down to f51 six for

Those Corners to brighten up a little Zoom in to 22 millimeter for only Negligible pen cushion Distortion but Again dark Corners at the brightest Aperture at F 5.6 and f8 those Corners Brighten up again so it's clear that This torsion correction was a major Priority for Canon here at the time Perhaps even at the expensive image Resolution which makes sense in the days Of Canon cameras being lower resolution But unable to automatically correct Distortion well let's see about close-up Image quality the lenses minimum Focus Distance of 24 centimeters lets it get Nice and close to smaller subjects here Close-up image quality is a little Softer than its normal distances and Even stopped down to f8 we don't see any Improvement let's see how the lens Performs against Bright Lights now at 10 Millimeter we do see some broad Flowering effects actually that lower Your contrast but they're not too opaque At least at 22 millimeter the situation Duration is about the same and how about Coma smearing at F 3.5 there's a little Smearing on right point of light to be Seen here but it's reduced at F 5.6 Let's zoom out and look for sun stars Now they emerge in a small way at f11 They get a touch stronger at F16 and at F22 but they're never very impressive When it comes to Outer figures

Backgrounds well simply by the Wide-angle nature of this lens they are Very difficult to get here however get Close enough to your subject and the Resulting blurry backgrounds look Reasonably soft overall the Canon EFS 10 To 22 is still a really nice fun lens to Use its parameters and build quality are Lovely it's image quality never bad I Wouldn't really recommend it for Stills Photography on an EOS R7 because it Isn't really sharp enough to satisfy That hungry 32 Banger pixel sensor but It will be good for 4K okay video work And it'll also be a nice option for the Lower resolution EOS r10 camera well if You don't mind a lack of image Stabilization that is [Music] Oh man I enjoyed revisiting this lens It's been sitting in front of me on my Desk the whole time I was writing this Review and for a few days before that Just bringing back happy memories for me Of South Korea and generally making me Feel warm and fuzzy inside and you know What could make you feel warm and fuzzy Inside other than getting this lens for 120 pounds that is supporting this Channel on patreon of course my Supporters make a huge difference to me Keeping this channel going and they get All kinds of exclusive bonus content Thrown into the mix also check it out in

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