New: Sigma 60-600 DG DN OS ‘Sports’ lens review (Full-frame & APS-C)

[Music] Howdy again everyone so about six days Ago a giant package arrived in my new Lens testing laboratory the new Sigma 60 To 600 millimeter F 4.5 to 6.3 DG dnos On loan to me for a week Sigma asked if I'd be able to get a review together in Time for its launch today heck yeah I Was a huge fan of sigma's original 6600 Millimeter lens for digital slrs and I Also quite liked its 50 to 500 Millimeter predecessor so thanks to a Gap in the bad weather here in Wales I've been having a blast testing it out All week long at a cost of 2 000 pounds Here in the UK or two thousand US Dollars this thing is as expensive as it Is big and heavy but for a super Telephoto 600 millimeter lens that also Lets you zoom out as wide as 60 Millimeter well what else would you Expect and being jam-packed with an Astonishing 27 glass elements in 19 oops I imagine its development must have been Really challenging and expensive I Reckon it's worth it though for that Huge Zoom range which makes a massive Difference to your work in the field the Lens is very versatile in what you can Capture as a result as you can imagine And it's also very useful to be able to Zoom out and find your subject before Zooming in again for the final picture This dgdn version of the lens is only

For L Mount cameras and Sony e-mount Cameras full frame or abs-c so it will Not work on any digital SLR camera this Version is for mirrorless its weight of Two and a half kilograms or about six Pounds makes it 200 grams lighter than The older version for digital SLR Cameras but still really quite heavy I Had no problems hand holding this thing For Stills photography but shooting Handheld video was rather hard work the Build quality of the lens is very robust Sigma have been increasing its use of Magnesium in order to keep the body Weight down the lens features a lot of Weather sealing with Sigma declaring it To be Splash proof and dust and moisture Resistant and that's important for the Longevity of a big complicated lens like This there are plenty of controls on the Side of the lens which are customizable If you own a sigma USB dock they control Autofocus and image stabilization a Feature which is vital on any lens with Such a long reach here are some for Digit 600 millimeter with the Stabilization turned off and now turned On to mode 1. Sigma have worked hard to Improve it on this newer version of the Lens and it is holding your image Impressively still here very very useful Stabilization modes too is for if you're Panning on a tripod the metallic tripod Mount comes with a magnesium and a

Tripod socket and standard other sockets Sold separately can also be fitted the Tripod mount turns around with gentle Clicks every 90 degrees then comes a Broad rubberized Focus ring which turns Very smoothly and works very responsibly With the Focus motor some good news is That the lens controls Focus breathing Very well with your image neither Zooming in nor out as you change Focus Another upgrade for this minimalist Version of The Lens comes in a new Autofocus motor which works very quickly And completely silently if you shoot in Continuous autofocus mode then it works Almost instantaneously on this Pre-production lens the autofocus was a Little inaccurate sometimes but Sigma Did warn me of that beforehand and Reassured me that the consistency will Be fixed in time for the full production Model the lenses Zoom ring is Broad and Rubberized and it turns quite evenly but Also pretty heavily usefully it can be Locked into a number of positions on the Barrel wherever you see the white dots There the front edge of the lens is Rubberized to prevent damage from knocks And bumps and the lens is also designed To be zoomed by pushing or pulling the Front which I found to be quite a bit Quicker than turning the zoom Ring The Lens comes with one of sigma's excellent Carry bags I love these things but I

Would love to have seen some removable Padding in the bottom of it so you can Fit a camera on the end of the lens in There also if you so desired the front Filter size is a very large 105 Millimeters wide the lens also comes With a deep lens hood that tightens in Place for this crew and which can also Be used as a lens cap when reverse Mounted the L Mount version of the lens Will work with sigma's teleconverters so You can potentially boost its telephoto Reach and micro capabilities even Further that way if you're shooting on An L Mount camera overall while it's Weight of two and a half kilograms is Still pretty hefty the build quality is Fantastic and the improvements to Autofocus and image stabilization are a Nice little bonus too let's move on now And look at image quality we'll start by Testing it on a full frame camera my 42 Megapixel Sony a7r III in camera Corrections are turned on at the widest Angle of 60 millimeter and in the middle Of the image we see razor sharpness and Excellent contrast straight from 4.5 the Image Corners look fantastic too except For just the tiniest hint of purple Fringing on contrasting edges stop down To F 5.6 and especially f8 for contrast To get even better in those Corners Let's zoom in a bit to 125 millimeter Again we see perfection in the middle

The corners show a touch more contrast Than they did at 60 millimeter but also Just a touch less sharpness they still Look fantastic though stop down to f8 For a touch more sharpness to return Let's zoom in even further now to 350 Millimeter again it's the same story Perfection in the middle and very good Quality in the corners which get a touch Sharper and brighter when stopped down To f8 finally let's Zoom all the way Into 600 millimeter at F 6.3 image Quality in the middle remains excellent The corners look noticeably softer now But really they're still perfectly fine If you stop down to f8 they're not Really any better to stop down as far as F-16 and softness from diffraction Really begins to take its toll still Though overall it's a brilliant Performance here especially when you Consider this lens as very long Zoom Range it's great to have a lens whose Sharpness you can depend upon no matter Where you're shooting in its Zoom range Okay let's take a quick look at how the Lens performs on an aps-c camera if you Want to get even more reach out of it I'll be testing it here on my little 24 Megapixel a5100 at 60 millimeter the Lens is sharp but not razor sharp in the Middle of its images the corner image Quality looks just as good though even At F 4.5 stopping down to F 5.6 has no

Real effect but stopping down to f8 Removes the slight purple fringing that We saw wide open let's check out the Middle of the zoom range at 300 Millimeter again image quality looks Excellent in the middle the corners look Good at F 5.6 but stop down to f8 for Just a little Improvement finally at 600 Millimeter the aps-c image quality looks Just good in the middle of the image at F 6.3 quite sharp but contrast is a Little low the corners still look all Right though stop down to f8 and the Corners look a little sharper and Brighter and the middle now has a lot More contrast however on an aps-c camera Sensor diffraction comes in a bit sooner And you'll quickly notice softness Emerging at about f11 so the lens isn't Quite as impressive on an aps-c camera But that's still a very good performance Overall Let's take a look at Distortion and Vignetting now on a full-frame camera The following images are taken with In-camera corrections turned off the Lens hovers from a little pin cushion Distortion throughout the entire Zoom Range also at its by test apertures Vignetting is a little heavy with Noticeably dark Corners stop down to f8 Or f11 for those Corners to brighten up Whether you're zoomed out at 60 Millimeter or zoomed in to 600. okay

Let's take a look at close-up image Quality now if you zoom all the way into 600 millimeter then the lens can get you Pretty close to your subject but here's An Easter egg for you zoom back out to 200 millimeter and you can access the Lens's best magnification ratio of Nearly one to two getting you very close To smaller subjects nice at F 5.6 that Close-up image quality is fairly sharp Although color fringing is noticeable However stop down to f8 for excellent Close-up sharpness to emerge making this A lens with great macro cable abilities Now let's see how well the lens works Against bright lights when zoomed out Barely any flaring is visible at all and Contrast remains very high if you zoom All the way in a little glaring is Visible when bright lights are directly In your image but overall this is Actually a great performance from a lens For 27 glass elements sigma's Ghostbusters team have been working hard Again Finally let's take a look at the quality Of this lenses boxer they mostly look on The good side of neutral to me not quite The softest I've ever seen but neither Are there any obvious problems overall Well Sigma here have taken their Excellent 60 to 600 millimeter lens for Digital SLR cameras and improved the Autofocus and image stabilization made

It a little smaller a little lighter a Little sharper and now you won't need an Adapter to get it onto your mirrorless Sony camera who could ask for anything More the lens's price is still Restrictive though but if you want Something like this in your camera bag Then it goes without saying you have to Pay for it so it's not bad value for Money by any means especially Considering how unbelievably useful it Could make itself for you so it comes Highly recommended Foreign Let me tell you a secret over 10 years Of doing this I'm still not sick of Testing camera lenses I still love them But it's still a lot of work to make all These free camera lens reviews Especially of bigger lenses like this so If you find them helpful and you'd like To help me out then check out my patreon Page below where supporters get all Kinds of exclusive bonus content ciao For now everyone

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