Why I Shoot Sony APSC

This video is sponsored by Sony most of You know me as the hoobies garage of Aps-c cameras now this whole thing Started about seven years ago when I was Living in Japan and I bought at that Time it was brand new a Sony a6000 and That single camera changed my life I Would say forever in this video what I'd Like to do is talk about the benefits of Shooting on Sony aps-c and I want to try To keep this as factual as possible However I will intermix some of my Opinions that's just gonna happen Naturally for transparency I do own a Full frame so I do know the benefits However I would say that 80 of the time If not more I reach for my aps-c camera Body unless I am reviewing a lens that's Full frame or I'm going into a situation In which I know that the lighting Conditions are going to be less than Ideal so let's talk about Sony aps-c Technically aps-c is an adopted term That stood for advanced photo system Film negative classic but now refers to An image sensor that is approximately That size a full-frame sensor measures 36 millimeters wide by 24 millimeters Tall while an aps-c sensor measures 23 Millimeters wide by 15.5 millimeters Tall and as a result is a bit smaller What it does is it crops into the full Frame by a factor of 1.5 which is why It's called a crop sensor and there is a

Crop factor now there are all sorts of Sensor sizes there are sensors such as Medium format that are bigger than full Frame and there are sensors smaller than Aps-c such as micro four thirds and One-inch sensors but the three most Popular are full-frame aps-c and micro Four thirds and really aps-c and full Frame at least in Sony's lineup are Converging year over year and what I Mean by that is that the full frame Bodies it used to be argued that a Full-frame body was big and bulk and Wait a lot but nowadays there are so Many options for smaller full-frame Camera bodies that they take the shape In the form of an aps-c camera body and Aps-c Camera bodies have grown a little Bit generation over generation just Because they've packed in so many new Features into them and heat dissipation Has become a factor I'm going to lay out five benefits for You in this video number one is lens Selection now when it comes to full Frame Sony lenses there are over 50 of Them if you add in third-party lenses I Would guess you can easily quadruple That number when it comes to aps-c Lenses Sony has over 20 of them or so But when you add in third-party lenses You could probably add let's say another 200 to the list now a full frame lens Has to be bigger and it has to contain

More glass elements to cover that entire Full frame and that means an aps-c lens Will not work on a full-frame camera it Will leave dark Corners called Vignetting the workaround if you have a Full frame camera is that you can enter Into crop mode on most Sony cameras and Still use the center of your frame but That comes at the cost of resolution as You're using significantly less Megapixels by doing so on the flip side If you use a full frame lens on an aps-c Camera you get full sensor coverage and More You could argue that your are Getting the best part of the lenses Performance as well as you're only using The center portion of it which is Typically sharper as for me I use a lot Of aps-c lenses because they are smaller They're less expensive and optically They are brilliant nowadays this is a Great example this is the Sony 16 to 55 F 2.8 G it's a lens that I've owned and I've recently repurchased and when it Comes to zoom lenses I would put this up There with Sony's best in terms of Overall Optics it offers great coverage From 16 millimeters which is nice and Wide for wide angle shots all the way Into 55 for nice portraits and that Constant F 2.8 offers great subject Separation nice and blurry bouquet and Still excellent performance in low light Situations Sony sent a loner copy of the

16 to 55 millimeter to me with the new A6700 when it was launching and I fell Back in love with it all over again it's Just so smooth to use it's a great size And optically I know it's brilliant and I already had ND filters for it and Because I was adding a Sony a6700 to my Collection I kind of Justified buying This lens for it to live on this camera But I guess that's a topic for another Video number two benefit of shooting Aps-c is the reach now the crop factor Of 1.5 means that you get that much Closer to your subject so let's say you Are photographing wild animals that are Far away from you or you're shooting Sports where you have players that are Far away in that case you want to get as Close to the action as possible so let's Say for example you're shooting with an 85 millimeter lens on your aps-c camera Now the field of view that you are Getting is actually 127 millimeters equivalent on a full Frame camera meaning you would have to Put a 127 millimeter lens on a full Frame camera to get the same shot as you Would an 85 millimeter lens on an aps-c And that applies to all of it across the Board so if you're shooting r really Close-up stuff at 200 millimeters on a Full frame on any PC that would be a 300 Millimeter which is a lot closer and Again this doesn't come at the cost of

Resolution now there are other ways to Get close to a subject such as using a Teleconverter which I won't get into but Those can be used on both full frame or A PSC cameras the number three benefit Of shooting Sony aps-c is the greater Depth of field now this comes in handy If you're shooting nature or if you're Shooting anything in which you want the Entirety of the frame to be in focus And the way that the crop factor works Is that comes just naturally because you Don't have to stop down as much on an Aps-c camera to get the same depth of Focus as compared to a full frame camera This also applies to portraits now Conventional wisdom says to shoot Portraits wide open and blur everything But the tip of the eyeball but over time What I found is that I am stopping down Just a little bit for portraits as well Just to get the majority of the face in Focus an APC sensor helps you with this Inherently as shooting a 50 millimeter Portrait at F 1.8 on aps-c is equivalent In terms of depth of field to using an 85 millimeter let's say F 2.8 on a full Frame but again that is a stylized Choice if you want everything to be Blurry and you want the narrowest depth Of field possible then the full frame Sensor is the better choice the number Four benefit of shooting Sony aps-c is The performance and here I want to go

Into a little bit of History because Back when the the a6000 came out back in 2014. if you compare the a6000 autofocus Performance to anything else that Sony Had in their lineup at that time the A6000 was the better performing camera Now over the years Sony has developed the full-frame lineup And they've surpassed aps-c and then APC Is caught up and then they've surpassed It and then has caught up and so there's Kind of this back and forth to where now We have amazing performance across the Board from full frame and aps-c and on Top of all of that you have this Trickling down effect where you get the Newest and best features from full frame Cameras trickle down to these smaller Aps-c camera bodies which I'm a big fan Of this Sony a6700 is a perfect example As it combines the latest Sony AI Tech With outstanding image quality into a Compact aps-c camera it features the Dedicated AI processor that is found in The four thousand dollar full-frame Sony A7r5 which allows it to recognize Subjects in real time you can track Humans animals insects cars trains Planes whatever you want and the Accuracy is absolutely incredible I've Said it in my review it's nearly Impossible to take an out of focus photo With this camera then you have the auto Framing features that are also adopted

From the a7r5 and add to that you have The video features which are trickled Down from the Sony fx30 cinema camera Now you have 4K 60 even 4K 120 when you Combine the video frame rates with the Mind-blowing autofocus tracking the Results are unlike any other aps-c Camera that came before it so aps-c Cameras at least in Sony's realm have Not been forgotten they have been Updated and upgraded year over year Every single generation and I would say That this is probably the third Generation of Sony aps-c and by far this Is my favorite aps-c camera of all time And I'm also not saying that aps-c Cameras outperform full-frame cameras Because some of them have more features Others have less features but what I am Saying is that the Technologies between The two of them in terms of let's say The sensor technology the new sensors That we're seeing on aps-c cameras are Technologically just as good as Full-frame sensors and the dynamic range That you get as a result is very very Close as well so the two systems are Becoming closer and closer together in Terms of performance over time which is I think a good thing and the last Benefit number five is price and along With it comes lower levels of worry at Least for me not only are the camera Bodies APC camera bodies less expensive

Than full-frame camera bodies the lenses Are significantly less expensive as well And so you can get started with an aps-c Setup for a lot less money usually than You can a full frame setup in some cases It's 50 percent less and for me that Means I can own two camera setups for The price of one my wife has an aps-c Camera that she takes with her to Vlog With on vacation and I simply have Options recently I went on a family trip And I took this a6700 with me along with The 16 to 55 G from Sony and it Performed awesome you've been seeing Clips and videos from that trip Throughout this entire video but what I I enjoyed about it is that I didn't Worry about this setup as much let's see If I had a camera setup that ran for Five thousand dollars I would worry About scratching it getting sand in it Someone taking it me losing it but with This setup I had those thoughts but to a Smaller extent and that allowed me to Enjoy my vacation that much more and Also take this camera to more places Places that I wouldn't normally take a More expensive camera setup hopefully You guys learned a little bit about Sony Aps-c cameras and lenses in this video It may be a little bit about full-frame Cameras as well and whether you decide To go the full frame route or the aps-c Route I don't think there is a wrong

Answer to that question there are Reasons to go either one at least the Way that I look at it one is not Necessarily better than the other there Are very valid reasons to choose aps-c Over full frame in certain situations so I hope you guys enjoyed this one let me Know what your thoughts are down in the Comments section below as oh please Thank you for watching have a nice day Bye

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